Sometimes I wonder if you have actual compost piles (as most would envision them), or, giant outdoor worm farms.
Either way, it's all good, but it seems to have morphed way beyond traditional compost to a much higher level.
well, funny enough, they are one of the same it would seem.
you see, the issue is/was I reaaaally have a thing for watching compost happen, I know it's extraordinarily weird but I am what I am.
so after last yrs pile, I realized that I have enough compost for like the next decade now.
And I don't know what to do with it past just keeping the worms alive in there, so it literally is just a massive wormbin now.
But what do I do?
I can't come up with any other alternative past giving my landlord a bunch for his outdoor plants, but i'll be damned if i'm doing that, I helped him yrs ago go from chemicals to organics, and his yields went from a 4-6 ozs per plant OUTSIDE to like 1.5 to 2 lbs per plant, no joke, no exaggeration, and because of my help and advice he made thousands and thousands of dollars the next three yrs, and I got NOTHING. Not a thanks, not nugs, not shit, and to throw insult to injury he will eagerly bitch at me if my rent is even a day late.
no shit, he said "hey, rents due by the way" the morning after it was due, and while I was literally walking towards his house to pay him.
Fuck him.
Only reason it was late is because he insists on cash and the ATM restricts daily withdrawals of cash.
Yea... i'll be damned if i'm giving him shit.
hmm.. lil tangent there...seems I have a lil aggression goin on here, maybe I should go lift more weights, it's slow at my shop and that's all I've been doing recently.