Well-Known Member
Tty n Lukey sitting in a tree
K I s s I n gee
Tty n Lukey sitting in a tree
lol..sorry unless ttystikk is a girl..id rather not kiss him.
and us Australians..we have bought and a buying them to..Back to the thread topic;
Americans want WWIII because it will be profitable.
But not just any Americans; only the donor class. The rest of us can be cannon fodder.
Ushers in the NWO you see.Ive noticed allot of ramping up in the last 6 months of Social media propaganda talking about and supporting a WW3.
This only seems to be coming from my American FB contacts and no one else. Things like this:
With the banner. Lets have a look at the sides for WW3.
Why do you lot want a WW3? Why do you want to start a war with China? Whats wrong with you guys, carnt you just live life without creating conflicts everywhere?
Let's leave kids out of it.isn't your autistic son of draft age?