You're not listening. Saying it again and exaggerating it even more while implying I'm stupid doesn't prove anything. It makes you a hypocrite for calling anyone who insults you a radical, but if you can't provide a credible source then you are the mislead, not I. Of course I know America has meddled in other country's elections, doesn't mean we can trust Russia today.
They would be a useful ally, but did you see Buck's map? They aren't cooperating with us. If anything, they are testing us and seeing what they can get away with.
If you could read Russian you could get your source easily. Oh you think the United States Government leaks that info and its in the press? I guess I could try to find old news articles from the 80's showing where we did it all over Central and South America though I doubt it is digital. You really think it was limited to just that region. If anything they were testing the previous regime, because we haven't heard a lot about it lately. That map shows them bombing terrorists.
Stick to community activism you are better suited to the inbred locals that think as you do.