Reasons grasscity blows compared to rollitup


Well-Known Member
I quit going to that site when I was bashed by mods for having a different opinion. I'm not talking about actually insulting me for any real purpose either. I said something next thing I know a mod is writing a long ass hateful reply complete with insults to my momma. I made it a point to be as big of a pain in the ass as possible. Once I even seriously suggested that a mod cook and eat his dead dog. :)

Not to mention they have mods that openly claim gang sets like the crips and shit. How childish can you be?
west side. :cool:


New Member
google it idiot, you might learn what not to do. eeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

I would generally classify this as a "troll" comment. No mention of the Op, no constructiveness what so ever, just "trolled" in and insulted someone.

Under the pretext that the very first person to use the term "troll" in regards to a forum was asked the same question, "what does troll mean?" had they responded with, "google it you idiot" technically there would only be one google reference, the one they were both just a part of.
Troll = In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum

128 characters typed to answer the question
you typed 76 characters, more than half that ......^ actual answer. Just to try and insult someone that spends more time in their garden than on the net, hence their ignorance of the term.
to be honest i signed up for GC, and NEVER got a confirmation E-mail, therefore my ACC was never confirmed.

So, i came to RIU and im glad i did.


Well-Known Member
lol fuck grASSCITY
Some things never change. Grass City still sucks! The moderators apply the rules unevenly and give the old-timer trolls carte blanch. There's very little useful information being shared -- the signal to noise ratio is very, very low.


bud bootlegger
Some things never change. Grass City still sucks! The moderators apply the rules unevenly and give the old-timer trolls carte blanch. There's very little useful information being shared -- the signal to noise ratio is very, very low.
just a head's up dagwood, but it's rather frowned upon to bump super old threads, just an fyi.
did you get banned from gc?


bud bootlegger
Where as Trump supporters are a ridiculed minority here, for obvious reasons, they seem to be
as common as flies on shit over at GC. Maybe GC is just shit.
yeah, i was honestly shocked to see how many right leaning members are over there, i honestly think there's more rights than lefts there easily.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Where as Trump supporters are a ridiculed minority here, for obvious reasons, they seem to be
as common as flies on shit over at GC. Maybe GC is just shit.
I was thoroughly unimpressed by GrassShitty. They censor everything they do not like to a far greater degree than what occurs here on RIU. Hell I got banned for no reason at all. I didn't break any rules, just poked fun at an idiot moderator named Yoda. He's a far-right knuckle dragging moron in disguise.
ICgreen is another total cunt. :dunce: