Before & After pics .... Ouch


Well-Known Member
yesterday, i walked out to my garden. i heard rustling inside one of my plants. i walked over towards it and 3 birds flew out. then i heard one chirping inside it. i had to spread the branches open to try to see it. it flew out that backside. i just stood there giggling for 10 mins.

Fdd rolls out to the south 40 to check on th'trees. He decides it's a bit chilly back at the ranch, so he fells a 30' skunk plant and leaves it there to dry...

Hugh Hefner rolls by with the girls, just stopping in for breather, say's Hef, wanted to hang in the forest for a bit...

Fdd says cool. I was just about to jump in the cessna and do some go around to the north 40...

Tommy Chong and Jorge Cervantes are in Fdd's office, strumming some CCR and peeping some trichromes under the scanning electron microscope for a High Times cover.

Dude...I know books have been written about your horticulture skillz...but can I ghostwrite your autobiography?

I'll work for some of that firewood... :grin:


Well-Known Member
Fdd rolls out to the south 40 to check on th'trees. He decides it's a bit chilly back at the ranch, so he fells a 30' skunk plant and leaves it there to dry...

Hugh Hefner rolls by with the girls, just stopping in for breather, say's Hef, wanted to hang in the forest for a bit...

Fdd says cool. I was just about to jump in the cessna and do some go around to the north 40...

Tommy Chong and Jorge Cervantes are in Fdd's office, strumming some CCR and peeping some trichromes under the scanning electron microscope for a High Times cover.

Dude...I know books have been written about your horticulture skillz...but can I ghostwrite your autobiography?

I'll work for some of that firewood... :grin:
i'd love to write a book but i don't have the skills. i have hella stories and a good idea for it all. i just need to put it together. hmmmmmmmm :leaf:

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
Well we are at day 17 of flowering !

I am happy so far but now its starting too be alot of work to keep rotating them at every feeding !

I noticed a big difference between the ones directly under the lamp versus those a little off to the sides.

Here are a couple of pics, comments are welcome....:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Well we are at day 17 of flowering !

I am happy so far but now its starting too be alot of work to keep rotating them at every feeding !

I noticed a big difference between the ones directly under the lamp versus those a little off to the sides.

Here are a couple of pics, comments are welcome....:leaf:
they don't look too bad. is it helping by moving them? it looks like you have pretty good reflective material and nice even light coverage. when you put the short ones under the light do they catch up?

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
The 4 plants that are directly under the lamp really branch out and get big fat ass fan leaves and after a week they are about 2 inches taller than the rest and when I rotate them the others catch back up...... I never thought that 14 plants would completely fill up a 4X8 space !!!!


Well-Known Member
why you regreting it now.... gettin to tall for ya?? also how old were they. there looking nice. even tho u raped um. lol


Well-Known Member
not to get off base, but i couldnt find anywhere in the thread about your light, my closet setup is about the same size, im squeezing in a 3x3, 9 x 5galls, under a 400w and figured i would rotate like your doing now...if so your results look great...aside from the bombardment you got about the hair cuts lol =)


Well-Known Member
i will be upgrading the light system in the closet, the recurring theme i keep reading is more light = more yield thanks and keep it up, love the pix +

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
All is not lost though.....this is what I am doing this week end 1

I am installing a 400w to do my vegging and the 1000w will be for flowering this way I will be able to harvest 16 plants a month !!!


Well-Known Member
soiunds good QBB, my train of thought is get going 6 mothers and go sog, my closet the i am using is 3'x3', but total usable space is 3x6 so i could fill up with 9 to 12 plants and still have space for storage and maintainance

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
If you want that many plants you will definitely have to go SOG otherwise you will only be able to fit 6 max 8 when they me on this !

I had 11 in a 2X4 space and they got crowded real fast !!!!


Well-Known Member
ay big dog these are the same plants that you alledgedly "raped"?? Cause my plants are stunted and i steadily trimmed off those HUGE fan leaves...hoping that the plant would take that same energy and put it elsewhere...A.K.A. the buds.Seems to have worked fine!?

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
ay big dog these are the same plants that you alledgedly "raped"?? Cause my plants are stunted and i steadily trimmed off those HUGE fan leaves...hoping that the plant would take that same energy and put it elsewhere...A.K.A. the buds.Seems to have worked fine!?
They are the same plants but I only rapped them once !
Then I switched them over to flowering immmediately :shock: