Nitrogen fertilizers are made from ammonia (NH3), which is sometimes injected into the ground directly. The ammonia is produced by the Haber-Bosch process.[5] In this energy-intensive process, natural gas (CH4) supplies the hydrogen, and the nitrogen (N2) is derived from the air. This ammonia is used as a feedstock for all other nitrogen fertilizers, such as anhydrous ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) and urea (CO(NH2)2).
Deposits of sodium nitrate (NaNO3) (Chilean saltpeter) are also found in the Atacama desert in Chile and was one of the original (1830) nitrogen-rich fertilizers used.[12] It is still mined for fertilizer.[13]

All phosphate fertilizers are obtained by extraction from minerals containing the anion PO43−. In rare cases, fields are treated with the crushed mineral, but most often more soluble salts are produced by chemical treatment of phosphate minerals. The most popular phosphate-containing minerals are referred to collectively as phosphate rock. The main minerals are fluorapatite Ca5(PO4)3F (CFA) and hydroxyapatite Ca5(PO4)3OH. These minerals are converted to water-soluble phosphate salts by treatment with sulfuric or phosphoric acids. The large production of sulfuric acid as an industrial chemical is primarily due to its use as cheap acid in processing phosphate rock into phosphate fertilizer. The global primary uses for both sulfur and phosphorus compounds relate to this basic process.
In the nitrophosphate process or Odda process (invented in 1927), phosphate rock with up to a 20% phosphorus (P) content is dissolved with nitric acid (HNO3) to produce a mixture of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) and calcium nitrate (Ca(NO3)2). This mixture can be combined with a potassium fertilizer to produce a compound fertilizer with the three macronutrients N, P and K in easily dissolved form.[15]

Potash is a mixture of potassium minerals used to make potassium (chemical symbol: K) fertilizers. Potash is soluble in water, so the main effort in producing this nutrient from the ore involves some purification steps; e.g., to remove sodium chloride (NaCl) (common salt). Sometimes potash is referred to as K2O, as a matter of convenience to those describing the potassium content. In fact potash fertilizers are usually potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, potassium carbonate, or potassium nitrate.[16]

Compound fertilizers, which contain N, P, and K, can often be produced by mixing straight fertilizers. In some cases, chemical reactions occur between the two or more components. For example, monoammonium and diammonium phosphates, which provide plants with both N and P, are produced by neutralizing phosphoric acid (from phosphate rock) and ammonia

We burn through more of it per capita than any other country; and our appetite for it can only be sated with massive imports.

No, not oil — I’m talking about nitrogen fertilizer. With only 5 percent of the world population, the U.S. consumes nearly 12 percent of the globe’s annual synthetic nitrogen fertilizer production. And we’re producing less and less of it at home — meaning that, as with petroleum, we’re increasingly dependent on other nations for this key crop nutrient.

In a sense, the answer to the question of where our food comes from is not some vast Iowa cornfield or teeming North Carolina hog factory. It’s places like the Port Lisas Industrial Estate on the Caribbean island nation of Trinidad and Tobago, where 10 natural gas-sucking ammonia plants produce about a quarter of the nitrogen fertilizer used by American farmers.

Nitrogen fertilizer production is tied directly to natural gas, the energy source used in the United States to synthesize nitrogen-rich ammonia from thin air. So you could also imagine our food coming from some vast natural gas deposit in the Gulf of Mexico or off of Trinidad. Nearly as much as grain elevators or supermarkets, off-shore gas rigs count as vital food-system infrastructure.

So you are trying to tell me that salt ferts are not directly tied to the petrol chemical industry??????? You guys are smoking to much of that diluted tumble weed. How is this any different then Monsanto?
I've seen a documentary last year, a native Indian girl did a journal on the suicide of her uncle and found out gmo seeds was the reason that lead him to his grave along with thousands of other Indians, she said the gmo seed which was suppose to be pest resistance, drought resistance and more yields for little ferts was bs. Farmers with high hope invest all their money into and lost everything
I think she had a Canadian film crew to helped her logged this somewhere on youtube
I've seen a documentary last year, a native Indian girl did a journal on the suicide of her uncle and found out gmo seeds was the reason that lead him to his grave along with thousands of other Indians, she said the gmo seed which was suppose to be pest resistance, drought resistance and more yields for little ferts was bs. Farmers with high hope invest all their money into and lost everything
I think she had a Canadian film crew to helped her logged this somewhere on youtube

I hear you I do not doubt nor am I saying Monsanto is not evil. But I am saying that GB with his tinfoil hat theories about Monsanto and Health Canada and Cannabis are a stretch. Maybe one day they will get in but as of now I think they have their eyes set on the bigger picture and cannabis is just a small part of that, like so small like 0000000.001 % small.
I have watched guys tumble it, I have heard guys talking about the dip. This is o joke, and that is not including the fact they use spray for pest.

