So...what's good about McCain again?
Again, please. I'm looking for specifics.
So...what's good about McCain again?
Again, please. I'm looking for specifics.
welcome to the black hole that is debating CC.
that makes the fourth time you've quoted the same line, in four different threads, that i'm not even talking in. If you want to attack me personally, use pm's, that way you dont have to waste everyone elses time.
Well, guess what...I'm not too proud of this country either.Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.This government is shit.There's a difference between saying you're a patriot and actually being one.The whole shut your mouth, salute the flag, support the troops thing is just a way to make you conform.Symbolism, and when you realize those symbols mean nothing, it's the people behind them you need to look at, then, you'll understand where the folks who aren't proud of this country are coming from.
1- His choice of Palin.
2- His word.
3- Obama.
4- Biden
5- Pelosi
6- Byrd
What do you mean? Why are these good things about John McCain?
Can anyone else tell me good things about him? His policy?
I saw that AIG owns an airline with over 1000 747 jets...they are talking about selling off assets...they could have sarah palin sell them on ebay....
being a muslim, obama can't sell an airplane....She'll be busy meeting with foreign dignitaries. Maybe Obama will have time.
being a muslim, obama can't sell an airplane....
bidens wife and I will help...Biden then? Wait, Bidens son?
bidens wife and I will help...
yep...I have a weakness for blondes...are you a blonde? come you did not post a pic in the hottest girl at rollitup thread?She a looker?