Yeah I'm expecting the odd troll here and there in this journal. Usually pre made leds attract trolls like flies to dog shit, on a hot day lol
I rate Budmaster led, but seriously, who else is there in the UK to rate anyway? Grow northern has stopped their hs1 panel, now have an hs2 panel, but it seems easier to get a trip to the moon than get one of them. Plus, that's not what I wanted anyway. I don't a 75w led, that ain't going to suit my set up at all. Plantphotonics leds are driven at 90w, so Budmasters 50w will surely outlast them. It's a big expense, I want them to last years! Plus Plantphotonics cobs look like diy panels anyway.
In the UK, there is nobody else! When you talk about pre made panels, you are talking bigger money than diy cobs, so warranty is important. Yeah you pay through the nose, but you get quality and you get looked after!