Getting people fired for racist social media posts


Well-Known Member
Just out of interest, by what logic is this not snitching?

I know I said jokingly before that it wasnt, but when you think about it...
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Well-Known Member
i am doing a big favor for her employer. coast care partners probably doesn't want to be known as the medical services team that hires bigoted, sexist, xenophobic hate mongers.
That's like saying you are doing a big favor for a landlord by telling them their renters have a dog paper trained in the house. I doubt that landlord wants their house to be known as one that's "filled" with dog shit (like a business doesn't want their employees to be racist, dogshit), but at the end of the day it's really none of your business.

I hate racists as much as the next guy, that isn't Jeff Sessions, but to call someone employer like this seems like same tattle tale shit. Why not just go down to your local working class bar with an "I'm STILL with her" shirt on, if you want to crusade against idiots? I bet you will be fighting some close-minded fools rather quickly.

Further more, your opinion that racism is bad is simply that; an opinion. It is one that I agree with, however, that is not the point I am trying to make. What I mean here, is that you are ruining people's careers based on your opinion, of their opinion. There are countless members on here not living in a legal state, or with job that doesn't accept weed. Should those people be lambasted by a bunch of prohibitionists for their opinion? Their job taken away, due to screenshots sent to their boss? Most definitely not. Isn't that what you are doing? Striking against people who say things you don't like?

Inciting violence, like the bulldozer lady and that guy who said to shoot them in the head, is fucked. But having an opinion is not.
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Well-Known Member
nope. coast care partners is a brick and mortar company with many employees. i just called them to make them aware. gonna email them screenshots in a second.
OMG're going get into trouble for stalking.

I know you're not going to listen but you really shouldn't do this..karma comes around and you're gonna attach that shit to yourself for messing with what it wants.

Bad ju-ju.
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Well-Known Member
That's like saying you are doing a big favor for a landlord by telling them their renters have a dog paper trained in the house. I doubt that landlord wants their house to be known as one that's "filled" with dog shit (like a business doesn't want their employees to be racist, dogshit), but at the end of the day it's really none of your business.

I hate racists as much as the next guy, that isn't Jeff Sessions, but to call someone employer like this seems like same tattle tale shit. Why not just go down to your local working class bar with an "I'm STILL with her" shirt on, if you want to crusade against idiots? I bet you will be fighting some close-minded fools rather quickly.
boo hoo for the racist lady who wants to deport my neighbors and ban a religion from existence. why won't anyone consider the poor feelings of this empathetic figure?

racists will get what they deserve.


Well-Known Member
OMG're going get into trouble for stalking.

I know you're not going to listen but you really shouldn't do this..karma comes around and you're gonna attach that shit to yourself for messing with what it wants.
karma can come bite me in the ass once i start expounding views that echo hitler's.

until then, this lady is getting canned and i am gonna laugh my ass off.


Well-Known Member
boo hoo for the racist lady who wants to deport my neighbors and ban a religion from existence. why won't anyone consider the poor feelings of this empathetic figure?

racists will get what they deserve.
It's not about them, dude. Sure, it's shitty for them that they have to go look for another job (hopefully they don't get shit, and then realize menial labor is for all colors), but that's not what I take issue with. I take issue with you snitching on these people lol. In my opinion, being a snitch isn't as bad as being a racist, but that's like saying getting the shit beat out of you isn't as bad as getting robbed. Either way, you aren't winning.

Racists, and most people out there who deserve shit things, will not get them. Even if you spend the rest of your waking life hunting out racist sentiment on social media, screen capping it, then snitching you won't even make a dent in this scourge. Good job for trying, but your efforts (and passion) should be utilized in other pursuits.

Talk radio, perhaps :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
It's not about them, dude. Sure, it's shitty for them that they have to go look for another job (hopefully they don't get shit, and then realize menial labor is for all colors), but that's not what I take issue with. I take issue with you snitching on these people lol. In my opinion, being a snitch isn't as bad as being a racist, but that's like saying getting the shit beat out of you isn't as bad as getting robbed. Either way, you aren't winning.

Racists, and most people out there who deserve shit things, will not get them. Even if you spend the rest of your waking life hunting out racist sentiment on social media, screen capping it, then snitching you won't even make a dent in this scourge. Good job for trying, but your efforts (and passion) should be utilized in other pursuits.

Talk radio, perhaps :bigjoint:
why are you crying so much?

this lady deserves to be fired. i am providing an invaluable service to this company.


Well-Known Member
why are you crying so much?

this lady deserves to be fired. i am providing an invaluable service to this company.
No she doesn't.

You're allowed political freedoms in this country like it or not.

If they fire her because of political views, she's gonna have a hella lawsuit against them (and you).

HR 101..there's a whole bunch of shit you're not allowed to talk about with an employee or potential employee.

You're treading dangerous waters.

You may even wish to google's actually bittersweet..the very protections these righties complain about, save them.


Well-Known Member
then don't report rape or domestic violence either. let women suffer beatings for your precious morality.
The only path to retribution is through the courts? Nah, I think it's pretty self evident that that is not the case.

Come up here, and start doing shit like that. You slap around a girl up here, theres a 100% chance she's got some relatives that are bigger and badder than you could ever hope to be lol. As far as rape goes: I've gotten in more than a few fights for trying to show drunken guys a bit of respect for women. Don't ever come at me thinking I would just stand idly by while an innocent anyone (man, woman, or even dog) gets victimized because frankly, you are just making yourself look foolish.

I know how you get when confronted with a viewpoint consistent with experience in..."rural justice" (it is one of utter disbelief and denial that people actually do take matters into their own hands) so I won't continue talking about that.


Well-Known Member
The only path to retribution is through the courts? Nah, I think it's pretty self evident that that is not the case.

Come up here, and start doing shit like that. You slap around a girl up here, theres a 100% chance she's got some relatives that are bigger and badder than you could ever hope to be lol. As far as rape goes: I've gotten in more than a few fights for trying to show drunken guys a bit of respect for women. Don't ever come at me thinking I would just stand idly by while an innocent anyone (man, woman, or even dog) gets victimized because frankly, you are just making yourself look foolish.

I know how you get when confronted with a viewpoint consistent with experience in..."rural justice" (it is one of utter disbelief and denial that people actually do take matters into their own hands) so I won't continue talking about that.
Are you from Upper Peninsula?