From my perspective the economy is fine. I have a job, the firm I'm working for is looking at expanding, and I've gotten sizable raises the last two years.
I've continued to invest (and I've taken paper losses, but not real losses) and I've continued to spend. I'm travelling up to Michigan this week end, I went to Albuquerque in February, to Iowa in May, to Albuquerque again in August. Yes, some segments of the economy (banking and residential construction) are in a big slowdown, but the rest of the economy is moving right along.
Media fear mongering should be punished the same way they punish people for shouting fire in a crowded theater, with criminal charges and fines.
The Dow recovered 400 points of that drop today, speculators reacting to the market.
Lehman Brothers was acting stupid,
AIG was caught on the wrong side of CDOs, and that was one branch of their company. The other divisions of AIG are profitable.
Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs issued income releases showing a profit for the last quarter.
I find it very deeply unsettling that John McCain thinks that our economy is strong. Allow yourself to see just how frightening this is. Bear-Stearns, Countrywide Financial, Merrill-Lynch, American International Group (AIG) all ACQUIRED BECAUSE THEY WERE GOING TO GO BANKRUPT.
Here are the ones that actually have GONE BANKRUPT; Metropolitan Savings Bank, NetBank, Miami Valley Bank, Douglass National Bank, Hume Bank, ANB Financial, First Integrity Bank, IndyMac Bank, First National Bank, First Heritage Bank, ...First Priority Bank. ELEVEN BANKS/FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS... This is utter madness, mind you this has ALL BEEN IN THE TIMESPAN OF LESS THAN A YEAR!
And now, Lehman Brothers, a ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-EIGHT YEAR OLD FINANCIAL INSTITUTION IS FILING FOR BANKRUPTCY PROTECTION (bank/credit union/whatever number TWELVE). This is scary people and if American's don't fucking wake up now and realize that John McCain is NOT going to be the kind of problem solver we need, WE ARE GOING TO REGRET IT MORE THAN 'Dubbya' STEALING THESE LAST EIGHT YEARS!
McCain Policies Will Support Reasonable Economic Growth:
Though that is actually open to debate, depending on which economic theories you believe. For some one that believes in Adam's Smith Theories on the Markets it makes sense.
Low individual tax rates - sole-proprietorships, partnerships, landlords and others are taxed under the individual income tax.
Access to capital from low tax rates on dividends and capital gains.
Minimizing expensive mandates - such as those for health insurance and pro-union initiatives like card check.
Enhancing international competitiveness to keep jobs here; not abroad.
All I see here is a business friendly plan. What happened to worker protection, environmental protection, retirement protection, etc. Basically, it looks like more tax cuts for the rich. McCain/Palin are the rich guys front man/woman, fuck everyone else. A vote for them is a vote for Bush III, or better known as Bush 44
- A lower corporate tax rate.
- Improved investment and research incentives to ensure that workers have the most modern technology.
Right?? When business is cutting jobs and moving overseas and CEOs are making 1,000 times the money of the average employee, turning full time jobs into part time so they don't have to pay benefits etc, yeah real good for the worker eh Vi?Business friendly plans ARE worker protection.
John McCain and Herbert Hoover, and the Hooverville shanties. What would we call them today? McCainville shanties or McPalinville shanties. I doubt that the economy will turn around very fast even if Obama gets elected, This Bush crowd has fucked it to tears, but if McPalin gets in, be prepared to go to tent city.Growing 'tent cities' blamed on foreclosure crisis -
MOVE TO.............
Tent cities !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!