Animated Suspension Clonal Storage


Well-Known Member
I store clones for years in a test tube with no roots. Not a plant, but a sterile cutting. I have six cuts stored this way for three years and the rest vary from months to a year and a half.
When ready ,my cutting is extracted from the tube and either prepped for traditional rooting or used as a donor for another cutting.
I prepare the tubes first and use as needed. The tubes/chems are viable indefinitely if carefully stored in the refrigerator without cuts, and with cuts , stored in a cool, lit area with no disturbances.
I fancy these cuts as rootless marijuana materials, not plants, they dont root. I dont keep moms and this proves to be a swell record keeper for me.

other growers storing/shipping clones this way?

What?! I have never heard of this. So you take a cutting, put it a test tube, put it in the fridge and it is good for a few years? Take it out and clone it as you need? Suspended animation in a fridge. This would be great for keeping plant numbers low and preserving genetics.
The part that is even better is they aren't plants, and wouldn't fall under your rec plant count limits. There are strains I'd love to keep clones of but have no way to do it without blowing out my plant count.

Do you have a link to the procedure?
What?! I have never heard of this. So you take a cutting, put it a test tube, put it in the fridge and it is good for a few years? Take it out and clone it as you need? Suspended animation in a fridge. This would be great for keeping plant numbers low and preserving genetics.

not exactly, "The tubes/chems are viable indefinitely if carefully stored in the refrigerator without cuts, and with cuts , stored in a cool, lit area with no disturbances.
The part that is even better is they aren't plants, and wouldn't fall under your rec plant count limits. There are strains I'd love to keep clones of but have no way to do it without blowing out my plant count.

Do you have a link to the procedure?

you've arrived !

1) sterilize tubes and caps
2) mix SACS sauce (suspended animation clonal storage)
3) fill test tube 1/3 full with sauce and cap
4) when SACS solidifies sterilize cuttings and place cut end to bottom of tube and cap.

in racks undisturbed storage units are placed under cfl lighting in a room temp/cool area such as a closet shelf.
I remember reading about this a couple yrs ago. Didn't realize it was actually in practice. At the time this dude was attempting to bring it to market. o_O
So its not actually "cryo" per say, so no need for rapid cooling?
Can you show us a couple pics...even one? I love anything that'll save space!
SACS sauce is a special mixture of basal salts and hormones. Theres a ton of premixed packs available but none will
perform this way unless tweaked.

Sterilizing the plant material is difficult. I use bleach, 70% iso and water, tween. Its not a 100% of course, no lab here. If not cleaned the sample molds quickly. I do discard some moldy bits here and there but getting better with ever try.
I remember reading about this a couple yrs ago. Didn't realize it was actually in practice. At the time this dude was attempting to bring it to market. o_O
So its not actually "cryo" per say, so no need for rapid cooling?
Can you show us a couple pics...even one? I love anything that'll save space!

right, there is no cooling of plants or substrate. I notice storage temps over 76 will deteriorate the substrate so I keep them around 70 with good results. I dont market anything, or sell anything either.Just a cooter in the woods here with too much time on my hands. A grower friend that I've known for a few years is dong this also, he gets more moldy bits but does have an impressive stock collected in just a year.

you know me, I'm camera shy, but maybe, one day here will share more pics
I dont claim to understand the science or even know why this works for me, but its been working and
I think it could help me manage prized varieties in the future if I put my nose to the grind...
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I remember reading about this a couple yrs ago. Didn't realize it was actually in practice. At the time this dude was attempting to bring it to market. o_O
So its not actually "cryo" per say, so no need for rapid cooling?
Can you show us a couple pics...even one? I love anything that'll save space!

I think I saw someone selling pre mixed tubes somewhere? may have been for similar use. sigma used to sell some supplies like hormones and pre mixes but not sure anymore.
curious where you got the cryo part from, thats interesting. be cool to have the equip to play with cryo weed and plant storage
I would like to see a link where any of this is available, and further details on how to do the process. If none are forthcoming, I'm a little skeptical.

Me too I dont blame you. thats what this is about, I'm wondering if anyone else is doing this, I already know it wont be fun for most.
There is no link available, a couple dozen science books, some test tube sellers and some basal salt packagers, thats about it. .
My buddy does it too, but he learned from me. I learned some stuff and applied it this way, I was skeptical for years while I made moldy test tubes and killed cuttings, but then I found the keys, and I repeated it often.
Where can you get clones like this?

no idea I make them. just like some of those books try to explain but i grow the callous material at the end of the cutting stem, it never roots, doesnt chute, and remains viable once you learn to get them clean. pretty basic except for the sterile techniques, in the hobby spaces. theres no voodoo involved, real old technology, kids fourth grade activity prolly by now