"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

No fucking shit. That's exactly what I've been saying for the past 2 years.

Fuck the Democratic party. They don't represent you. Why the fuck would you support them? The only reason you support them is because you think they're the only "opposition" to the Republican party.

Educate yourself

If you think fighting for the poor and middle-class is some kind of progressive "purity test", you can rightly go fuck yourself. This is what it means to be progressive. Politicians that waver that in favor of corporate interests don't give a fuck about lower classes.

I'm done explaining this to people like you. You had your chance and you failed. It's time for you to sit aside.
Speak for yourself, dead ender.

I do in fact think that the Democratic party is the best representative of the working classes of this country. There are progressives that I really like in the Democratic Party, including both Senators and four Representatives from Oregon.

You are outraged about a few democrats who represent conservative districts voting for Rick Perry. I'm not. Those representatives are needed to win back Congress and as I said, dumb shit, they support important goals like repealing Citizens United and civil rights for more than just white folk like you. Which explains why you are so comfortable spouting progressive rhetoric yet appealing for Republican rule. White men like you will be just fine under the fascists.

You haven't explained anything, fool. All you've done is revealed how inflexible and uncompromising you are. Loser
Speak for yourself, dead ender.

I do in fact think that the Democratic party is the best representative of the working classes of this country. There are progressives that I really like in the Democratic Party, including both Senators and four Representatives from Oregon.

You are outraged about a few democrats who represent conservative districts voting for Rick Perry. I'm not. Those representatives are needed to win back Congress and as I said, dumb shit, they support important goals like repealing Citizens United and civil rights for more than just white folk like you. Which explains why you are so comfortable spouting progressive rhetoric yet appealing for Republican rule. White men like you will be just fine under the fascists.

You haven't explained anything, fool. All you've done is revealed how inflexible and uncompromising you are. Loser
Keep up the identity politics, watch how far it get's ya, corporatist shill
Keep up the identity politics, watch how far it get's ya, corporatist shill
Identity politics is the new undefined bogey man. Look it up. Identity politics are just groups of people with common interests banding together to achieve a common goal. This could be progressives. Or African Americans. Or reactionary right wing white separatists. Coming together to achieve a common goal is as old as this country. Corporatists want to break our democracy and the best way to do that is to split apart people who vote as a block. So, yeah, I'll keep up the identity politics. Progressives in Oregon are a force to be reckoned with in Oregon. Ron Wyden is a thorn in the side of corporate america and my group, or identity whatever, strongly supports him.

You can side with Trump and the 0.1% elite.
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Speak for yourself, dead ender.

I do in fact think that the Democratic party is the best representative of the working classes of this country. There are progressives that I really like in the Democratic Party, including both Senators and four Representatives from Oregon.

You are outraged about a few democrats who represent conservative districts voting for Rick Perry. I'm not. Those representatives are needed to win back Congress and as I said, dumb shit, they support important goals like repealing Citizens United and civil rights for more than just white folk like you. Which explains why you are so comfortable spouting progressive rhetoric yet appealing for Republican rule. White men like you will be just fine under the fascists.

You haven't explained anything, fool. All you've done is revealed how inflexible and uncompromising you are. Loser
Keep up the identity politics, watch how far it get's ya, corporatist shill

Both viewpoints are needed. The Left needs extremists just as the Right has benefited from them.

They create the conditions under which more moderate voices can actually create change.

The status quo is without a doubt not working for the vast majority of Americans, so things need to change. Extremists are catalysts for change.

I'm unconvinced the current crop of Democrats in office- blue dogs or any other variety- are living up to their responsibilities to represent the other 90% of us. The extreme left will provide a boot to kick their asses in the proper direction or create the conditions for their replacement with those who will.
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No. I've fished 18650 batteries out of laptop packs and cordless drills.....its a pain in the ass, each one is 3.7 nominal voltage and maybe 2500 mAH.
You need hundreds. You can divide them into "modules" of 3.7v which you can run in series to get to whatever voltage your inverter takes.

Newer type 18650's go up to 5000mAH.

Essentially you're making a number of high capacity batteries and running them in series.

The way you subdivide them depends on your desired application but note that the Tesla battery packs work exactly this way.
Both viewpoints are needed. The Left needs extremists just as the Right has benefited from them.

They create the conditions under which more moderate voices can actually create change.

The status quo is without a doubt not working for the vast majority of Americans, so things need to change. Extremists are catalysts for change.

I'm unconvinced the current crop of Democrats in office- blue dogs or any other variety- are living up to their ridicules to represent the other 90% of us. The extreme left will provide a boot to kick their asses in the proper direction or create the conditions for their replacement with those who will.
There are groups within the Democratic Party that work to replace conservative representatives with more left leaning candidates regardless of party affiliation. Conservative Democrats elected into office either beat that group's choice or the district was considered not winnable by a more progressive candidate.

Voters hate Congress but love their own representatives. Your criticism of Congress seems to be universal. What do you think of your own rep? I'm pretty happy with my own.
You need hundreds. You can divide them into "modules" of 3.7v which you can run in series to get to whatever voltage your inverter takes.

Newer type 18650's go up to 5000mAH.

Essentially you're making a number of high capacity batteries and running them in series.

