Just got my registration in the mail today! HC received Dec 6th. Should also mention this hasn't cost me a single cent and it shouldn't cost any other medical users anything either!!!
This is rediculous to make medicinal people wait this long for MJ
people dying cannot wait....
What part of Ontario are you in? Are you near London ? LCS is failry resonable 5-7 per gram and good selection of decent meds.
I feel for you man.
Suit yourself.......no more help from me. Snotty reply and all. Your Welcome I guess....I am in the north west part closer to timmins area and i will not buy from dispensaries until they become legal to sell.
wtf? I'm going to email them today i think. i'm not going to stop my grow just because of their bullshit.a friend who works at one of the cannabis clinics says they're telling their clients to expect a 6 month wait now.
i know man. ridiculous. i'm not going to dig 240 bucks out of my pocket when i'm sick as hell and living on social assistance to pay for my medicine when i could be growing it from a freaking plant just because they have a stick up their ass about weed!How sad it is that legit patients have to wait to treat.
a friend who works at one of the cannabis clinics says they're telling their clients to expect a 6 month wait now.
Sometimes i think the system is flawed on purpose. Screw everyone over and make us jump through ridiculous hoops.So now its taking 6 months...what a joke LMAO ok actually is far from funny.My doc will only hand out 6 month scripts.First harvest is almost completeI just sent in a renewal a few weeke ago,my script runs out in a few days.Oh well,clones and seedlinge are almost a month old.I'll just continue on as its not my problem the "system" is so flawed.People want that peace of mind knowing their legal but its more stress waiting for paper work to be returned.Just carry on i will....