Imagine Obama saying this

Sounds to me like someone who actually understands the problem and wants to fix it.

Why do you all hate Russia so much? Is it Racism?

Let me break it down for you........Axis powers...Germany, Italy, Japan....all our "closest Allies"

But for some reason Russia who was our ALLY, and then our ENEMY, can not be our ALLY again?
Sounds to me like someone who actually understands the problem and wants to fix it.

Why do you all hate Russia so much? Is it Racism?

Let me break it down for you........Axis powers...Germany, Italy, Japan....all our "closest Allies"

But for some reason Russia who was our ALLY, and then our ENEMY, can not be our ALLY again?

If you trust Putin, you're a dumbass. Russia could be our ally, if their leaders showed any true intention of wanting that. It's too bad, most Russian people probably hate Putin, we have that in common. Putin has violated our trust time and time again, then turns around and lies about it, sound familiar?
If you trust Putin, you're a dumbass. Russia could be our ally, if their leaders showed any true intention of wanting that. It's too bad, most Russian people probably hate Putin, we have that in common. Putin has violated our trust time and time again, then turns around and lies about it, sound familiar?

What did you think was going to happen when the Obama administration "hacked" the Russian elections? Oh that didn't happen? Talk about destroying trust, but no, that can not be the reason why he does what he does.

All the Russian people do not hate Putin
murdering journalists, dissenters, gay people.

but hey, i heard they just passed a bill to decriminalize wife beating (not even joking).

No one said we had to be like them, or like they other countries that are our allies, you know in Turkey they do the exact same things but not a peep about that.....they can however be a useful ally against terrorism. Wake up
stop parroting trump lies.

russia is not remotely interested in fighting terrorism.

tell me, are the anti-aircraft missiles around syria there to shoot down ISIS planes?

Russia has been fighting terrorism for longer than we have.....Afganistan. Oh you thought they invaded them to take all their natural resources, maybe the opium fields?

I would imagine they are there to protect their interests there. Or you thought the Patriot missile batteries were there for the SCUD's the Iraqi's had?
What did you think was going to happen when the Obama administration "hacked" the Russian elections? Oh that didn't happen? Talk about destroying trust, but no, that can not be the reason why he does what he does.

All the Russian people do not hate Putin

Got a source for the hacking claim?

Move to Russia and report back to me in a few years. You have no clue. Have you been under a rock for the last 15 years? Russia has military ambitions beyond Ukraine and Syria. Putin's domestic policies oppress and silence any political dissent and opposition. Who knows how many say they support Putin out of fear, still few Russians trust their government. Quality of life is low compared to other countries, average net disposable income is about half of the US, wealth inequality is more extreme than here.
Russia has been fighting terrorism for longer than we have.....Afganistan. Oh you thought they invaded them to take all their natural resources, maybe the opium fields?

I would imagine they are there to protect their interests there. Or you thought the Patriot missile batteries were there for the SCUD's the Iraqi's had?

you are really fucking dumb. so dumb that you buy trump's lies and attempt to pass them off to people who are not as dumb as you are.

Got a source for the hacking claim?

Move to Russia and report back to me in a few years. You have no clue. Have you been under a rock for the last 15 years? Russia has military ambitions beyond Ukraine and Syria. Putin's domestic policies oppress and silence any political dissent and opposition. Who knows how many say they support Putin out of fear, still few Russians trust their government. Quality of life is low compared to other countries, average net disposable income is about half of the US, wealth inequality is more extreme than here.

Gee whiz, are you so naïve that you didn't know America has been "hacking" elections all over the world for the last 72 years?

I did not say I wanted to be like Russia. I said they would be a useful ally against terrorism. There is political dissent in every country with a government. At least we would be talking.
Gee whiz, are you so naïve that you didn't know America has been "hacking" elections all over the world for the last 72 years?

I did not say I wanted to be like Russia. I said they would be a useful ally against terrorism. There is political dissent in every country with a government. At least we would be talking.

You're not listening. Saying it again and exaggerating it even more while implying I'm stupid doesn't prove anything. It makes you a hypocrite for calling anyone who insults you a radical, but if you can't provide a credible source then you are the mislead, not I. Of course I know America has meddled in other country's elections, doesn't mean we can trust Russia today.

They would be a useful ally, but did you see Buck's map? They aren't cooperating with us. If anything, they are testing us and seeing what they can get away with.