"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

is that a trick question?

yes it is most certainly a woo woo site

The samples themselves contained 0.3 becquerels/m3 of the isotope, a relatively small amount that some researchers and corporate media outlets say poses “no risk to humans or the environment.” However, there is no such thing as “safe” amounts of radiation, which is particularly true of radioactive cesium as it imitates potassium within the body.

Are Our Bodies Radioactive?
Are our bodies naturally radioactive?

Yes, our bodies are naturally radioactive, because we eat, drink, and breathe radioactive substances that are naturally present in the environment. These substances are absorbed by our bodies, into our tissues, organs, and bones, and are constantly replenished by ingestion and inhalation.

From the radionuclides that are present in our bodies, the average man in the United States receives an effective dose of about 0.3 mSv each year. This is about one-tenth (or 10 percent) of the 3.1-mSv dose that the average U.S. man who weighs 70 kg receives each year from all sources of natural background radiation (not including medical sources). For women and children, the dose is less, in rough proportion to their smaller bodies.

More information is available in the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) Report 160, Ionizing Radiation Exposure of the Population of the United States. A pie chart in this report shows dose contributions from various natural background radiation sources, and the contribution from our own bodies can be found by adding the dose from potassium-40 and from thorium and uranium and their decay products (discussed in more detail below).

Pro tip: any site that has a "metaphysics" section is a woo woo site..
Your point * snipped*
in case you missed it the first time

Here is the comparison that should light up the hearts of the antinuclear crowd. A conventional 1,000-megawatt reactor produces about 20 metric tons (44,000 lbs.) of high-level waste a year, and that material needs to be safely stored for 100,000 years. The 500-megawatt Transatomic reactor will produce only four kilograms (8.8 lbs.) of such waste a year, along with 250 kilograms (550 lbs.) of waste that has to be stored for a few hundred years.
Use molten uranium in a molten salt coolant, and fission byproducts are easily removed; over 99% of the fuel is fissioned.

83% of the fission byproducts are safe in 10 years; 17% safe in 350 years; a fraction have long half-lives, but would remain in the reactor until they absorb a neutron and decay to short term byproducts.
Here’s a breakdown of ARC’s benefits:

  • Burns more of its own raw radioactive fuel
  • Burns other reactors’ spent fuel
  • Shuts down automatically if there’s a problem
  • Is built in small modules than can be expanded
  • The waste it does generate needs to be stored for just a few hundred years.
is that a trick question?

yes it is most certainly a woo woo site


Pro tip: any site that has a "metaphysics" section is a woo woo site..
I promise to get a better article or link in and debunk more of your bunkness later. When i'm on a better device with more time. Your call is important to us and will be answered in the order received. Being the you are a jerk and also a science dening safety overlooking dumbacrat , your call is received later. Please do not try to call back in the mean time as your call will be ignored. Have a blessed day. And remember water is the best thing for hangovers
I promise to get a better article or link in and debunk more of your bunkness later. When i'm on a better device with more time. Your call is important to us and will be answered in the order received. Being the you are a jerk and also a science dening safety overlooking dumbacrat , your call is received later. Please do not try to call back in the mean time as your call will be ignored. Have a blessed day. And remember water is the best thing for hangovers
lol where do i ignore safety? because i dont run around screaming hysterically everytime Fukishima is mentioned?
Natural Radioactivity in the Ocean
How much natural radioactivity is found in the world's oceans?

All water on the Earth, including seawater, has some radionuclides in it. In the following table, the oceans' volumes were calculated from the 1990 World Almanac:

  • Pacific = 6.549 x 1017 m3
  • Atlantic = 3.095 x 1017 m3
  • Total = 1.3 x 1018 m3
The activities used in the table below are from 1971 Radioactivity in the Marine Environment, National Academy of Sciences:

Natural Radioactivity by the Ocean
Activity used
in calculation
Activity in Ocean
Pacific Atlantic All Oceans
Uranium 0.9 pCi/L
(33 mBq/L) 6 x 108 Ci
(22 EBq) 3 x 108 Ci
(11 EBq) 1.1 x 109 Ci
(41 EBq)
Potassium 40 300 pCi/L
(11 Bq/L) 2 x 1011 Ci
(7400 EBq) 9 x 1010 Ci
(3300 EBq) 3.8 x 1011 Ci
(14000 EBq)
Tritium 0.016 pCi/L
(0.6 mBq/L) 1 x 107 Ci
(370 PBq) 5 x 106 Ci
(190 PBq) 2 x 107 Ci
(740 PBq)
Carbon 14 0.135 pCi/L
(5 mBq/L) 8 x 107 Ci
(3 EBq) 4 x 107 Ci
(1.5 EBq) 1.8 x 108 Ci
(6.7 EBq)
Rubidium 87 28 pCi/L
(1.1 Bq/L) 1.9 x 1010 Ci
(700 EBq) 9 x 109 Ci
(330 EBq) 3.6 x 1010 Ci
(1300 EBq)