Hey everyone, nee to the board here. Was hoping to get some info on whats happening with my plants. They are 2 weeks old now started from seeds ( 9 different strains) and the leaves are looking twisted and deformed with some small brown spots and discoloration on the leaves. They are growing in miracle grow soil under 4 fluorescent plant tubes. First set of leaves to sprout started to curl under and now im seeing it on the other leaves with the discoloration and tiny brown spots. From what i have read here already it sounds like either a ph issues or a nutes deficiency. I am heading out this morn to pick up a ph meter to check the water/soil run off. Just wanted to hear some advice from the experienced if i am at least on the right track with thinking its a ph issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated folks. Still new at this and wanted to correct the problem before it turns into a mess. Thanks so much for any help with this !