Why do Americans want a WW3?

except for the fact that you are repeating their exact same "it's the culture not the race!" bullshit, ya neo-nazi spamming dirtbag.

and what exactly is "black culture" though?

View attachment 3923136

oh, just any old place with a lot of black people in it.

but it's not their skin color though, it's their culture.

got it.
Why do you continue to be so low info? There's no such thing as black or white culture. And I really can't think of a culture that has a racial parameter.

Hip-hop culture. What color is that dummy?
I have no idea what you talking about....

The $US is the World reserve currency due to the belief that the US economy is so strong it will always be able to and will pay its debt (and what a huge one you have).

True....and our economy at home is purely faith based as well. Most are anymore.
Thanks for taking the time but i have multiple issues with your reply.

1) Russia.
You've replied with the political differences between Russia and the US yet the "dirty fingers" comment was related to business.

Google operation Ajax.

This is how the US behaves and has done for over half a century now.

The only flaw with operation Ajax was that Kermit Roosevelt was so heavily connected to the cia that, if caught, America would have been exposed....so they decided to follow the same plan but with businessmen as then the individual is implicated, not the nation.

UK built an empire using gunboat diplomacy, old school.

US has built it's empire under the guise of business, new school.

Point is, dirty fingers aren't specific to any nation.

2) Prison
Your prisons are privatised with factories inside, built for profit.
LE have arrest quotas to hit...minimum occupation levels for your prisons, contractually obliged to meet these levels.
You claim that prison is avoidable for those seeking a "good life"

There are many people serving time in your prisons for cannabis related crime.

Is cannabis use and possession incompatible with wanting a "good life?"

3) Public Health.
You asked me how to define this measure and so this....

My measure for a decent public health service is one where affordable healthcare is available to all, whatever the issue, and is free at point of service to the user. Wealth and health are unrelated.

Then I'd look at recovery rates and success rates post operation etc

4) Education.
You claim that my opinion is laughable.

A close relative of mine lives in the US.
He scores in the top 2% NATIONALLY over there, he wasn't even in the top 2% in his class of 30 pupils over here.

He is now in one of your expensive universities because they can afford it.

So you claim a decent education is affordable by all? I don't have the time to research that just now so i ask you this

Google the education league tables, why is it that the USA aren't top of any of them?

You're expensive universities fair well but overall, considering you're "no 1" why do you fair so badly?

As for your assumption that, according to my logic, suburban America must be unhappy as it doesn't own planes or bombs....a flawed assumption.

I will reword it for you as it may be down to misinterpretation

Bombs and planes might be a source of pride for some

For clarity, if the USA ever won the world cup, suburban America wouldn't own the trophy but could have a sense of pride in the achievement.

Interesting that you made a sporting analogy in an earlier post when referencing your believed global status.

People should never support a political party, an army or a nation in the way they do their sports team.

All sports fans cry foul for (perceived) penalties against our team yet, when our team commits the same offence we interpret that offence differently.... we're biased.

Harmless in sport and makes for bar room banter.

Fucking lethal in the other arenas i mentioned.

As for where someone is born, who gives a shit.

Not referring to ttystick here but in general, a non American has every right to have an opinion on the USA as an American citizen.

That opinion is of equal validity until facts prove otherwise.
Well said!

And I AM an American; being born here is irrelevant. His insistence on it being a meaningful distinction is only because the rest of his arguments are so weak he must resort to personal attacks.
only a very privileged, likely white person, could ever pen such a stupid sentence.
I didn't post that article because I agreed with his viewpoint, only to illustrate just how far off the deep end the orange one has gone, even from the perspective of those who might be counted amongst his supporters.
Thanks for taking the time but i have multiple issues with your reply.

1) Russia.
You've replied with the political differences between Russia and the US yet the "dirty fingers" comment was related to business.

Google operation Ajax.

This is how the US behaves and has done for over half a century now.

The only flaw with operation Ajax was that Kermit Roosevelt was so heavily connected to the cia that, if caught, America would have been exposed....so they decided to follow the same plan but with businessmen as then the individual is implicated, not the nation.

UK built an empire using gunboat diplomacy, old school.

US has built it's empire under the guise of business, new school.

Point is, dirty fingers aren't specific to any nation.

