Moving to Cali in 2 Weeks! 18yrs Old

I was born there, Burbank 1950, wonderful place as a kid. Then growth became malignant. As an 8-9 yr old I could ride my bike thru miles of orange groves; by the time I could drive a car at 16, 60% of the groves were gone and it was housing and light industry
My mom left my dickhead so cal dad when she was pregnant. :-D I spent most of my funnest years, having to go down south for the summer being miserable.
Sorry Aero, I felt like that after I got out of the Army and went home and finished college. Went to grad school in Davis and realized I'd never be happy unless I lived in a rural place
You know, not that I have any hatred for anyone, especially based on race, but I expected Georgia (i.e. Columbus and Augusta)--being that it's pretty deep in the South--I expected it to be primarily blue collar or redneck white people. I don't think I have ever seen so many Black/African American people before, even in NYC.
After a long and painful road of grinding. I'm finally moving to Cali!

Hey man , I was actually just introduced to these guys this past weekend, I stay on the east coast, and this type of music is not very popular among people around here but I think they have some really jammin music . I don't particularly like their punk rock stuff but the other stuff they do is freaking awesome not sure what exactly to call it but it's great music , I actuallywatched a couple of their live recorded shows and they sound great live I'd love to go watch one of their shows
U guys have any advice for targeting new hogan stripers? @Indacouch ? I've Been skunked every time I make the trip, mainly trolling umbrella rigs. Shouldn't the next few spring months be the best ?
this was when it used to be good there:

In the summer and In a bass boat, you wait until you see a boil then speed up to the boil and throw your super spook, i always liked the super spook in white with a little red on it for this.

But the last time i fished there, around 6/7 yrs ago, it had been getting worse and worse by the year. And then with the drought? Who knows.

I've heard of people having luck pulling anchovy, but i've never done it. Probably out of your way but the dudes at outdoor sportsman in stockton should know.

Good luck bro, lemme know how it goes.