What did you accomplish today?

Mold/mildew was a problem the last time I used my little greenhouses. I could keep them from getting too cold, but the nighttime humidity was a bitch.
Mine is not sealed up. The top is covered and all sides but is open. Like a square in a square. It gets fresh air. As long as it doesn't get below 30 its fine.

Last month when it was colder I sealed it up at night and had a couple 55 gallon drum full of water. The drums heat up during the day and release it at night.

I don't worry about high humidity unless in flower.
Last week:

Wife came home from hospital, still nowhere near 100%, but gaining strength and mobility after 8 days in there.

A tomahawk missle hit the kitchen.
it took out the old cabinets and the silly ass 1962 construction bulkheads above the top.
New cabinets arrived as scheduled.

I caved and hired a contractor to install 10 interior doors and new kitchen cabinets I ordered. I never did much dry wall work and had trouble with prehung doors at the other place. And I want the summer off this year.

So I moved my crew over to the other place to finish the driveway we couldn't finish last year because I had 6 dumpsters there in the driveway.

Took all week to dig out and get level. I extended out a big parking space in front of back porch for me. Also, I'm putting 12" storm drain line under end of driveway at my expense. This would normally be a local township thing, but they didn't do that street yet and I'd rather buy the $450 pipe now than have them dig up the driveway later.
still have section of pipe to put in, the town engineer has been on site to approve the pipe slope for us, it's the least he can do for 60' of free pipe.
That's the exact same (unconnected) pipe that comes out of storm drain at beginning of the block. It's replacing the old 10" metal pipe my dad put under the driveway in 1959.

Hope to be done by next Saturday. Maybe.

Most of the set up grunt work is done, once you start laying pavers, it goes fairly quick.

I see light at the end of a year and a half tunnel. Finally. Maybe.

There's always a wish list, I'd love to have an outdoor fire pit. Lol.
I live in a temperate zone, well, bloody desert at the moment. I think there is less than 10% usable water left in the dams. Hopefully, winter comes soon. It is still bloody warm, despite us being a month into autumn. We get mostly winter rains, but the plants I grow shrug off a bit of water. I'm no new hand, I'm testing early under lights to check my soil mix. I.e. what the other seedlings will get later on. I might put out a few seedlings into straight 12/12 outdoors after tests are completed. Over winter and autumn, the soil is always pleasantly moist here. I can cut a branch of virtually anything, stick it in the soil, forget about it, and it will grow. I'm the lowest house next to a river, all the houses upstreet from me, have poor clay soil. I have rich black soil as water carried all the good stuff down here long before the houses were built. But I am trying store bought soil and compost for a change, just to see for myself what influence/edge it has. I'm happy as long as it stays organic.

Oh and I just lit a Namibian thorn wood fire in my indoor braai, for some Kalahari steaks, think I'll have chips and mushroom sauce with.

All I got out of that was wood fire, grilling meat and some condiments. I'd eat that :)
Pull cord successfully replaced. Took 25 minutes and no further injury to myself or the mower. (Spring was tight, coil stayed in place, even spared a few minutes to lube up and do some toothbrush detailing.....sorry, family of dormant spiders!)

Next is blade sharpening. Shaggy, wet grass had her struggling. :(

Just ordered a pit bike, "for the kid". :grin:

View attachment 3930420

Nice, I have a basement full of dirt bikes, from the z50 to the 450 four stroke all lined up like a bar graph , kinda cool and kinda depressing .
Be sure to enjoy those kids while you can.
I have some really great pics of me and my boy doing tandom jumping ,wheelies . Good times and great memories. My daughter, her nickname was crash so I guess that's self explanatory. She was never scared but had enough sense to quit with only a few broken bones, and she is the only member of the family I feel comfortable riding with.
Nice, I have a basement full of dirt bikes, from the z50 to the 450 four stroke all lined up like a bar graph , kinda cool and kinda depressing .
Be sure to enjoy those kids while you can.
I have some really great pics of me and my boy doing tandom jumping ,wheelies . Good times and great memories. My daughter, her nickname was crash so I guess that's self explanatory. She was never scared but had enough sense to quit with only a few broken bones, and she is the only member of the family I feel comfortable riding with.
Yeah I only have 1 kid, 13yro daughter. All she does is sit inside and stare at a screen all day so this will help get her out of the house.
1. I got a dig bick
2. You that read wrong
3. You read that wrong too
4. You checked
5. You smiled
7. You are wondering why you're still this reading this
8. You saw that mistake... right? (On 7)
10. But did you see that I skipped 6?
10. You checked
11. And saw you that I doubled 10 and skipped 9
12. I said saw you, not you saw
13. I also skipped 2
14. You got tricked
15. I'm just wasting your time go back and read other coments..
Last week:

