Question for x meth users

Yeah I disagree completely with the post above saying you need to lock YOUR meds up better....seems like somebody may be a James in real life^^^^......can't wait to see the nanny cam footage .....and your known by the company you keep,,,so if he has tweaker friends around him and coming bye know the rest

Explodind dye pack in the cabinet would be awesome lol......come home to James with an orange face ......knowing a tweaker he'd probably say he was eating orange kool aid powder......get em Danny

What a great idea...I don't really wanna hurt the guy...he's such a simple mother fucker...i just wanna shame him...big time.
Dont be a snitch, just lock ur shit away better....
Having an "ex" addict in your house is risky enough, but knowing you have meds around that he could use, and expecting him not to help himself is like expecting a crack fiend to pay back his week old debt LOL.

Edit: just read the post u made about lacing the shit with rat poison. Someone needs to set up a gofundme page for James to get him the fuck away from your murderous ass.
Nah...I couldn't live with myself if I did'd be like hurting a retarted kid. So that I am clear, now that I know what he's up to, and I've known for a good minute, I never leave the house w/o my meds in my back pack. I won't even sit out front, go pick up my mail by the curb or take a shower and not have them on me.
As it happens, I have an appt to see a new place on Thursday.
james doesnt know but i bought a nanny cam and i know when he comes in my room when im not,here. Which is all the fucking time. Im trying to find nother living situation but there isnt alot in my price range. I even thought of steeping some look a like pills in rat poison, placing them in an old pill bottle nd witing for the inevitable outcome, i hve no respedt dor him at all. Idk...i might even get away with it. I have become one jaded mother fucker.

If plotting a murder.. dont expose your idea to the internet. Lol goodluck to you my friend.
Did you install the exploding dye packs or nanny cam yet Danny?
Yup i got an alarm clock/vid recorder. Having problems with it though. I was looking forward to posting the video too. I'll look around for the dye packs...u think amazon has em? That could be a lot of fun.
Did you install the exploding dye packs or nanny cam yet Danny?
So what I found on amazon for idk, like $10 is this powder that will stain the shit out of anyone's hand that opens my bedroom door and I can also put it on a pill bottle. Says it won't come off easily. That might work. The cam I got came with a mini cd I can't put into my laptop. Not worth buying hardware just for that. Cheap ass China made cam. Can't complain for the $20 it cost me though.
I'm lookin at a new apt tomorrow though so if I take it Im leaving here this weekend. Not even telling him either. Fuck it.
Purple Thief Detection Powder is applied to a surface such as a doorknob or a valuable object. It is applied lightly with a brush. When your thief touches the object, the powder reacts with the natural moisture on the hand, causing it to turn a brilliant purple. This difficult to remove stain easily identifies your thief. Includes one vial of powder and one goat hair brush.
So what I found on amazon for idk, like $10 is this powder that will stain the shit out of anyone's hand that opens my bedroom door and I can also put it on a pill bottle. Says it won't come off easily. That might work. The cam I got came with a mini cd I can't put into my laptop. Not worth buying hardware just for that. Cheap ass China made cam. Can't complain for the $20 it cost me though.
I'm lookin at a new apt tomorrow though so if I take it Im leaving here this weekend. Not even telling him either. Fuck it.
View attachment 3931877
Purple Thief Detection Powder is applied to a surface such as a doorknob or a valuable object. It is applied lightly with a brush. When your thief touches the object, the powder reacts with the natural moisture on the hand, causing it to turn a brilliant purple. This difficult to remove stain easily identifies your thief. Includes one vial of powder and one goat hair brush.

Dude I was thinking dye pack for shits and giggles. I think that would probably work if your clever in how you set it up. I honestly hope you do find another apartment tomorrow. I can't stand a thief, my best friend who was in a terrible motorcycle accident stold from me after years of me helping him out when everyone else ignored him. I can look the other way on a lot of things and give second chances. However having people steal from me is not one of them. I trust you've done the whole counting pills and watching close to ensure he's stealing,correct?

Either way I hope you get a place of your own bro .....GL

Dude I was thinking dye pack for shits and giggles. I think that would probably work if your clever in how you set it up. I honestly hope you do find another apartment tomorrow. I can't stand a thief, my best friend who was in a terrible motorcycle accident stold from me after years of me helping him out when everyone else ignored him. I can look the other way on a lot of things and give second chances. However having people steal from me is not one of them. I trust you've done the whole counting pills and watching close to ensure he's stealing,correct?

Either way I hope you get a place of your own bro .....GL

Yes. First time he beat me for 30 pills. Second time for 20. Had it only been 4 or 5 I never would a known.
I would a given him a fuckin small handful, no problem, had he not been a dick and stole from me and act like someone else did it. I know his shoulder is in a lot of pain and my doc gives me twice what I use so I always got extra. But like you, I just don't like being taken like a fool.
Yes. First time he beat me for 30 pills. Second time for 20. Had it only been 4 or 5 I never would a known.
I would a given him a fuckin small handful, no problem, had he not been a dick and stole from me and act like someone else did it. I know his shoulder is in a lot of pain and my doc gives me twice what I use so I always got extra. But like you, I just don't like being taken like a fool.

Crazy you say that ....I told my buddy the same thing when he stole from me ...if he wanted/needed money that bad, all he had to do is ask..I still feel bad for him and tried to get him in rehab ....but after a very short time in rehab, he basically said he doesn't fit in with all the drug addicts .....he's now a meth addict and lives in a trailer in his parents back yard ...mind you he had a house very nice cars a beautiful girl and was in the military ....hell he was set after his accident , drunk driver hit him and owned a few businesses....once his pain management doctor seen he was fucking around with coke it spiraled out of control and he literally snorted his life away ....sad deal

Best thing you can do is get out......I'd be scared to grow in that situation
Crazy you say that ....I told my buddy the same thing when he stole from me ...if he wanted/needed money that bad, all he had to do is ask..I still feel bad for him and tried to get him in rehab ....but after a very short time in rehab, he basically said he doesn't fit in with all the drug addicts .....he's now a meth addict and lives in a trailer in his parents back yard ...mind you he had a house very nice cars a beautiful girl and was in the military ....hell he was set after his accident , drunk driver hit him and owned a few businesses....once his pain management doctor seen he was fucking around with coke it spiraled out of control and he literally snorted his life away ....sad deal

Best thing you can do is get out......I'd be scared to grow in that situation
Fuck, what a story.

I feel badly that people who make mistakes with drugs like those aren't getting the help they need- but they have to take responsibility for their actions too. It's a tough situation and sometimes all you can do is get away from the person.