get ready for new home prices to go up.

Is this you just working out a politician?
Explain how any of your responses actually speak to my analysis of Mr Trump's policy actions.

Does repealing the best healthcare legislation in our lifetime- as measured by how many people have gotten health insurance, proposing a tax reform plan that dramatically cuts taxes on upper incomes without similar cuts on middle class, etc, etc, sound like policy that's good for middle class Americans?

So far everything you've posted is a personal insult and as such does not address the question in any way.

This is about your credibility, not mine.
Explain how any of your responses actually speak to my analysis of Mr Trump's policy actions.

Sorry if this shatters your illusion but I will let you into a non secret....

That's exactly my point; he entered office on one set of promises and he's basically shitcanned them in favor of a completely different, far more self serving agenda.

Is that acceptable to you?

No. Read the quote in my sig from @Heil Tweetler.

He's here to stay unless the FBI comes up with the Russian connect.

Sanders was the rightful.

I still have that longing.

I will tell you one thing though, the algorithms of search engines have certain questions that many are asking when searching Sanders. How old was the oldest president, how old Reagan, is there an age limit?etc.

I have a feeling others have that longing too.

If we can have a president that knows nothing about government and has to be in a remedial class to explain? We can elect a president that's 79.

After Trump, there can be no..but is he too old?.is he electable? All the Hillary bullshit.
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Explain how any of your responses actually speak to my analysis of Mr Trump's policy actions.

Does repealing the best healthcare legislation in our lifetime- as measured by how many people have gotten health insurance, proposing a tax reform plan that dramatically cuts taxes on upper incomes without similar cuts on middle class, etc, etc, sound like policy that's good for middle class Americans?

So far everything you've posted is a personal insult and as such does not address the question in any way.

This is about your credibility, not mine.

Pssssssst....he's a brainless junkie, save those keystrokes.

Remember this fella, the one that used to be able to post without being shredded?


<Story Time music swells in background>
See, one day he decided to post a bitch made 'suicide thread', but things didn't work out so well for him. (IE: he was promptly shown his own rancid asshole by yours truly, and then mocked into oblivion over several pages.)
Since that mighty blow against antisemitism, he's been running around like a chicken (junkie) with it's head cut off, spouting nazi rhetoric and picking up the slack for daveyskunk and pooey.
When the Chinese are disallowed from spending funny money, your housing prices may start to come back hopefully, just ask Vancouver BC......bunch of misinformed ignoramus's in here, not surprising they would bluster about all the WRONG details, as per employee standard procedures manual.
When the Chinese are disallowed from spending funny money, your housing prices may start to come back hopefully, just ask Vancouver BC......bunch of misinformed ignoramus's in here, not surprising they would bluster about all the WRONG details, as per employee standard procedures manual.
Vancouver; Chinese laundry mat.
That's exactly my point; he entered office on one set of promises and he's basically shitcanned them in favor of a completely different, far more self serving agenda.

Is that acceptable to you?
All politicians lie to get to the top, most are sociopaths, don't trust anyone who wants power.