I'm voting for McCain....

Originally Posted by Inneedofbuds
I've never been proud of this country either

that makes the fourth time you've quoted the same line, in four different threads, that i'm not even talking in. If you want to attack me personally, use pm's, that way you dont have to waste everyone elses time.
that makes the fourth time you've quoted the same line, in four different threads, that i'm not even talking in. If you want to attack me personally, use pm's, that way you dont have to waste everyone elses time.

It's not a waste of time. It's illustrative. I know Vi isn't a racist, from reading his thousands of posts, and now I know you hate your country.
Well, guess what...I'm not too proud of this country either.Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.This government is shit.There's a difference between saying you're a patriot and actually being one.The whole shut your mouth, salute the flag, support the troops thing is just a way to make you conform.Symbolism, and when you realize those symbols mean nothing, it's the people behind them you need to look at, then, you'll understand where the folks who aren't proud of this country are coming from.
Well, guess what...I'm not too proud of this country either.Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.This government is shit.There's a difference between saying you're a patriot and actually being one.The whole shut your mouth, salute the flag, support the troops thing is just a way to make you conform.Symbolism, and when you realize those symbols mean nothing, it's the people behind them you need to look at, then, you'll understand where the folks who aren't proud of this country are coming from.

Howard Zinn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


As a historian, Zinn came to believe that the point of view expressed in traditional history books was often limited. He wrote a history textbook, A People's History of the United States with the goal to provide other perspectives of American history. The textbook depicts the struggles of Native Americans against European and U.S. conquest and expansion, slaves against slavery, unionists and other workers against capitalists, women against patriarchy, and African-Americans for civil rights.

In the years since the first edition of A People's History was published in 1980, it has been used as an alternative to standard textbooks in many high school and college history courses, and is one of the most widely known examples of critical pedagogy. According to the New York Times Book Review it "routinely sells more than 100,000 copies a year".
I kave been proud of this country many times...the first time I remember was after president kennedys death...the country pulled together like a family...
1- His choice of Palin.
2- His word.
3- Obama.
4- Biden
5- Pelosi
6- Byrd

What do you mean? Why are these good things about John McCain?
Can anyone else tell me positive aspects of John McCain, his campaign, his policy?
I'm looking for reasons to vote for him.
I saw that AIG owns an airline with over 1000 747 jets...they are talking about selling off assets...they could have sarah palin sell them on ebay....