What did you accomplish today?

A lot of grunt work today. We decided to put two 8" stepdowns in sidewalk. Centering steps in middle of the 2 garage windows.

All because the wife says she doesn't like, and never liked the steep grade there in icy winter.

But it's a win - win for me. Now, I'll have a flatter space for AC unit and new incoming generator.

There will be no more power outages at tangerinegreen's house as long as I have natural gas. Yes! I love that shit.
How many times have my photo periods got fucked up by a damn lightning storm.

I just want to say I've had the best two weeks in a very long time . My daughter was home last weekend and we celebrated my birthday , this weekend my son, his wife, and my wonderful grandson came to celebrate with me and the wife. Today three generations and a nephew went to the golf course , my son is a golf couch ( but he sucks at playing go figure ) my nephew is pretty good , me and the grandson just drove around on a cart and had a blast BEST MONDAY EVER .
trolling United but the day is young


lol, our work is done..that rented Learjet to transport those 4 crew looks pretty cheap now.

"Shares in United Airlines were nearly 6% lower in premarket trading on Tuesday as the company scrambled to address a video showing a passenger being forcibly dragged off an overbooked flight."

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Ever have to cut them up to get onto trailer? I have this great mental scene: a family driving by on vacation, the little kids faces up to the window watching in horror as you are in a rubber suit chainsawing Bambi's mom
I cut the painted part of the hide off on the roadside before I drag them into the woods. I don't want people knowing they were put there.

Every winter I get the idea to wear a Santa suit but have yet to do it.
Wow, what a waste of Venison.. but ya we have a stretch of highway in E Wa.. more road kill than all hunting combined...
No way to stop it.. they spook and jump.. Eaten a lot of fresh road kill over the years..
I bring what I can to zoos, raptor centers and animal sanctuaries. I hate seeing it go to waste too.
Hey Barn, check this out: Now they are assaulting the Drs' character. He had surrendered his med license cuz he was caught doing drugs; did whatever req'd and was allowed to resume practice under supervision. As if any of that relates to his horrible treatment by United http://www.courier-journal.com/stor...united-flight-doctor-troubled-past/100318320/

Kimmel's monolog the other day skewered United, the last minute is a nicely done fake commercial