2) Prison
Your prisons are privatised with factories inside, built for profit.
LE have arrest quotas to hit...minimum occupation levels for your prisons, contractually obliged to meet these levels.
You claim that prison is avoidable for those seeking a "good life"

There are many people serving time in your prisons for cannabis related crime.

Is cannabis use and possession incompatible with wanting a "good life?"

3) Public Health.
You asked me how to define this measure and so this....

My measure for a decent public health service is one where affordable healthcare is available to all, whatever the issue, and is free at point of service to the user. Wealth and health are unrelated.

Then I'd look at recovery rates and success rates post operation etc

4) Education.
You claim that my opinion is laughable.

A close relative of mine lives in the US.
He scores in the top 2% NATIONALLY over there, he wasn't even in the top 2% in his class of 30 pupils over here.

He is now in one of your expensive universities because they can afford it.

So you claim a decent education is affordable by all? I don't have the time to research that just now so i ask you this

Google the education league tables, why is it that the USA aren't top of any of them?

You're expensive universities fair well but overall, considering you're "no 1" why do you fair so badly?

As for your assumption that, according to my logic, suburban America must be unhappy as it doesn't own planes or bombs....a flawed assumption.

I will reword it for you as it may be down to misinterpretation

Bombs and planes might be a source of pride for some

For clarity, if the USA ever won the world cup, suburban America wouldn't own the trophy but could have a sense of pride in the achievement.

Interesting that you made a sporting analogy in an earlier post when referencing your believed global status.

People should never support a political party, an army or a nation in the way they do their sports team.

All sports fans cry foul for (perceived) penalties against our team yet, when our team commits the same offence we interpret that offence differently.... we're biased.

Harmless in sport and makes for bar room banter.

Fucking lethal in the other arenas i mentioned.

As for where someone is born, who gives a shit.

Not referring to ttystick here but in general, a non American has every right to have an opinion on the USA as an American citizen.

That opinion is of equal validity until facts prove otherwise.
Well said..while some may not agree with what you said you presented a debatable topic with intelligence not just a personal attack in response
Hat tip to you sir or as us aussies say..gday bloke ill shout you a beer
I've spent some time in South Carolina, and I noticed only one culture while there:

Idiot Redneck.


I lived there 6 months. I found the local culture extremely proud and extremely violent. Family structure superseded everything else. Meaning somebody wouldn't kill you if your child was present.

Poor state. Run down. Impoverished through out. I visited a dwelling of a hard working soul. No running water or electricity. Water was by a hand pump. Security was a paper wasp nest by the window.

This gentleman had the same one life point as the rest of us. Also sought the same peace as me and you.

Ignorant he wasn't. In fact, Ignorant wasn't common in the population. Contrary. Bright and brilliant in dealing with this life.
I've spent some time in South Carolina, and I noticed only one culture while there:

Idiot Redneck.


LOL yeah there's those. Some are pretty smart. Last time I was there I saw a homemade electric 4 wheeler on a guys trailer. Really clean build, motor went to the Polaris transmission, looked like a factory build. Fuckin hippy rednecks.
Poor state. Run down. Impoverished through out. I visited a dwelling of a hard working soul. No running water or electricity. Water was by a hand pump..

The number one country doesnt have running water and electricity for people.??..fk me...no wonder you lot dont have free healthcare...thats down right wrong!!

WTF are you lot doing worrying about other countries when you cannot supply electricity and running water to your population?
The number one country doesnt have running water and electricity for people...fk me...no wonder you lot dont have free healthcare...thats down right wrong!!

WTF are you lot doing worrying about other countries when you cannot supply telectricity and running water to your population?

Too much money spent on war. Respect, but that's dumb question. We'd rather bomb your ass and afterwards give you clean water.
Right on the border. Red Springs North Carolina. Embedded with Lumbee Indians. My wife at the time had family there.

They'd call a plant grow a hill. Wherever they plant it. It was a hill...lol

lol never heard that. I know a stroll in the woods pretty much any direction and I usually saw a few.
Too much money spent on war. Respect, but that's dumb question. We'd rather bomb your ass and afterwards give you clean water.
im shocked.. truly I am.

I would never of thought that America would have 3rd world problems like water and electricity.

Why do the people accept this? Why does the media? Politicians?

im flabbergasted.