Well I do not care about your "Trust" I am not looking for your trust, I am point out truth, if you do not want to listen or care, then I do not care. This info is for people who buy BC bud, or commercial bud in general. I have seen it, there are even guys on youtube who brag about tumbling it, they show you the damn tumbler machines.
I had a 2 year window I could only get my hand on BC bud, I got sick from that weed. I used to get lung infections all the fucing time. Soon as I started growing again and only buying from growers I know the infections stopped, but of course that is not proof enough, but I can tell you the cannabis is tamped with. And now with this rosin crazy and shatter crazy, it is even more tempting to dilute the Cannabis. ' hey weed not getting you high any more? buy this expensive ass rosin or shatter, by the way it has all the THC that should to be in your dope." lol
Like I said you do not have to trust me, I am not trying to sleep with you. but if you do care then buyer beware....... Unless you grow your own you will never 100% know what is in or on it.
you got crappy BC Bud. it doesn't mean it's all crap. i have been using it for many many years and have not had anything you spoke of.
if that same guy who sold it to you lived in another province, would you paint their bud the same?
i think you'd know it depends on the grower in ANY province. i don't think ALL BC Bud is the way you describe it as all the people i know who use cannabis here in BC are still alive and kicking
I'm not saying they are but the things the i come up on without even trying to look for it, it mostly involve Monsanto, I know I'm a little paranoid but it makes a great conversation lol.
If rumors are true about Monsanto taking gh then you don't think they wouldn't change out the ingredients and make it so that non genetically modified strains would die and all the while genetically modified version are 4 to 8 times toleratable to it?
Lol the word trust should never be used in the same sentence as Monsanto, HC, government, or LP's. I would trust my ex before any of these crooks.

One of the biggest problems I have with the whole medical program is Health Canada itself. It is an out of control, useless government puppet, with no regard for patients, and incompetent management. They are the very essence of the term hypocrite, harassing MJ patients, reluctantly implementing MJ programs they clearly don't support, all while approving and controlling the distribution of pharma meds with arm long lists of potential side effects, many including death.

Subscribe to some of their notifications, read about the drugs they approve for distribution, recall notices etc. and you'll get a clearer picture of how bad things are. Any organization that would approve pharma meds like that while actively doing whatever they can to harass MJ patients needs to be eliminated.

Health Canada needs to be dismantled. Their role needs to be focused on helping patients, nothing else. They have evolved into a self-serving, government puppet culture with way too much influence from big pharma. Off with their heads I say!

Thanks for the space to rant about HC, I hate them as much as @The Hippy hates LP's - lol
Health Canada is quite simply the organ through which private corporations may influence public policy for their own gain.
I'm not saying they are but the things the i come up on without even trying to look for it, it mostly involve Monsanto, I know I'm a little paranoid but it makes a great conversation lol.
If rumors are true about Monsanto taking gh then you don't think they wouldn't change out the ingredients and make it so that non genetically modified strains would die and all the while genetically modified version are 4 to 8 times toleratable to it?
Yes its true they bought GH, the rest of your theory requires one hell of a tin foil hat however
Calyxcrusher maybe you're right lol, not that I follow up on this things but seeing things being said in more then just one documents and reading about it will bring out the paranoid side of me out, so if you'll excuse me I'll go construct a tinfoiled hat and crawl into a foetal position lol
Who do you trust ?

Me. And a few select others (growers).

Ultimately it comes down to need, so I usually will use the "any port in a storm" approach rather than do without. That said, after finding out that Monsato has anything to do with anything at the LP level I no longer consider any of the LP's as a port.

I will hold back on a Monsanto rant, instead I suggest you check out for the encyclopedia of Monsanto evils. Other than that, I do not and will never again eat corn. I decided about 20 years ago that corn is cow food. Now it is just poison, unless for some reason glysophate has some unknown positive effect on your personal health.

Also I do not recall hearing that the Bayer/Monsanto deal has been approved yet. Really hoping it fails, otherwise they will have too much control.
Yes its true they bought GH, the rest of your theory requires one hell of a tin foil hat however

I have yet one person to show me any legal/financial paper work that shows Monsanto owns even .05% of Scott’s. For those trying to say Monsanto owns GH, Botanicare or Gavita how do you know the weed you bought is not grown by a rapist, molester, wife beater, killer or someone with any other colourful past, yet you hapr on something that is minute compared to what people have done to weed to grow it and sell that stuff to others.