fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

much different from last years frantic clean up after torrents... glad the weather's treatin you better... the trees are looking great... much love brother
I bet you get a huge adrenaline rush right before you take her down. I always get one when I take a crop.

And I bet it will be weird walking out the next morning and things not being the same.
how about u post ur very first grow........so i can see a plant of ur that doesnt make me want to kill my self..........this is my first year growing and it looks like we are growing a different kind of plant.......ur plants are bigger than my dwarf peach trees that are 5 years old......lol
i can only grow to 5 feet total including the pot in the greenhouse......love to have ur laws and weather
Looks excellent man !

Those buds just look beautyfull, so many there ;)

You'r gona be loaded with buds ! Have fun today.....
looking good but harvesting now? i was thinking we here in calie had like 3-4 more weeks? also how the fuck did you get a broken leg? damn i will post pics of mine soon. and see how much time i have left i was thinking 2-3 weeks but we will see. goodluck today and let us know how it goes. jeff
:clap: nice grow man!! this is my first post, so everyone whats up....i've been following this grow all year, much props, is that the santa berry your gettin ready to harvest? smoked some santa berry earlier this year, was some pretty bomb shit, nice smooth smoke! i know your bout to have some fun trimming all that!
FDD. Ever heard of getting allergic to something you are near to much? All that trimming has to have effects. Well see me i've never had more than a p to trim at a time. :( Need a hand? Fly me out for a couple days i'll help! :))) LOOKS ABSOLUTELY AWESOME. What you put in is what you get out. Man those pics show what you put in. AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME. Great work my friend.
looking good but harvesting now? i was thinking we here in calie had like 3-4 more weeks? also how the fuck did you get a broken leg? damn i will post pics of mine soon. and see how much time i have left i was thinking 2-3 weeks but we will see. goodluck today and let us know how it goes. jeff

caught me. hehehhehe. good question. this is one of my hijack plants. i put it out too early and it almost started to flower. it got just to the point of putting out a few calyxes then it flipped back into veg. it never fully went back though. all summer long it's been throwing out those 3 fingered leaves and little calyxes everywhere. it's just been waiting. so once the days started getting shorter it went in pretty fast. so this one plant is about 3 to 4 weeks ahead of everything else. i won't be trimming for a few weeks after this one. it has a lot of funky airy buds on it as well because of it funky cycle. :leaf:
:clap: nice grow man!! this is my first post, so everyone whats up....i've been following this grow all year, much props, is that the santa berry your gettin ready to harvest? smoked some santa berry earlier this year, was some pretty bomb shit, nice smooth smoke! i know your bout to have some fun trimming all that!

welcome to rollitup. i'm glad i could suck you in to all this. :weed::-P:-P