"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

Billions of gas burning cars on the planet and you have some weird notion that everybody is simply going to stop driving them. You seem to think we, as a species, are headed towards some blissful utopia. Tell me how we rebuild our infrastructure when we can't even fix the water in Flint.
Consumer vehicles produce a fraction of a percent compared to industry, electricity production and freight.
The biggest driver of "climate change emissions" is animal agriculture. The fact that its very rare for climate activists to speak about this just highlights the dishonesty and hipocracy of the whole "movement."
Solar panels is drop in the bucket, if you really want to change then switch your diet to avoid all animal products. spoiler: barely any of you will do it
The biggest driver of "climate change emissions" is animal agriculture. The fact that its very rare for climate activists to speak about this just highlights the dishonesty and hipocracy of the whole "movement."
Solar panels is drop in the bucket, if you really want to change then switch your diet to avoid all animal products. spoiler: barely any of you will do it

^^^this is just plainly stupid at every level.
One thing nobody can ever know is what another person is thinking. You don't have the imagination or is it intelligence to even get close to what I think. The water in Flint will get fixed. Not in the time frame anybody wants but it will get fixed. Same with climate change. The issue is how long it will take, not "if".

You have the imagination of a termite.

Awww, you live in an imaginary world. That must be really fun for you. I find it kind of cute.

Meanwhile humanity suffers on the daily due to money and corrupt politics. They could have fixed the problem in Flint years ago. If people sincerely cared they would have. You just keep dreaming about unicorns though and everything will be fine.
there are solutions to move forward but the media is almost no help. but yeah, humans, can't live with em ... are you for The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement ?

I'm for living a good life and for doing the best I can. I look around and see things for what they are. Man, as a whole, is a very selfish species. People will march over the top of homeless people sleeping on the sidewalk while they carry signs and chant about freedom and rights.

We are on a downward spiral and will create our own demise. Whether it be nuclear war or over population, or a 100 other destructive scenarios. Planting windmills and capturing some sun certainly won't same us. It would take a lot more than that.
Well this generation didn't fuck it off but we rather inherited it. I believe South Park hit the nail on the head with this one.
There are enough resources to put every single person on the planet in a mansion of their own, enough to feed them every single day for the rest of their life, enough to let them go to the doctor for every boo boo...

But it seems most of us are just bald chimps with guns.
There are enough resources to put every single person on the planet in a mansion of their own, enough to feed them every single day for the rest of their life, enough to let them go to the doctor for every boo boo...

But it seems most of us are just bald chimps with guns.

I'm glad someone else understand.
The biggest driver of "climate change emissions" is animal agriculture. The fact that its very rare for climate activists to speak about this just highlights the dishonesty and hipocracy of the whole "movement."
Solar panels is drop in the bucket, if you really want to change then switch your diet to avoid all animal products. spoiler: barely any of you will do it

Are you coming to the conclusion that the issue is within mankind's grasp to correct? If so, I'm with you there.

Agricultural practices may be a large factor in recent increases in carbon dioxide levels. It's not methane from cows. Some theories suggest quite bit of CO2 could be due to depleting carbon in soil from the use of synthetic fertilizer and pesticides. That said, burning fossil fuels is the largest cause.
There are enough resources to put every single person on the planet in a mansion of their own, enough to feed them every single day for the rest of their life, enough to let them go to the doctor for every boo boo...

But it seems most of us are just bald chimps with guns.
Sure- but their kids are all fucked.
The biggest driver of "climate change emissions" is animal agriculture. The fact that its very rare for climate activists to speak about this just highlights the dishonesty and hipocracy of the whole "movement."
Solar panels is drop in the bucket, if you really want to change then switch your diet to avoid all animal products. spoiler: barely any of you will do it
you know, i here people say animal ag, other industries..., cars. course i'm in california and hang around smart people but i here activists all over talking about all three. i think it's the companies that sell to the consumers that need to change their product and or sourcing and practices. if i waste water on a long shower during a drought am i the problem or is it the industries that waste 1000s of gals a day and the climate causing the problem? this works for cars and more., if i can only afford to spend 20 gs or less on a car i can't get a prius and if i want a nice car with eco mileage for any price i don't have many choices. it is my opinion that people generally shouldn't have to change their whole life to avoid being used by destructive companies. wasn't shit wrong with eating meat when it wasn't a largely damaging industry .. unless you have a problem killing something with emotions but people are so carnivorous it's macabre.
I'm for living a good life and for doing the best I can. I look around and see things for what they are. Man, as a whole, is a very selfish species. People will march over the top of homeless people sleeping on the sidewalk while they carry signs and chant about freedom and rights.

We are on a downward spiral and will create our own demise. Whether it be nuclear war or over population, or a 100 other destructive scenarios. Planting windmills and capturing some sun certainly won't same us. It would take a lot more than that.
yeah i feel you. i just think 1 outa 5 unwoke are wakable and the slavers might be technically man, we are too.
At the end of the day, the eco-nuts want less humans on earth and some form of marxism.