Universal Basic Income; 'bout time or batshit crazy?

But are you comprehending my point or just trying to argue? What % of abuse do you honestly find rational? I think in the same category as other government assistance programs would be fair, no?
As I mentioned above, the article referenced a study that said about 10%of the recipients didn't work. Reasons fell into two main categories; retirement and staying home to raise children.

I'm on the fence, myself. This is a fundamental shift in how people think about an economy and their place in it.


It's both:

1. About time.
2. Batshit crazy.

It's coming. In time. When poor people wake up and realize they're more and powerful than rich people. Think "Storming of the Bastille" in 1789.

Poor people will revolt one day. All they need is to watch a few more episodes of the fucking vain Kardashians taking Bahama vacations and complaining about the lack of service based upon their star status.

Poor people will never rise above where they are as long as they rely on electing rich politicians to "help" them.

When poor people take matters into their own hands, they will rise up. Until then, rich people will fleece them, as they've been doing for the past 300+ years in this country.
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You're literally paying people to reproduce then.
Another tired, discredited canard. Turns out that people reproduce excessively only in extreme poverty. As soon as they have a stable income, they cry suddenly don't do this.

Why? Because in the absence of any other form of security, having lots of children IS their security. As soon as that need for security is solved, they stop wanting, or having, more than replacement level.

This is borne out in many datasets, including UN WHO statistics.

You've been drinking right wing Kool aid again, Stinkydigit. That shit is bad for your intellectual development.
It's both:

1. About time.
2. Batshit crazy.

It's coming. In time. When poor people wake up and realize they're more and powerful than rich people. Think "Storming of the Bastille" in 1789.

Poor people will revolt one day. All they need is to watch a few more episodes of the fucking vain Kardashians taking Bahama vacations and complaining about the lack of service based upon their star status.

Poor people will never rise above where they are as long as they rely on electing rich politicians to "help" them.

When poor people take matters into their own hands, they will rise up. Until then, rich people will fleece them, as they've been doing for the past 300+ years in this country.
I agree with this but only to a point.

It seems that poor people will put up with a lot for a long time.

I've been asking what it would take for America's lower and middle classes to rise up and get involved in our political system since Mr Reagan took office nearly 40 years ago.

If Herr Chumpster Fuhrer isn't enough then I honestly don't know that I'd be willing to agree that America's disadvantaged ever will.
only one problem though, and it's a huge one.
Human nature won't allow that, we aren't bees or ants.
even in socialist settings there is corruption, because of lust for power and greed.
those two things aren't going away.
No matter what.
human nature is a powerful inevitable thing
Another tired, discredited canard. Turns out that people reproduce excessively only in extreme poverty. As soon as they have a stable income, they cry suddenly don't do this.

Why? Because in the absence of any other form of security, having lots of children IS their security. As soon as that need for security is solved, they stop wanting, or having, more than replacement level.

This is borne out in many datasets, including UN WHO statistics.

You've been drinking right wing Kool aid again, Stinkydigit. That shit is bad for your intellectual development.
Yeah... in the 3rd world where extra hands mean extra work done in the future.

You just take any point that could be twisted to suit your narrative and just run with it, that's why you're stuck with Palm and her five sisters for company jacking off to tit pics sent to you by psycho racist women online.
Yeah... in the 3rd world where extra hands mean extra work done in the future.

You just take any point that could be twisted to suit your narrative and just run with it, that's why you're stuck with Palm and her five sisters for company jacking off to tit pics sent to you by psycho racist women online.
And once again you have nothing, so you resort to personal attacks. You're sadly predictable.

And my fingers smell much better than yours, Stinkydigit.