Why do Americans want a WW3?

That's pretty cool.

Pray we don't make the same mistakes our forefathers did.
yea..it is, he would of been pretty old to join in WW1 to as my Grandfather and his brother on the other side of the family joined at the start of the war. He lost his brother at Gallipoli. They were also in a famous regiment The Australian lighthouse. (perhaps the most famous regiment in Australia's short western history)

Lets hope the past does not repeat itself.
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yea..it is, he would of been pretty old to join in WW1 to as my Grandfather and his brother on the other side of the family joined at the start of the war. They were also in a famous regiment The Australian lighthouse.

Lets hope the past does not repeat itself.
Surely they served with honor. I have military men in my lineage, as well.

It falls to us to honor their memories and sacrifices by not allowing our nations to keep making the same damned mistakes on our watch.

A tall order, indeed...

I enjoy our conversations. I do wish it would be possible for us to enjoy a brew and a bowl together someday.
Because two people can't have mutual respect, obviously, and therefore friends.

If you apply that logic...it suggests that you try and fuck all your friends.

Each to their own i guess


What was your original name, before you got banned?
You're deeply misinformed, your worldview is badly distorted and you're extremely anti-Semitic, which is a serious impediment to your understanding of who the REAL actors are.

As a class, Jewish people aren't any richer than anyone else. There's a few, but white Christians make up the vast majority of America's ultra wealthy donor class. It's what they do with their money that's the problem, not their religion.

Lindsey Graham may not represent your or my interests, but he's a consummate politician. In the America of today, that means finding money for his campaigns for office... Which means going to the donor class. THAT'S how the ultra rich are running out political system to serve their own interests at the expense of the rest of us.

Or system is corrupt, all right. It just doesn't break down along sectarian lines.

You must be 50+ years old..... Zionist JEWS run this world.. 90% of Americas wealth is all JEW Money lol wtf are you smoking bro
Because two people can't have mutual respect, obviously, and therefore friends.

If you apply that logic...it suggests that you try and fuck all your friends.

Each to their own i guess
You may have misinterpreted; @Big_Lou and I are friends and he's just giving us a bit of friendly grief, mate.
You must be 50+ years old..... Zionist JEWS run this world.. 90% of Americas wealth is all JEW Money lol wtf are you smoking bro
I'm willing to bet I've met more of the donor class than you have, face to face.

I can assure you that while they may be eccentric by our standards, most of them are not Jewish. A few are, and so what?

This is the modern world and not everything can be explained by sectarian divisions.

Do try to keep up.
My experience with him differs to yours then.

I've found him to be a clueless troll.

Maybe he chooses to show a different side to others
I think you have somehow gotten off on the wrong foot with each other, and that's a shame.

I haven't seen you posting anything offensive- quite the opposite, in fact, I've seen your posts as a result of thoughtful reflection on world events.

There are plenty of trolls here- I don't count either of you in their number.
I think you have somehow gotten off on the wrong foot with each other, and that's a shame.

I haven't seen you posting anything offensive- quite the opposite, in fact, I've seen your posts as a result of thoughtful reflection on world events.

There are plenty of trolls here- I don't count either of you in their number.

During the run up to your election, i wasn't pro Clinton.

That was a sin to some and they behave how they behave.

Nothing of value, just trolling.

Not supporting Clinton was deemed the same as supporting trump.

It's not an issue, they are easily ignored.