Imagine Obama saying this

You're not listening. Saying it again and exaggerating it even more while implying I'm stupid doesn't prove anything. It makes you a hypocrite for calling anyone who insults you a radical, but if you can't provide a credible source then you are the mislead, not I. Of course I know America has meddled in other country's elections, doesn't mean we can trust Russia today.

They would be a useful ally, but did you see Buck's map? They aren't cooperating with us. If anything, they are testing us and seeing what they can get away with.

If you could read Russian you could get your source easily. Oh you think the United States Government leaks that info and its in the press? I guess I could try to find old news articles from the 80's showing where we did it all over Central and South America though I doubt it is digital. You really think it was limited to just that region. If anything they were testing the previous regime, because we haven't heard a lot about it lately. That map shows them bombing terrorists.

Stick to community activism you are better suited to the inbred locals that think as you do.
If you could read Russian you could get your source easily. Oh you think the United States Government leaks that info and its in the press? I guess I could try to find old news articles from the 80's showing where we did it all over Central and South America though I doubt it is digital. You really think it was limited to just that region. If anything they were testing the previous regime, because we haven't heard a lot about it lately. That map shows them bombing terrorists.

Stick to community activism you are better suited to the inbred locals that think as you do.

Your reading comprehension is zero. And you would trust the Russian Kremlin-controlled media over the US media? Or is it that the only US sources you find are far right conspiracy sites? No way that Putin would ever tell Russians we tried to hack them to demonize us, right?

Move to Russia, I dare you. Until then you are simply a dumbass blowing hot air.
Your reading comprehension is zero. And you would trust the Russian Kremlin-controlled media over the US media? Or is it that the only US sources you find are far right conspiracy sites? No way that Putin would ever tell Russians we tried to hack them to demonize us, right?

Move to Russia, I dare you. Until then you are simply a dumbass blowing hot air.

Stop PCXV even your supporters are shaking their heads at how ignorant you make yourself look.

I trust ZERO media. However if you listen and read "all" sides you might actually find the truth.

"No way that Putin would ever tell Russians we tried to hack them to demonize us, right?" you have about half of that right. If you know Putin as well as you think you do what would his reply be? To do the same to us? Get that hamster going in your head and understand that's why I said "If you could read Russian you could get your source easily"

Did I say I liked Russia or that I wanted to be like Russia? No. I said they could be a useful ally.
youre a sock thats joking right?

Rule #5 “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

What you said is nothing more than that.
Stop PCXV even your supporters are shaking their heads at how ignorant you make yourself look.

I trust ZERO media. However if you listen and read "all" sides you might actually find the truth.

"No way that Putin would ever tell Russians we tried to hack them to demonize us, right?" you have about half of that right. If you know Putin as well as you think you do what would his reply be? To do the same to us? Get that hamster going in your head and understand that's why I said "If you could read Russian you could get your source easily"

Did I say I liked Russia or that I wanted to be like Russia? No. I said they could be a useful ally.

What supporters? You literally know nothing, why are you puffing yourself up so big? Relax for a second.

Your worldview is amess with cognitive dissonance. You say you believe zero media, then where do you get your information? How do you fact check? Why would you blindly trust Obama hacked Russian elections? Does it make sense, did we gain anything? You sound like a shallow conspiracy theorist, possibly on uppers.

Can you read Russian? Do you trust Russia? Why do you think they would want to help us?
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No one said we had to be like them, or like they other countries that are our allies, you know in Turkey they do the exact same things but not a peep about that.....they can however be a useful ally against terrorism. Wake up
Da fuck?

Are you seriously so scared of a few idiots with AK-47s running around in the desert in the other side of the planet that you advocate crawling in bed with the guy who annexed the Crimea and started a war against (our ally by treaty) Ukraine... In just the past few years?

A few Islamic extremists are just not a credible security threat to our nation or our allies. Russia most certainly is.

