bernie sanders: regressive

This makes me ask myself, when was the last time we had a truly robust economy nationwide? The '90's?

It helps to have a booming tax base, would help to increase the top tax rate that doesn't even kick in until you hit $413,000 and that earnings cap on SS has got to go.

If you're making millions a year, you should be proud to pay your fair share.

And the lowly wing nuts, struggling to get by will vote against it. Dumb bastards.
Then why do you support Democratic politicians who oppose this?
This makes me ask myself, when was the last time we had a truly robust economy nationwide? The '90's?

It helps to have a booming tax base, would help to increase the top tax rate that doesn't even kick in until you hit $413,000 and that earnings cap on SS has got to go.

If you're making millions a year, you should be proud to pay your fair share.

And the lowly wing nuts, struggling to get by will vote against it. Dumb bastards.
Couldn't have said it better myself!
Bernard is an imperialist sheepdog and his inflatable movement was the biggest obstacle to the rise of a viable third party in more than one presidential election. His months of campaigning for Hillary Clinton and his decades of house voting along democrat party lines speak volumes about his partisanship.

All I needed to know was that he had antiwar protesters arrested for sitting in to talk to him. I could never support such a candidate, you see, I'm opposed to war.
Mr Sanders is working against the Fascists and he's leveraging the Establishment Democratic Party apparatus to get his message out.

The sheepdog is herding the Democrats, it seems.

Bernard is an imperialist sheepdog and his inflatable movement was the biggest obstacle to the rise of a viable third party in more than one presidential election. His months of campaigning for Hillary Clinton and his decades of house voting along democrat party lines speak volumes about his partisanship.

All I needed to know was that he had antiwar protesters arrested for sitting in to talk to him. I could never support such a candidate, you see, I'm opposed to war.

Mr Sanders didn't vote for war, either.

So who ARE you actually for? It's easy to be against everything. Too easy.
Do you oppose the 1st gulf war? Why/why not?
Oh is this where you take me on a 6 page segue into the finer points of wars that happened before you were in kindergarten in support of Bernard the imperialist sheepdog?

Sorry, I'm not interested. He did however, have some antiwar protesters arrested for sitting in just to talk to him. He has also voted along party lines in favor of interventions and war funding for decades. I could never support someone like that, since I am opposed to war.
Mr Sanders is working against the Fascists and he's leveraging the Establishment Democratic Party apparatus to get his message out.

The sheepdog is herding the Democrats, it seems.

Mr Sanders didn't vote for war, either.

So who ARE you actually for? It's easy to be against everything. Too easy.
Bernie Sandwich pulled the same sheepdogging shit for Kerry, look it up. He's not leveraging shit, he's a plant. Besides, he spent months campaigning for Hillary.

Bernie Sandwich pulled the same sheepdogging shit for Kerry, look it up. He's not leveraging shit, he's a plant. Besides, he spent months campaigning for Hillary.

Meanwhile the alternative left is sprouting green shoots everywhere.

As long as he's out there haranguing the Democratic Party to get their shit together, I'll keep supporting him. He's stirring a lot of people up and into action and that's absolutely A GOOD THING.
Meanwhile the alternative left is sprouting green shoots everywhere.

As long as he's out there haranguing the Democratic Party to get their shit together, I'll keep supporting him. He's stirring a lot of people up and into action and that's absolutely A GOOD THING.
Berniebots are the alt-left, bitching about communists and idpol. It is basically the only thing worse than the alt-right, at least liberals embrace good praxis sometimes and are willing to support actual leftists, unlike Berniebots.

It's worse than that rash of Paulbots who came around spouting off about their lord and savior.
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