The UK Growers Thread!

comon mate your the first to say pics or didnt happen? the link to these duckfoot autos?

nowt against you geezer but moggy was a twat.

Yes I am the first to say pics or it didn't happen mate but I'm also a man with integrity who doesn't talk shit as you well know.

Why would I say I've seen something if I haven't?

I've got a vial of auto cross beans (2 kinds) sat in my fridge that most definitely came from him, I doubt that he made it up that he made them himself because at the price auto beans go for nobody gives 30+ away for free for no reason whatsoever other than "Here. have a crack".

Given that, what's so hard to believe about a ducks foot cross?

I don't give a shit about the guy as a person or as a grower, I only defended his knowledge of unusual strains and that what he's told me about the G13 makes more sense to me than anything I've heard elsewhere.

Ad Hominem towards him personally doesn't change a thing.

Margaret Thatcher was a complete scumbag of a person but she was a brilliant politician and public speaker. lol

Give me a break mate, I'll post it when I find it.
It took me ages to come across it the first time, I'm not gonna pull my bollocks out now finding it just to prove I've seen it. And I came across it by accident in the first place trawling through his threads to find out where he'd posted last and how long ago so I could track him down.
Yes I am the first to say pics or it didn't happen mate but I'm also a man with integrity who doesn't talk shit as you well know.

Why would I say I've seen something if I haven't?

I've got a vial of auto cross beans (2 kinds) sat in my fridge that most definitely came from him, I doubt that he made it up that he made them himself because at the price auto beans go for nobody gives 30+ away for free for no reason whatsoever other than "Here. have a crack".

Given that, what's so hard to believe about a ducks foot cross?

I don't give a shit about the guy as a person or as a grower, I only defended his knowledge of unusual strains and that what he's told me about the G13 makes more sense to me than anything I've heard elsewhere.

Ad Hominem towards him personally doesn't change a thing.

Margaret Thatcher was a complete scumbag of a person but she was a brilliant politician and public speaker. lol

Give me a break mate, I'll post it when I find i.
It took me ages to come across it the first time, I'm not gonna pull my bollocks out now finding it just to prove I've seen it. And I came across it by accident in the first place trawling through his threads to find out where he'd posted last and how long ago so I could track him down.

i no you aint lying about seeing it yman or else you would have posted it when you mentioned it mate but gotta give ya some grief about the claim with no proof lolol comon geezer its the uk thread lolol
now billy imo aint dead for shit hes about as dead as chedz lolol

dead or not that fuck that bloke (billy) could spin a yarn like no other, bloke was a champion bullshitter lol

I reckon he is, I heard from a trusted source face to face that he was possibly offed for scamming naughty people and that it wasn't OD.

Suppose we'll never know mind you.

He was defo a funny bullshitting cunt though, he rang me up one time randomly about 10:30pm saying his pal had come into a load of pure MDMA and wanted it turning into crystal and could I do anything with it for him.
The money he was offering was fucking ridiculously laughable (pennies in the grand scheme of things) and when I started asking questions about where it came from and what it looked like the answers were vague and far from convincing, he couldn't answer a remotely serious question about it straight up, like he was trying to hide something or it wasn't all what it seemed to be.

Fuck me if someone supposedly comes into 11 litres of freebase and can't google how to to turn it into crystal in a few hours then they're in the wrong fucking game. lol

11L of oil is some serious money, that's a fuck ton of pills.
i know the source yman face to face n all that lol but wheres the proof there is none but ''dura'' say so lol imo billy lives on lol

Of course it's all speculation and hear say.

Nobody's got any proof of anything unless we take a fucking photo/video of shit going down at the time. :lol:
Of course it's all speculation and hear say.

Nobody's got any proof of anything unless we take a fucking photo/video of shit going down at the time. :lol:

caught that one before the delete lol

thats it mate all hearsay, but billy owed many not just onlne lol way to convenient to die and only person who really backed it not on phone calls was some1 who owed him money i.e dura lmao
Lol Dura didn't @R1b3n4 have a hard on for him yet when he came on it was one post, I'm a student now vibe, did I miss some legend or was it all man love?
caught that one before the delete lol

thats it mate all hearsay, but billy owed many not just onlne lol way to convenient to die and only person who really backed it not on phone calls was some1 who owed him money i.e dura lmao

I rarely delete shit, don't know what you mean there.

As I say, the person I spoke to face to face seemed to know that he was killed for owing naughty folk a lot of money.
But yeah, I asked them if they knew this for a fact, took their word for it (not being really bothered) and we moved on to another subject.
It might be bollocks and it might not be, we'll probably never know for a fact with 100% proof.

I did try finding any reports of his supposed death by using what I believed to be his real name but came up short.

But with Billy his name could have been fucking made up like his storys. lol
dunno about pregnant pauses but i had thread pause i think, staying at the ex's at the mo for whatever reasons shes giving me this weird fucking eye whilst im getting me post on last night n laughing to me-self, apparently the weird eye was the comon lol gave her one n bed lol

fuckng women i need to go home.....

night lads.