What did you accomplish today?

Put your seat belt on, keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times.
And above all, HANG ON - the ride is just starting. :smile:

Enjoy it, it won't last as long as you would like once you get older.
Ok why have I no pics in my PM box? Hurry up kiddo :D
Haha! Thanks! I love you guys!

I'll send you them now.
Well, we just went for the ultrasound Wednesday, and she was 16 weeks and a day along. We find out gender in 3-ish weeks.

Congratulations. Kids are great. Seems like it was just yesterday I was taking her home from the hospital then boom it's 4+ years later and she's doing all this cute little person stuff like washing the dishes and folding laundry and waxing my truck and stripping the lead paint off the walls. Kids are great.
As a father of two adult children ( 48 + 44 ).. Enjoy them while you have them... Next thing you know
they're grown and on their own.. and you're an old fuck like me.. Congrats fatherhood is great!
I hope to live long enough to see my grandchildren. Sadly, my kid will never know it's paternal grandmother because she's a vicious cunt. Called me a baby killer, decided it was ok to put her hands on me, so I jacked her up against the wall, warning her that I wasn't a kid and to keep her hands off me. She slapped me again, catching me with her ring, so I slammed her head against the wall and forced her to look me in the eye while I warned her a last time before she froze up and I walked away. Then she went around saying I attacked her, when it was her that struck me.

Anyway. Sorry about expounding upon the chaos in my life. I know one thing: I am going to give this kid what I never had.
I *almost* finished loading two new raised beds with dirt from the recycle pile. Now it's going to rain for another week.
I'll go ahead and mix up a batch of organic nutes then rake it in if we ever get a break.
Kelp, alfalfa, Fish bone, oyster shell, langbeinite, azomite, and maybe some greensand. I was going to add feather meal for some extra N but I hear it contains arsenic... :cry:
Fuck all of y'all! I got a wireless electric mower with dual batteries!
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Best investment ever!

How much can you mow before it needs a charge?

I went the electric route on my weed eater. I got sick of buying a new gas powered one every spring. I literally have three weed eaters and a leaf blower that have barely been used. I store them good and mix the gas good, but they always fuck up on me. However my chainsaws are all three old school and run perfect ((go figure)).