Well-Known Member
Listen it's cool that you want to believe in conspiracy theories. That's your right as a human person.
Just know, I don't. I feel badly for people that are seemingly so unhappy in their own lives with the things they can't control that they feel the need to waste time on these balderdash lies so that they can feel like they're a part of something.
I'm not anyone that can tell you how to spend your time. But here's a little experiment. Clock every hour in a week that you spend researching these alternative theories, Every hour you spend reading about them. Then go to your local victims services Center and the next week spend every hour that was once spent conspiracy theory-hunting volunteering your time to help those in need.
Report how you feel at the beginning and the end of each week. Spoiler alert: you are going to feel a much higher sense of pride and accomplishment after the week where you donate your time and energy helping those in need.