scientists resurrect 30000 year old plant

I will not discuss articles of faith with an illiterate with a religious axe to grind. If you "do your research" and restrict yourself to the "teachings" of people compelled by the very same weaponized meme as you: "this is the TRUTH and any idea that opposes it is to be eradicated as Evil" you will of course never be exposed to Wrong Ideas. Be honest about your being utterly uninterested in discourse. You're preaching and not even admitting it. That says something utterly condemning about the basic mindset your war-meme demands of you: one of deliberate rejection of plain fact. The above unreferenced* word salad, heavily garnished with fallacious logic, demonstrates the point to those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

*References from the peer-reviewed primary literature are valid here. Books that do not need peer review as a condition of publication are uniformly rejected. This means the necessary info is probably not on the public Web. So your exhortation to "do one's research" without disclosing that fact is an act of deceit. Thus my calling you a likely liar is no insult: it is a description.
Well illiterate I can't be if I know how to write and to read, so try to use adjectives that that makes sense.
I didn't make any religious reference to u, I just put some of the arguments that r out there just like u wanted, but u not even answer to one, and u know why because u don't have answers.
U r just one more typical and fustrated atheist, that looks like is saying something valid but the only thing u do is to speak in an arrogant tone with "fancy" words.
Be a bit smart and notice how is u that takes the "teachings" of man that I take the one's from God.
Well illiterate I can't be if I know how to write and to read, so try to use adjectives that that makes sense.
I didn't make any religious reference to u, I just put some of the arguments that r out there just like u wanted, but u not even answer to one, and u know why because u don't have answers.
U r just one more typical and fustrated atheist, that looks like is saying something valid but the only thing u do is to speak in an arrogant tone with "fancy" words.
Be a bit smart and notice how is u that takes the "teachings" of man that I take the one's from God.
Are you sure you're not illiterate? Also can you back any of that with facts? Not just a book that is ridiculously outdated and often proved wrong
No i m not using the any of the Darwin books, and if u have absence of evidence like for some arguments that I pointed out its pretty much a fact, like there r no fossils at all from transitional species and no missing links, but people like u prefer to ignore it.
But try to go outside the box for once and u will see that is impossible for us to come from apes, but probably u won't because u r programmed to be that way.
I just try to warn that there is a Creator, but as a former atheist I know how all of this seems ridiculous, but believe me is not, so if u have curiosity make your own research if not it won't work and we will be just wasting our time. Probably u will criticize me for that.
But u don't need to go far just look to yourself and notice the complexity of just one cell that works like a "mini town" and the different parts rely on each other for that cell to continue to live and to work good and we have trillions of those, also just notice how or brain works no other animal comes close to us, don't u think is a bit weird that we were the only species that evolved to that point?!
I just pray that all non-believers one day might find the truth, and feel what Jesus has done for us.
I just pray that all non-believers one day might find the truth, and feel what Jesus has done for us.

meh..if im going to believe in a religion it would probably not be a new fan dangled one like Christianity.

Id go with something that has more history and depth and therefore would have a greater chance of being "true". Maybe like believing in the Dream Time of the oldest culture on earth..or Paganism..some thing with nature and peace in mind.
No i m not using the any of the Darwin books, and if u have absence of evidence like for some arguments that I pointed out its pretty much a fact, like there r no fossils at all from transitional species and no missing links, but people like u prefer to ignore it.
But try to go outside the box for once and u will see that is impossible for us to come from apes, but probably u won't because u r programmed to be that way.
I just try to warn that there is a Creator, but as a former atheist I know how all of this seems ridiculous, but believe me is not, so if u have curiosity make your own research if not it won't work and we will be just wasting our time. Probably u will criticize me for that.
But u don't need to go far just look to yourself and notice the complexity of just one cell that works like a "mini town" and the different parts rely on each other for that cell to continue to live and to work good and we have trillions of those, also just notice how or brain works no other animal comes close to us, don't u think is a bit weird that we were the only species that evolved to that point?!
I just pray that all non-believers one day might find the truth, and feel what Jesus has done for us.

