Future weapon or a load of shit?


Well-Known Member
I asked you first Buckold.

Also, you still haven't answered if brown people scare you.
You talk a lot about them, but I don't see you jumping at the chance to go help them.

Quid pro dildo.


Well-Known Member
I asked you first Buckold.

Also, you still haven't answered if brown people scare you.
You talk a lot about them, but I don't see you jumping at the chance to go help them.

Quid pro dildo.

and of course you end your hot pile of garbage with yet another invocation of your closeted homosexual fantasies. uncanny.


Well-Known Member
Have a nice cry snowfake?

Yes...I asked you first.
Normal conversation (even debate) just assumes both decorum and display of ability to answer a question as well as ask one to be an important part of it.

Why do you think I ignore yours?

Ain't no pro bono here. (both the legal definition and Sonny).


Well-Known Member
Nice dodge, but I answer questions on occasion.

Why don't you? Some special form of dyslexia or just run of the mill stupidity?


Well-Known Member
If more Americans were like you we would be fucked.
if more americans were like you, our military would be crippled by mental disability and the loss of one side of their body.

YOU are the reason other americans have higher health insurance premiums too, mooch.


Well-Known Member
if more americans were like you, our military would be crippled by mental disability and the loss of one side of their body.

YOU are the reason other americans have higher health insurance premiums too, mooch.
I paid taxes for 34 years. Then I had a stroke. I have asked you several times what you do for a living. Obviously you still are growing dope. So how long has California been legal? Are you a care giver? So don't give me shit about my situation. I have paid way more taxes than you. Like I said all you do is talk, And Ruin my threads.


Well-Known Member
It's "Aleppo".
It doesn't matter.....he knows what I meant and is still ducking his "muslims are people too!"
shit by not stepping up.

Go over to your "misunderstood people" Buckold and tell me how tolerant and loving they will be to you.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter.....he knows what I meant and is still ducking his "muslims are people too!"
shit by not stepping up.

Go over to your "misunderstood people" Buckold and tell me how tolerant and loving they will be to you.
wow, you made it one post without a vivid depiction of gay, male on male sex of some kind.



Well-Known Member
I'm waiting for you to make one w/ content.

I'm supposed to die when you do, but yet I have no fear of that. ;)

EDIT : Where'd your poll go? :(


Well-Known Member
I paid taxes for 34 years. Then I had a stroke. I have asked you several times what you do for a living. Obviously you still are growing dope. So how long has California been legal? Are you a care giver? So don't give me shit about my situation. I have paid way more taxes than you. Like I said all you do is talk, And Ruin my threads.
^^^Totally not what a cop would ask^^^