Held at gun point last night


Well-Known Member
Nice description of yourself.how's your home depot bucket grow coming along?
More random questions, boi? Sure, I'll play along, I've got a few minutes before I head out for the day to spend money.
My turn: What's it like to kowtow to a psychotic meth addict and an alt-right trailer shrew? Wait, no need to answer.

Ohhhhh, Abe, tsk tsk tsk....surely you of all people ought to keep those 'meltdown' allegations in check, eh? Can you say i-r-o-n-y? LOL!
Also: How are you not banned after those pages of rambling madness last night? Yikes....

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Ohhhhh, Abe, tsk tsk tsk....surely you of all people ought to keep those 'meltdown' allegations in check, eh? Can you say i-r-o-n-y? LOL!
Also: How are you not banned after those pages of rambling madness last night? Yikes....
Don't wave your finger at me, I'm just playing w you. I thought the actual irony was you referring to me as 'cruel' lastnight. Coming from you, that is definitely worth a giggle. Banned? Wtf Lou don't become a cop, that doesn't suit you at all.


Well-Known Member
More random questions, boi? Sure, I'll play along, I've got a few minutes before I head out for the day to spend money.
My turn: What's it like to kowtow to a psychotic meth addict and an alt-right trailer shrew? Wait, no need to answer.

Ohhhhh, Abe, tsk tsk tsk....surely you of all people ought to keep those 'meltdown' allegations in check, eh? Can you say i-r-o-n-y? LOL!
Also: How are you not banned after those pages of rambling madness last night? Yikes....
nobody believes you


Well-Known Member
Don't wave your finger at me, I'm just playing w you. I thought the actual irony was you referring to me as 'cruel' lastnight. Coming from you, that is definitely worth a giggle. Banned? Wtf Lou don't become a cop, that doesn't suit you at all.
Get professional help, Abe.

Seriously, no insult/ill will intended - get help. I'm embarrassed for you at this point.

Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member
You want me to make sweet love to you, while your wife holds the camera...
Or, do you prefer to hold the camera?
I want you to log out and never come back.

I want you to get the help you obviously need.

I want you to stop acting like a lil girl.

I want you to leave C2G the fuck alone.

I want you MAN UP and quite trying to play the victim card.

But obviously my "wants" will once again fall on deaf ears. Have fun being you Abe. I'm off for sushi and Sake with the homies.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
I want you to log out and never come back.

I want you to get the help you obviously need.

I want you to stop acting like a lil girl.

I want you to leave C2G the fuck alone.

I want you MAN UP and quite trying to play the victim card.

But obviously my "wants" will once again fall on deaf ears. Have fun being you Abe. I'm off for sushi and Sake with the homies.
Spaz much? enjoy your sushi


Well-Known Member
Man you must really miss me. You have been tugging at my shirt tails for a long time. You are definitely not one to point fingers at anyone regarding mental health. Is it fair to say you have longterm mental health issues? I'm just wondering how you view yourself.
I suffer from long bouts of depression/anxiety and such. You know where I rest about myself. I told you to get help, I have a therapist and psych that I have seen regularly. I feel no need for them now but ya when I get bad I have taken myself into the e.r for my saftey and others.

I ain't done it since but thanks for asking, chap

Edit: naw let's talk about your issues, make a coffee and type up a story bruh


Well-Known Member
you cannot run from addiction.

this is fact

IF you want drugs they will be found

I tried moving away 10 years ago and am back in my home city finally quitting for good
Drugs are everywhere. Moving will do nothing. I work in the hood at times blocks away from my old haunts. I'm am 8 years clean from heroine. You have to make your mind up is all. I'm not suggesting to go hang out with or around bad situations but for me I could be around it now with no desire. Having my first child woke me up. I didn't want my son to grow up without a dad.


Well-Known Member
Drugs are everywhere. Moving will do nothing. I work in the hood at times blocks away from my old haunts. I'm am 8 years clean from heroine. You have to make your mind up is all. I'm not suggesting to go hang out with or around bad situations but for me I could be around it now with no desire. Having my first child woke me up. I didn't want my son to grow up without a dad.
Good job on sobriety. I also chose to get clean, not too long ago.

I was told by an older head when I asked how he quit. His answer was simple "I wanted too" sounds like bs but it really is true.

Some will never quit others eill die trying.

Also a good tip is a slip os not relapse, so many feep qhen they slip it means they relapsed and they throw away all the other days they have invested.


Well-Known Member
Good job on sobriety. I also chose to get clean, not too long ago.

I was told by an older head when I asked how he quit. His answer was simple "I wanted too" sounds like bs but it really is true.

Some will never quit others eill die trying.

Also a good tip is a slip os not relapse, so many feep qhen they slip it means they relapsed and they throw away all the other days they have invested.
Sayin no feels so good when you can finally do it bro.


Well-Known Member
Good job on sobriety. I also chose to get clean, not too long ago.

I was told by an older head when I asked how he quit. His answer was simple "I wanted too" sounds like bs but it really is true.

Some will never quit others eill die trying.

Also a good tip is a slip os not relapse, so many feep qhen they slip it means they relapsed and they throw away all the other days they have invested.
No desire here kids need me and filled my heart with so much love I could never go back


Well-Known Member
Sayin no feels so good when you can finally do it bro.
I have it on me all day. I love heroin don't get me wrong but some people irl are proud I am getting sober and maybe it was a root of other issues. I seem happier and Iam no longer passing out in public restrooms falling asleep in my chair wakimg up is easier. My arms look cleaner but still usually always long aleeve in public eh

I ranted sorry

Edit to clarify im not happier per se but I am learning to be happy without opes in me 24/7

Uuuugh okie i said enough.