Chloroform Extraction- First Attempt

It doesn't really look to me like it would be worth the expense and effort involved, see this page. It's actually probably simpler just to extract the THCA. Then it would have to first degrade to THC before degrading further to CBN, thus should be more stable to store than THC. I don't really see an advantage in producing THC itself.

Look at the prices for glassware and a heating mantle, which is basically a hotplate with a rounded shape to hold a round bottom flask, only that hotplate costs $800. No thanks. See lab equipment is way overpriced, because they know that universities and big corps will pay that. Flask with 2 necks; also $800. Why don't I think a glass bottle is worth that? The condenser; $1000. Are you fucking kidding me? Know how long it takes a glass blower to make stuff like that? About half an hour. There are videos on YouTube of them doing it.
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It doesn't really look to me like it would be worth the expense and effort involved, see this page. It's actually probably simpler just to extract the THCA. Then it would have to first degrade to THC before degrading further to CBN, thus should be more stable to store than THC. I don't really see an advantage in producing THC itself.
You are exactly right.
Its all just marketing and trends. Their more marketing gurus than scientist.
Not saying they dont have scientific minds on the team.
There is a short path setup made by summit for sals on ebay i just stumbled accross. $500
It doesn't really look to me like it would be worth the expense and effort involved, see this page. It's actually probably simpler just to extract the THCA. Then it would have to first degrade to THC before degrading further to CBN, thus should be more stable to store than THC. I don't really see an advantage in producing THC itself.

Look at the prices for glassware and a heating mantle, which is basically a hotplate with a rounded shape to hold a round bottom flask, only that hotplate costs $800. No thanks. See lab equipment is way overpriced, because they know that universities and big corps will pay that. Flask with 2 necks; also $800. Why don't I think a glass bottle is worth that? The condenser; $1000. Are you fucking kidding me? Know how long it takes a glass blower to make stuff like that? About half an hour. There are videos on YouTube of them doing it.

I already have most of the equipment needed. Glassware isn't the issue.
Plus I have a source in china that can get me quality glassware for a fraction of the cost in america.

The heating mantle, and a decent vacuum source are the 2 big things I still lack.
Those will come soon enough. I should probably have enough saved up soon to purchase both.
These were things I planned on purchasing any way since I am also a chemistry nerd. I am currently working on a degree in chemistry, and I have a lab at home that I practice my craft in. I even have a professional fume hood.
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You are exactly right.
Its all just marketing and trends. Their more marketing gurus than scientist.
Not saying they dont have scientific minds on the team.
There is a short path setup made by summit for sals on ebay i just stumbled accross. $500

My shortpath cost me $45.00 usd. That includes shipping. Most of my glassware is under $50.00 usd. The most expensive piece I own is the soxhlet apparatus. It cost me about $60.00 usd
Science tools in america are way over inflated. That is why I source my supplies from out of the country. I would rather pay a larger shipping cost, than to pay the 500% markup imposed on products made in the USA.
My shortpath cost me $45.00 usd. That includes shipping. Most of my glassware is under $50.00 usd. The most expensive piece I own is the soxhlet apparatus. It cost me about $60.00 usd
Science tools in america are way over inflated. That is why I source my supplies from out of the country. I would rather pay a larger shipping cost, than to pay the 500% markup imposed on products made in the USA.[/QUOTE

Yup thats the marketing at work. They also sell round bottom flask for $100 and up. They have driven up the cost of these glass pieces by making deals with the manufacturer. Now the manufacturer sells jacketed short path still heads for $500 and up because its part of the non compete agreement with summit. Only a few years ago they sold the same stuff for 1/4 of the current price.
Laboy sells that same glassware for $150

The advantage of the more expensive short path heads is the jacket. But you can mimic that with aluminum foil.
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You are exactly right.
Its all just marketing and trends. Their more marketing gurus than scientist.
Not saying they dont have scientific minds on the team.
There is a short path setup made by summit for sals on ebay i just stumbled accross. $500
Oh I see, it's that particular company. I'm amazed they get any sales actually. Who would look at those prices and say what a sweet deal? The only people who would pay that are large institutions who get funds from charity or are able to write it off as a business expense or whatever. Doubt there's many institutions working with THC though.
Oh I see, it's that particular company. I'm amazed they get any sales actually. Who would look at those prices and say what a sweet deal? The only people who would pay that are large institutions who get funds from charity or are able to write it off as a business expense or whatever. Doubt there's many institutions working with THC though.
Im a bit jealous and impressed their able to sell this stuff for so much. Lots of companies selling short path systems now. Marketing genius they are.
Really their just capitalizing on ignorance laziness and greed. People want a turn key machine that ooozes out a steady stream of thc gold and they want it now. No time to learn anything and figure out their getting ripped off
Im a bit jealous and impressed their able to sell this stuff for so much. Lots of companies selling short path systems now. Marketing genius they are.
Really their just capitalizing on ignorance laziness and greed. People want a turn key machine that ooozes out a steady stream of thc gold and they want it now. No time to learn anything and figure out their getting ripped off
Apparently there's a gold mine of extract makers in the legal states now, who will pay crazy prices for equipment. I guess I can't blame the sellers for taking advantage. Maybe you should go into the glassware business yourself, since you found some good sources. Probably more money in it than actually producing the extracts.
Apparently there's a gold mine of extract makers in the legal states now, who will pay crazy prices for equipment. I guess I can't blame the sellers for taking advantage. Maybe you should go into the glassware business yourself, since you found some good sources. Probably more money in it than actually producing the extracts.

It is tempting lol
I just measured my vacuum. Water boils at 19c that calculates to a vacuum of ~0.02atm (15.2 mmhg)

What kind of vacuum does that welch vacuum pull?

Edit: Just looked it up....... 0.0001atm jesus fuck that is a good vacuum. Water will boil at -49c. Oooh I definitely need one of these
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What is the manufacturer and model number? It resembles the military surplus MASH vacuum pump that we originally started with at Skunk Pharm Research?

Have you put a gauge on it to see what it pulls down to?

It is a GAST pump.
I don't have a gauge for it yet.
It is a GAST pump.
I don't have a gauge for it yet.
View attachment 3919543
I read that as an 8cfm rotary vane compressor, which is capable of about:

3/4 hp ( 0.56 kW )

Max Flow (50 Hz)
6.5 cfm ( 11.0 m3/h )

Max Flow (60 Hz)
8.0 cfm ( 13.6 m3/h )

Max Pressure (50 Hz)
10 psi ( 0.7 bar )

Max Pressure (60 Hz)
10 psi ( 0.7 bar )

Max Vacuum (60 Hz)
26.5 in-Hg ( 116.0 mbar abs )

47 lbs ( 21 kg )

Min Temperature
33.8 °F ( 1 °C )

Max Temperature
104 °F ( 40 °C )
I managed to steam distill some the terpenes. Do you guys think steam distillation of thc or cbd would work?
This thread is serving as an introduction to applied chemistry for me. I have absolutely no idea, but I'm furiously scribbling notes!