The way you subdivide them depends on your desired application but note that the Tesla battery packs work exactly this way.

I like the LG's. The brown ones. They 're only 3kmah but they're super safe in terms of going into thermal runaway.
I like the LG's. The brown ones. They 're only 3kmah but they're super safe in terms of just venting rather than go into thermal runaway.
I haven't done the full house thing yet but I've made some 11.1v packs with just 3 cells in series for small electronics (can be easily converted to down to 5v or 3.3v, because 7.2 is too close to 5v for some regulators) and some larger packs (3 x 50 cell) for some stuff I was doing with big capacitors...

They're infinitely scalable though, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
I haven't done the full house thing yet but I've made some 11.1v packs with just 3 cells in series for small electronics (can be easily converted to down to 5v or 3.3v, because 7.2 is too close to 5v for some regulators) and some larger packs (3 x 50 cell) for some stuff I was doing with big capacitors...

They're infinitely scalable though, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

I generally grasp ohm's law. Did you ever see the soln1 portable generator? The lifepo pack was pretty impressive I was think about something like that for the lake to replace the venerable deepcycle lead acids someday. Some of the rc avi clubs have solar charge stations that are cool as fuck.
I generally grasp ohm's law. Did you ever see the soln1 portable generator? The lifepo pack was pretty impressive I was think about something like that for the lake to replace the venerable deepcycle lead acids someday. Some of the rc avi clubs have solar charge stations that are cool as fuck.
Looks like they have a prototype of a "portable" 2000w panel, that coupled with a decent lithium cell battery bank means you could literally plug into a tree someday.

You see any of the lithium powered bikes? They're coming on a lot, it's just trying to put the power to the road without huge waste that's an issue because the electric motor spools up vastly faster than a gas motor.

They're lacking in... character though.
Looks like they have a prototype of a "portable" 2000w panel, that coupled with a decent lithium cell battery bank means you could literally plug into a tree someday.

You see any of the lithium powered bikes? They're coming on a lot, it's just trying to put the power to the road without huge waste that's an issue because the electric motor spools up vastly faster than a gas motor.

They're lacking in... character though.

Those panels could be attached to individual outlets and hopefully could be "eco"nomically friendly soon.

On the bikes I'm gonna need a big red killswitch lol I've had carbs stuck open before, its not fun. I think I would miss the engine gyro a little bit if I'm balancing at a crawl or a stop but they look fun. I like the stealth line that kinda challenges bicycle laws.
Those panels could be attached to individual outlets and hopefully could be "eco"nomically friendly soon.

On the bikes I'm gonna need a big red killswitch lol I've had carbs stuck open before, its not fun. I think I would miss the engine gyro a little bit if I'm balancing at a crawl or a stop but they look fun. I like the stealth line that kinda challenges bicycle laws.
That's why I argue so strongly for solar, the panels are now practical from an efficiency standpoint and more adoption means lower prices, which means more adoption.
Looks like they have a prototype of a "portable" 2000w panel, that coupled with a decent lithium cell battery bank means you could literally plug into a tree someday.

You see any of the lithium powered bikes? They're coming on a lot, it's just trying to put the power to the road without huge waste that's an issue because the electric motor spools up vastly faster than a gas motor.

They're lacking in... character though.
a "portable" 2000w panel? just one panel does 2KW?

please "Citation needed"

and do you really think the problem with elecric bikes is that they are just too powerfull and spin their energy away????

please "citation needed"

as much a problem as the denialists are

the "pipedreamers" are as bad if not worse

please dont for get those citaions tho
a "portable" 2000w panel? just one panel does 2KW?

please "Citation needed"

and do you really think the problem with elecric bikes is that they are just too powerfull and spin their energy away????

please "citation needed"

as much a problem as the denialists are

the "pipedreamers" are as bad if not worse

please dont for get those citaions tho
Google is your man, "portable" as in not affixed to a permanent structure (hence the quotation marks).

Maybe a change of tampon is an idea too?
Google is your man, "portable" as in not affixed to a permanent structure (hence the quotation marks).

Maybe a change of tampon is an idea too?
are you unaware of the imprtance of say "citations"?

you claimed a 2000w portable panel

as i said

"the "pipedreamers" are as bad if not worse"

butterflies and rainbows and wishing everyone else to google your truthiness will never sovle our climate troubles
There are groups within the Democratic Party that work to replace conservative representatives with more left leaning candidates regardless of party affiliation. Conservative Democrats elected into office either beat that group's choice or the district was considered not winnable by a more progressive candidate.

Voters hate Congress but love their own representatives. Your criticism of Congress seems to be universal. What do you think of your own rep? I'm pretty happy with my own.

Jared Polis (D, Colo 2nd district) is my congressional representative. I guess that puts me in the camp of (mostly) happy with my own rep but unhappy with the rest of Congress, lol
There are groups within the Democratic Party that work to replace conservative representatives with more left leaning candidates regardless of party affiliation. Conservative Democrats elected into office either beat that group's choice or the district was considered not winnable by a more progressive candidate.

Voters hate Congress but love their own representatives. Your criticism of Congress seems to be universal. What do you think of your own rep? I'm pretty happy with my own.
My problem with the path of moderation is that recent history has shown that it isn't working.