Do Designated Growers Need To Be ACMPR Patients


Well-Known Member
My choice for designated grower isn't a medical marijuana patient. I can't understand why this would be an issue, but I'm looking for clarification. I want legit legal advice, not some BS telling me to do what I want, thanks.
My choice for designated grower isn't a medical marijuana patient. I can't understand why this would be an issue, but I'm looking for clarification. I want legit legal advice, not some BS telling me to do what I want, thanks.

If you want "legit legal advice" you need to stop asking in a marijuana forum and contact health canada or a lawyer and it shouldn't take more than a phone call or two.

No matter who answers you here you have no way of knowing if its "legit" or not.
No need for a lawyer
Your dg doesn't have to be a patient but they do need a clean police criminal record check.
I called for a friend that wants to dg
They can grow for 2 people no more then 4 scripts per address if they had a partner that also dg'd

Absolutely correct, with one minor exception with the PRC. You must have no "drug related" convictions in the last 10 years to be a DG. But apparently, convicted thieves, rapists, pedophiles, murderers...etc are all good to go! :rolleyes:
If you want "legit legal advice" you need to stop asking in a marijuana forum and contact health canada or a lawyer and it shouldn't take more than a phone call or two.

No matter who answers you here you have no way of knowing if its "legit" or not.

It's a fairly simple question. I just didn't want the bs trolls telling me it's my right to grow what I want.
And it was a simple answer, ask the ppl whos occupation it is to know.

I'm extremely confident many here know the ACMPR front to back. You can fuck off with the "you need to stop asking in a marijuana forum" BS. The purpose of this forum is to share information. You thinking HC and a laywer looking to suck me dry are the only people with that information is just plain ignorant.
I'm extremely confident many here know the ACMPR front to back. You can fuck off with the "you need to stop asking in a marijuana forum" BS. The purpose of this forum is to share information. You thinking HC and a laywer looking to suck me dry are the only people with that information is just plain ignorant.
I hope nobody helps you with fuck ignorant asshole. Your manners elude to your character...fuckin asswipe...who do you think you are asking for help....cunt. Who has any obligation to help you. Then you ask like you did. I hope you get it all wrong and go to jail.
I hope nobody helps you with fuck ignorant asshole. Your manners elude to your character...fuckin asswipe...who do you think you are asking for help....cunt. Who has any obligation to help you. Then you ask like you did. I hope you get it all wrong and go to jail.

I don't get it, what I miss? N3fta asked a simple straight forward question and you insult and belittle him? What gives?

My bad, I forgot you were the authority of resident Assholes.. my apologies.

Oh my my....such deep resentment oozes forth from your piehole yap......can no duck tape contain your his mommy or something?
He asked in an ignorant way and got an ignorant answer....seems to work perfectly I'd say. Now you need anything else explained to you?
WTF is wrong with people? In the second reply i said, contact health canada, then i repeated it again. God the interenet is full of morons and trolls.

Edit: and that is EXACTLY why i said dont ask that question here.......
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