Why do Americans want a WW3?

Ayn Rand wrote fantasy books. Not very good ones either. If you want a good fantasy read, get a the Hobbit by JRR Tolkien or better, the Fellowship of the Ring. Of special note, check how how everybody's story was listened to from beginning to end before questions were asked during the Council of Elrond. People don't listen well these days.

Have you read it or are you just randomly talking about something you haven't read?

Question #2. Would you like to see it burned? Banned?
It was supposed to be a joke man , you know like an lol , But in all honesty he wanted to rule the world , so do we, so actually he did kinda try to take our job , Why we think we have the right to do so is beyond me but .....
Sorry, didn't see the joke part. Can be tough to catch in a text only context.

Plus there ARE a lot of rabid right wingers here, tends to make a fellow a jumpy with the trigger finger.
Water is a god given right to everyone on the planet regardless of race religion or colour.
Im not religious.....
Did i just sound like malcolm x ?


Its only fair we pay more to though Ruby, Especially with us moving towards green energy. Nearly all my states energy is Hydro..and we supply to S.A and VICs to. Plus a smaller population with roughly the same size country.

In fairness just a KH per hr comparison with a different economy is unfair. You would need to break it down by avg wages and per day cost i think. Im not sure of the avg US hrly rate, i think its around $25 (close to our min wage) our avg hrly rate is now $40 an hr. (i try to avg $60).

Lots of people going to solar. The govt rebates are enticing thats for sure!
I saw a piece on national geographic how aussie water is sold on the stock market and big money is sucking aquifers dry. Leaving towns abondoned.

But power here in cali is spendy and i got lots of solar panels to off set.

We all got problems. Goldman sachs is running both our countries for starters.
That would take this thing called 'work', along with another called 'thinking for yourself'.

Both seem to be beyond the abilities of a large faction of America's right wing, hence their rabid support for those who say they'll 'fix everything' and 'they'll take care of it'.

Tell us how itemized mortgage interest cancels out the interest paid back so that you're "essentially borrowing money for free" again...that was funny.
Have you read it or are you just randomly talking about something you haven't read?

Question #2. Would you like to see it burned? Banned?
I couldn't finish. The story was trash and there is no depth in her philosophy. I laugh each time a right winger quotes her. It's like quoting Batman. Good for a laugh but not very deep. Libertarian philosophy belongs in academia. It has no basis in reality.

No books should be burned. Or banned. That's what right wing radical religious zealots do.
I couldn't finish. The story was trash and there is no depth in her philosophy. I laugh each time a right winger quotes her. It's like quoting Batman. Good for a laugh but not very deep. Libertarian philosophy belongs in academia. It has no basis in reality.

No books should be burned. Or banned. That's what right wing radical religious zealots do.

Good deal. Keep it on the book shelf. Use it to quote, ' You didn't build that'. Money well spent.
No comments about the 4th turning? Peanuts are flying over Ayn but not a theory.

It's a waste of good peanuts. No respectable galley would put up with it.

Looks like the 3rd world country of North Korea is looking to press buttons in the international world. Whatever their deal is. They need to chill out. Every body is looking for an excuse.

Don't do tests of crappy missiles. It's a running joke and you're gonna get played.

Its only fair we pay more to though Ruby, Especially with us moving towards green energy. Nearly all my states energy is Hydro..and we supply to S.A and VICs to. Plus a smaller population with roughly the same size country.

In fairness just a KH per hr comparison with a different economy is unfair. You would need to break it down by avg wages and per day cost i think. Im not sure of the avg US hrly rate, i think its around $25 (close to our min wage) our avg hrly rate is now $40 an hr. (i try to avg $60).

Lots of people going to solar. The govt rebates are enticing thats for sure![/QUOTE
Yeah my bills went from $1100 to $280 after i got solar.
Mind you vic supplies is because our fumb fuck pollies sold out on us.
Couple places shut down that didnt need to be profits go to another state now fuvk the world is corrupt
No comments about the 4th turning? Peanuts are flying over Ayn but not a theory.

It's a waste of good peanuts. No respectable galley would put up with it.

Dude, the book was fiction. And not good fiction.

If you are looking for a good read that is relevant to today's times, check out John Brunner


Better yet get a copy from your local library.

A Wikipedia entry on this book:
By the end of the book, rioting and civil unrest sweep the United States, due to a combination of poor health, poor sanitation, lack of food, lack of services, ineffectiveness of services (medical, policing), disillusionment with government/companies, oppressive government, high incidence of birth defects (pollution-induced), and other factors; all services (military, government, private, infrastructure) break down.

He wrote it in 1972. Pretty much spot on.
Dude, the book was fiction. And not good fiction.

If you are looking for a good read that is relevant to today's times, check out John Brunner


Better yet get a copy from your local library.

A Wikipedia entry on this book:
By the end of the book, rioting and civil unrest sweep the United States, due to a combination of poor health, poor sanitation, lack of food, lack of services, ineffectiveness of services (medical, policing), disillusionment with government/companies, oppressive government, high incidence of birth defects (pollution-induced), and other factors; all services (military, government, private, infrastructure) break down.

There's other shit on the stove at the moment.