Wife came home from hospital, still nowhere near 100%, but gaining strength and mobility after 8 days in there.

A tomahawk missle hit the kitchen.
View attachment 3930131
it took out the old cabinets and the silly ass 1962 construction bulkheads above the top.
New cabinets arrived as scheduled.
View attachment 3930132

I caved and hired a contractor to install 10 interior doors and new kitchen cabinets I ordered. I never did much dry wall work and had trouble with prehung doors at the other place. And I want the summer off this year.

So I moved my crew over to the other place to finish the driveway we couldn't finish last year because I had 6 dumpsters there in the driveway.

View attachment 3930135
Took all week to dig out and get level. I extended out a big parking space in front of back porch for me. Also, I'm putting 12" storm drain line under end of driveway at my expense. This would normally be a local township thing, but they didn't do that street yet and I'd rather buy the $450 pipe now than have them dig up the driveway later.
View attachment 3930144
still have section of pipe to put in, the town engineer has been on site to approve the pipe slope for us, it's the least he can do for 60' of free pipe.
View attachment 3930145
That's the exact same (unconnected) pipe that comes out of storm drain at beginning of the block. It's replacing the old 10" metal pipe my dad put under the driveway in 1959.

Hope to be done by next Saturday. Maybe.

Most of the set up grunt work is done, once you start laying pavers, it goes fairly quick.

I see light at the end of a year and a half tunnel. Finally. Maybe.

There's always a wish list, I'd love to have an outdoor fire pit. Lol.



Reminds me of working with my brother in Florida. You'd get on well with him, he also enjoys pin-up girls, weed, democracy, and good music. Just a few years younger.
Pull cord successfully replaced. Took 25 minutes and no further injury to myself or the mower. (Spring was tight, coil stayed in place, even spared a few minutes to lube up and do some toothbrush detailing.....sorry, family of dormant spiders!)

Next is blade sharpening. Shaggy, wet grass had her struggling. :(

View attachment 3930424

Still waiting on my intake to come in for the mower you broke .....I also taught my boy if he's sees a strange man around our lawn equipment ....to scream BIG LOU...and if he turns around ....aim for the penile testicle region.
Just ordered a pit bike, "for the kid". :grin:

View attachment 3930420

Make sure she takes it off some sweet jumps

@Indacouch hehe I would never steer you in the wrong direction bud. Maybe your cat is incompatible with the printer?

Today before 11 I was getting bitched at by my girl and she is pretty mad.

Had a group call going and the one crazy canuck has a penchant for vodka and cutting self mutilating like me.

She was sticking bobby pins theough her arm, completely through so I convince her do it topless and a bunch of us are laughing hard af. Me not noticing my lady joined in the convo and was watching me act a fool. She starts saying I was being mean and stuff(doesn't give a fuck about nudity or asking her to be topless) it was when I started saying to poke through her nipple with the pin and few others she got upset at my grace.

My girl said I was extremely rude and a little perverted when I began jerking off to it all. Got 4 guys staring at the screen all wtf and me and a chick just going at our sad bodies.

"You killed my erection oD, that aint cool yo"
oD-"if u call that an erection LOL, cancelled work be home soon"
Blahndee-"oD if you hit him can I watch? Purrr purrrr please hit him for me meow"
Burneroftrees"**smacks ass**

Still laughing my ass off.

Going to the beach later, and to see my babymoms and kids before they leave agains tomorrow.

Most likely going to dinner