Shout out to
@Rasta Roy , I made notes of a PM we had earlier. Here's the rundown of the organic soil I plan to use.
Organic soil recipe
15% castings
25% compost (leaf, wood chips)
60% tupur
Kelp meal
Alfalfa meal
Carb shell meal
Oyster shell flour
Black strap unsulfured molasses
Epsom slats
Mix kelp meal directly in the soil at 2tbsp per gallon of soil.
Mix crab shell meal, oyster shell flour, fish bone meal into the soil at 1 tbsp per gallon of soil.
The alfalfa and kelp make great steep teas for veg or anytime you transplant. 1tbsp per gallon of water, let it sit for 24 hours and then apply. Mix well of course.
After you've planted into the mix. Top dress with a cup of worm castings, work it into the first top inches of soil, barely that deep. Then mulch with compost or pick up nondyed wood chips or straw.
When you first transplant you should do a steep tea with kelp and alfalfa. Then once a week do a steeped alfalfa tea. Water with molasses once while you're in veg but I wouldnt bother with it again until flower. Other than that just plain water.
The worm castings, compost, and steeped teas will give you all the readily available nutrients you need in veg.
If your plants are lacking for nitrogen just increase the strength of the alfalfa tea and top dress with another cup of castings. If you see a magnesium deficiency just add 1 tbsp per gallon of water of Epsom salts on your next water. Those are the two most common deficiencies for container gardening
When you switch to flower, pull aside the mulch and do a fresh top dressing of worm castings and sprinkle in some compost too (especially if you got a good fungal compost). Put the mulch back.
Do a steeped kelp tea once every week. Stop once you reach week 6 or 7. If you run out of kelp before that I wouldnt worry about it. Also add molasses once every other week at about 1/2 tbsp per gallon of water. Like the kelp, once you reach your last week or two of flower you can back off.
If you ever see any deficiencies at all than just do a kelp tea and fresh top dressing of worm castings and that should clear things up!
Adding Epsom salts at one tbsp a gallon while you're in week two thru six of flower can help give your plants a nice terpine and trichome boost.