If you step out of the warehouse perhaps God is closer to the single celled animals and we only evolved this far out of fear.
plants don't mutate for fun, they do it to take advantage of an environmental stimulus. they grow different shaped flowers because the plants that grow them are more successful than the ones that don't. they grow taller or shorter because the plants that have those traits are more or less successful than their neighbors. if the plant is already well suited for its environment, which doesn't change much, then neither will the plant.
I was giving u an opportunity to not be embarrassed by your Naturalism and Evolution theories, but since u r too lazy to make research i will give u some hints:
-There r none Fossils records from the transitions between species, there should be as much as fossils from the actual species
-Latest Dna tests have shown that apes have the double of Y chromosome than men, and generally apes and men chromosomes r remarkably divergent and too different for the ape to man evolution
- The Law of Biogenesis (the Law of Life Beginnings) accurately states that life only comes from life, and that life only reproduces after its own kind. Life cannot spontaneously generate and life forms do not change from one kind into another kind
-How can u explain symbiosis ( like the bee/flower relation, they need each other to survive)?
-Where r the "missing links"?
-If we came from apes why they still exist today?

And the list goes on and on...
-the fossil record is no where near complete, and many species have been "rebuilt" by extrapolation, from fragments, using medical knowledge. just because they haven't found a complete skeleton of "the missing link" means absolutely nothing.
-no one EVER said that man evolved from modern the fuck could modern man evolve from a modern species?that arguement doesn't even make sense on a logical level.
-the "law of biogenesis" is a theory put out by louis pasteur. it is in fact, not a "law", and it seems to have no relevance to your arguement.
if indeed you use this arguement, where did the original life come from, that everything else evolved from (but i forgot, we didn't evolve)
-i don't even understand this argument....please clarify what symbiosis has to do with this argument?
-already covered in your first bullet point
-we didn't "come from apes", we evolved from a common ancestor if you go far enough back, and the different families diverged, leading to modern man, and modern apes.

the thing is, while i don't consider myself a christian, i'm not an atheist. i believe in a guiding intelligence, and don't think we happened solely by accident.
i do believe you need to educate yourself better. learn to think and don't swallow ignorant stupid bullshit blindly. theres nothing wrong with having faith and conviction, unless you let it blind you to the truth
No i m not using the any of the Darwin books, and if u have absence of evidence like for some arguments that I pointed out its pretty much a fact, like there r no fossils at all from transitional species and no missing links, but people like u prefer to ignore it.
But try to go outside the box for once and u will see that is impossible for us to come from apes, but probably u won't because u r programmed to be that way.
I just try to warn that there is a Creator, but as a former atheist I know how all of this seems ridiculous, but believe me is not, so if u have curiosity make your own research if not it won't work and we will be just wasting our time. Probably u will criticize me for that.
But u don't need to go far just look to yourself and notice the complexity of just one cell that works like a "mini town" and the different parts rely on each other for that cell to continue to live and to work good and we have trillions of those, also just notice how or brain works no other animal comes close to us, don't u think is a bit weird that we were the only species that evolved to that point?!
I just pray that all non-believers one day might find the truth, and feel what Jesus has done for us.
I get what you are saying. However I have not read anywhere where Cannabineer wrote he was indeed atheist. I myself believe there is/was a higher power. However I just can not believe all the words of a piece of literature that has been altered and rewrote. With that said, I'm not saying some of it isn't true. Just not all of it. Allot of times scriptures are taken out of context aswell.
-the fossil record is no where near complete, and many species have been "rebuilt" by extrapolation, from fragments, using medical knowledge. just because they haven't found a complete skeleton of "the missing link" means absolutely nothing.
-no one EVER said that man evolved from modern the fuck could modern man evolve from a modern species?that arguement doesn't even make sense on a logical level.
-the "law of biogenesis" is a theory put out by louis pasteur. it is in fact, not a "law", and it seems to have no relevance to your arguement.
if indeed you use this arguement, where did the original life come from, that everything else evolved from (but i forgot, we didn't evolve)
-i don't even understand this argument....please clarify what symbiosis has to do with this argument?
-already covered in your first bullet point
-we didn't "come from apes", we evolved from a common ancestor if you go far enough back, and the different families diverged, leading to modern man, and modern apes.

