If Herr Chumpster Fuhrer isn't the man for the job, I can't imagine what/who it would take!
That's why I voted for him.

If Herr Chumpster Fuhrer isn't the man for the job, I can't imagine what/who it would take!
Sounds like the US might have to start creating it's own products again. Imagine that.
We have plenty of raw materials here. Put those coal miners to work mining steel, chromium, vanadium, all of which are already here, still in the ground, the mines already built but shuttered.If we can just get them to sell us some ore.
We have plenty of raw materials here. Put those coal miners to work mining steel, chromium, vanadium, all of which are already here, still in the ground, the mines already built but shuttered.
Why not just let shitty countries destroy their local environment so they can sell us cheap materials and we get to keep this country pristine?We have plenty of raw materials here. Put those coal miners to work mining steel, chromium, vanadium, all of which are already here, still in the ground, the mines already built but shuttered.
Why not just let shitty countries destroy their local environment so they can sell us cheap materials and we get to keep this country pristine?
Coal miners need to upskill and get a different job, they're in a dying industry and need to face facts.
I don't want anyone's environmental destruction on my conscience, thanks.Why not just let shitty countries destroy their local environment so they can sell us cheap materials and we get to keep this country pristine?
Coal miners need to upskill and get a different job, they're in a dying industry and need to face facts.
Agreed, agreed and agreed some more.there are already twice as many people here employed by solar than coal.
coal country was actually starting to diversify under obama. if they try to return to coal, they are dooming themselves. electric companies are depending less and less on it, and they are the buyers. it's sad that dementia prez is giving them false hope. and taking away their healthcare.
meanwhile, we have lost more jobs in retail than exist in the coal industry, and not a word from prez dementia.
but then again, retail jobs are 40% black, hispanic, and asian, and heavily female. and coal mining is almost 100% white male. so we can see why our racist, sexist dementia prez is doing and saying what he is doing and saying.
LOL that's just mean!Coal Miners need education, just ask the Pharma Industry.
If theyre gonna destroy it anyway (and they are...) we may aswell benefit from it and not wreck our own country at the same time.I don't want anyone's environmental destruction on my conscience, thanks.
Agreed about coal mining.
Binary thinking. You can't imagine any mutually beneficial alternatives? Economic development need not be a zero sum game.If theyre gonna destroy it anyway (and they are...) we may aswell benefit from it and not wreck our own country at the same time.
If theyre gonna destroy it anyway (and they are...) we may aswell benefit from it and not wreck our own country at the same time.
LOL goddamn we Americans are stupid and short-sighted!you better hurry they are wise to us.
83% of mining profits accrued to foreigners in 2009-10. Looking at the three largest 'Australian' miners, foreign ownership accounts for three-quarters of BHP-Billiton, over 80% of Rio Tinto and 100% of Xstrata. https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-i...stment-lets-talk-about-mining-not-agriculture
Is this you just working out a politician?Everything he does hurts the working and middle classes. He gives no fucks as long as there's an angle for him and his cronies to profit.
No, I'm describing the Chump's motives. What does this even mean, exactly?Is this you just working out a politician?
What does this even mean, exactly?