Dude, time to turn off Faux Spews and actually get your fucking facts straight.
If you could read Russian you could get your source easily. Oh you think the United States Government leaks that info and its in the press? I guess I could try to find old news articles from the 80's showing where we did it all over Central and South America though I doubt it is digital. You really think it was limited to just that region. If anything they were testing the previous regime, because we haven't heard a lot about it lately. That map shows them bombing terrorists.

Stick to community activism you are better suited to the inbred locals that think as you do.
Your word salad is lacking flavor and meaning.

Us 'Colorado inbred locals' form some of the most educated and cosmopolitan population centers in the entire country. You are the one acting the Hick, fool.

I have more foreign policy experience in my family than you can even imagine exists. You are at best a sucker for the right wing line of bullshit, possibly a shill for them- but most likely a completely uninformed buffoon who's so used to talking out your ass you wouldn't know facts on the ground if they fell on you.


You're babbling proof that being aggressively stupid does not give you credibility.
are you really this stupid?

and learning how to pluralize words is third grade level shit, you fucking moron.


Rule #5

what's it like to have a tiny penis that is unsatisfying to women?

I don't know? If you had first hand knowledge would you tell anyone?

Answer that first.
Your word salad is lacking flavor and meaning.

Us 'Colorado inbred locals' form some of the most educated and cosmopolitan population centers in the entire country. You are the one acting the Hick, fool.

I have more foreign policy experience in my family than you can even imagine exists. You are at best a sucker for the right wing line of bullshit, possibly a shill for them- but most likely a completely uninformed buffoon who's so used to talking out your ass you wouldn't know facts on the ground if they fell on you.


You're babbling proof that being aggressively stupid does not give you credibility.

Wait till you see his post in the other
thread. Had me in fucking tears!:lol:
Rule #5

what's it like to have a tiny penis that is unsatisfying to women?

I don't know? If you had first hand knowledge would you tell anyone?

Answer that first.

Rule #1
Putin is friend who Obama hacked then the flag wavers won and we don't like Trump but he does good job so you just ridicule I no trust media and Putin is good for terrorist bombings in South and Central America elections they could be good allies so can you read russian?
Your word salad is lacking flavor and meaning.

Us 'Colorado inbred locals' form some of the most educated and cosmopolitan population centers in the entire country. You are the one acting the Hick, fool.

I have more foreign policy experience in my family than you can even imagine exists. You are at best a sucker for the right wing line of bullshit, possibly a shill for them- but most likely a completely uninformed buffoon who's so used to talking out your ass you wouldn't know facts on the ground if they fell on you.


You're babbling proof that being aggressively stupid does not give you credibility.

Experience in being stupid is just that. I guess that's why it comes so easy to you. Maybe you had to say that to make yourself feel better after posting this.

Da fuck?

Are you seriously so scared of a few idiots with AK-47s running around in the desert in the other side of the planet that you advocate crawling in bed with the guy who annexed the Crimea and started a war against (our ally by treaty) Ukraine... In just the past few years?

A few Islamic extremists are just not a credible security threat to our nation or our allies. Russia most certainly is.

Dude, time to turn off Faux Spews and actually get your fucking facts straight.

That same attitude is what started all the terrorist trouble in the world. A few Islamic extremists are what brought down the towers.

No one said crawl in bed with anyone. Using them as an ally to accomplish a National Security goal IS good Diplomacy. And by the way, who was in charge when all this Russian stuff started? People with the same foreign policy experience you learned?
Rule #1
Putin is friend who Obama hacked then the flag wavers won and we don't like Trump but he does good job so you just ridicule I no trust media and Putin is good for terrorist bombings in South and Central America elections they could be good allies so can you read russian?
Experience in being stupid is just that. I guess that's why it comes so easy to you. Maybe you had to say that to make yourself feel better after posting this.

That same attitude is what started all the terrorist trouble in the world. A few Islamic extremists are what brought down the towers.

No one said crawl in bed with anyone. Using them as an ally to accomplish a National Security goal IS good Diplomacy. And by the way, who was in charge when all this Russian stuff started? People with the same foreign policy experience you learned?

Nothing you say here makes any sense.

Please stop trying to talk about foreign policy until you actually learn some.