the thing is, while i don't consider myself a christian, i'm not an atheist. i believe in a guiding intelligence, and don't think we happened solely by accident.
i do believe you need to educate yourself better. learn to think and don't swallow ignorant stupid bullshit blindly. theres nothing wrong with having faith and conviction, unless you let it blind you to the truth
In a previous post you said that you hoped everyone would find Jesus. In saying that I took it as you believe in Jesus, as do I. Nothing wrong with that. Which would make you a Christian. I myself just don't practice fully, and or try to cram all the bible teaching bullshit down people's throats (:
You can't contradict evolution, that's an extraordinary claim.
In everyday usage, "theory" often refers to a hunch or a speculation. When people say, "I have a theory about why that happened," they are often drawing a conclusion based on fragmentary or inconclusive evidence.
The formal scientific definition of theory is quite different from the everyday meaning of the word. It refers to a comprehensive explanation of some aspect of nature that is supported by a vast body of evidence.
Many scientific theories are so well-established that no new evidence is likely to alter them substantially. For example, no new evidence will demonstrate that the Earth does not orbit around the sun (heliocentric theory), or that living things are not made of cells (cell theory), that matter is not composed of atoms, or that the surface of the Earth is not divided into solid plates that have moved over geological timescales (the theory of plate tectonics). Like these other foundational scientific theories, the theory of evolution is supported by so many observations and confirming experiments that scientists are confident that the basic components of the theory will not be overturned by new evidence.

I cant link the source lol, but it's from 2017
I was giving u an opportunity to not be embarrassed by your Naturalism and Evolution theories, but since u r too lazy to make research i will give u some hints:
-There r none Fossils records from the transitions between species, there should be as much as fossils from the actual species
-Latest Dna tests have shown that apes have the double of Y chromosome than men, and generally apes and men chromosomes r remarkably divergent and too different for the ape to man evolution
- The Law of Biogenesis (the Law of Life Beginnings) accurately states that life only comes from life, and that life only reproduces after its own kind. Life cannot spontaneously generate and life forms do not change from one kind into another kind
-How can u explain symbiosis ( like the bee/flower relation, they need each other to survive)?
-Where r the "missing links"?
-If we came from apes why they still exist today?

And the list goes on and on...


In a previous post you said that you hoped everyone would find Jesus. In saying that I took it as you believe in Jesus, as do I. Nothing wrong with that. Which would make you a Christian. I myself just don't practice fully, and or try to cram all the bible teaching bullshit down people's throats (:
i don't recall ever saying i hope anyone finds a matter of fact, jesus is one of my big problems with christianity. i don't have a problem with anyone believing what ever they want to believe, as long as it doesn't harm them or anyone else.
narrow minded people who shutter themselves from the truth then try to cram that down other peoples throats against their wills.....thats what i have a problem with
i don't recall ever saying i hope anyone finds a matter of fact, jesus is one of my big problems with christianity. i don't have a problem with anyone believing what ever they want to believe, as long as it doesn't harm them or anyone else.
narrow minded people who shutter themselves from the truth then try to cram that down other peoples throats against their wills.....thats what i have a problem with
Sorry, I quoted the wrong person. I was speaking meaning to speak to the @ Leandrobcool.
i don't recall ever saying i hope anyone finds a matter of fact, jesus is one of my big problems with christianity. i don't have a problem with anyone believing what ever they want to believe, as long as it doesn't harm them or anyone else.
narrow minded people who shutter themselves from the truth then try to cram that down other peoples throats against their wills.....thats what i have a problem with
Although I myself am far from narrow-minded, I have a problem with that myself. That is the main thing that turned me against Christianity to start with. That and all the judgement some of those type people do...
it just seems to me that they used jesus as an exclusionary clause.
been a good person your whole life? helped others with no thought of personal reward? tried to do the right thing, because its the right thing? but you don't accept our deity as your personal saviour? sorry, your life of sacrifice, good intent, and good works, is nullified because you don't like our teams mascot..........