Topdawg Genetics

Sticking with 1 male (really doesn't matter the pool # count, how many beans to find '91?) is frowned upon?

What's wrong with using a male from a pack, I don't believe there is any need of some threshold number of packs to qualify a "pool to select from". Great if people want to dig through great numbers to select from, but at the end of the day it only took one seed to sprout whatever gets selected.
Yeah I dont mind if it took you 5 beans to find a keeper male or 200 as long as you find a good stud.
Is the stud good? I doubt the male is any good because I know what he produces. Yea a few people got lucky but if you pop 20 plus beans and get 20 plus males yea don't sound like a good stud. Tell me who's growing to find males only.
I've said before that the one Hellbreath girl I found blows away my StarDawg IX in potency density and loudness, so which male is weak? StarDawg IX is potent, but it's not chemD, and it's not as good as Hell Breath. Can always tell what I prefer by which jar gets emptied first.

Sex is a crap shoot, you could pop 100 seeds and there's a possibility to get all 100 males, likely no, but possible, same with them all being female. I would venture to bet that more who have popped Tek's gear have found females than the isolated outlier of those who had large numbers of males. Purely speculation on my part but I'm using nature as my informer on why I would make this wager.
Is ogkb supposed to be a stinker?
Cause I've read the chem 91 ix had absolutely no nose.
This deer breath I got in flower (ogkb x chem 91 ix) doesn't smell a bit. The smoke better be off the walls lol
I've said before that the one Hellbreath girl I found blows away my StarDawg IX in potency density and loudness, so which male is weak? StarDawg IX is potent, but it's not chemD, and it's not as good as Hell Breath. Can always tell what I prefer by which jar gets emptied first.

Sex is a crap shoot, you could pop 100 seeds and there's a possibility to get all 100 males, likely no, but possible, same with them all being female. I would venture to bet that more who have popped Tek's gear have found females than the isolated outlier of those who had large numbers of males. Purely speculation on my part but I'm using nature as my informer on why I would make this wager.
Have you thought that it might just be the ogkb that have it potent. It is a cookie cross and I never heard anyone complaining about a cookie cross being weak sauce
Well if you got one male out of a pack there was no selection. Just working with what you got
What value is this as a qualifier, it's a lotto ticket.

Selection means what? That they used the male to make seeds and then tested through how many progeny? How does this guarantee a better product than the guy who got lucky with 1 seed?

@Vato_504 OGKB2.0 won IC cup 2015 so it's probably dank I've not held it tho. What I'm getting at though is that a male that Tek found has produced dank, counter to what has been suggested only spitting males and herms.
I've said before that the one Hellbreath girl I found blows away my StarDawg IX in potency density and loudness, so which male is weak? StarDawg IX is potent, but it's not chemD, and it's not as good as Hell Breath. Can always tell what I prefer by which jar gets emptied first.

Sex is a crap shoot, you could pop 100 seeds and there's a possibility to get all 100 males, likely no, but possible, same with them all being female. I would venture to bet that more who have popped Tek's gear have found females than the isolated outlier of those who had large numbers of males. Purely speculation on my part but I'm using nature as my informer on why I would make this wager.
I started 10 stardawg`s IX ,and so far 7 are males ,and the 3 left are the lanky one`s ,im not happy at all , 7 bushy males ,and their maybe more I don't know yet
I've said before that the one Hellbreath girl I found blows away my StarDawg IX in potency density and loudness, so which male is weak? StarDawg IX is potent, but it's not chemD, and it's not as good as Hell Breath. Can always tell what I prefer by which jar gets emptied first.

Sex is a crap shoot, you could pop 100 seeds and there's a possibility to get all 100 males, likely no, but possible, same with them all being female. I would venture to bet that more who have popped Tek's gear have found females than the isolated outlier of those who had large numbers of males. Purely speculation on my part but I'm using nature as my informer on why I would make this wager.
Could you tell me who makes hellbreath I would like to try it ,it sounds killer
mini splits are the shit. They crush it in sealed rooms. Definitely makes sense why you can't swoop a pack but you definitely half to have your room dialed in though. I know both of the current distributors for topdawg and I hear nothing but good things about the future so I'm sure you'll have a chance to swoop at some point.
Last month I bought 10 stardawg`s IX from TOPDAWG genetics ,sold by sour patch kids ,so far 7 are males ,and the 3 that are left are lanky and tall ,im not to happy right now ,im hoping that they are females ,and they get bushy, im not bad mouthing anyone just saying it doesn't look to good so far ,and I spent 200 for ten beans ,I thought they would be bushier ,but will see ,
That is chucky 2.0 he's using as well. You mean the story where he found a single male outta 13 beans that he got roasted for on IG?

There's that, and there's no way to know if it's a cross or "selfed" since it was "bagseed" from a club. All that is known is that it's some kind of GSC x "?".
Last month I bought 10 stardawg`s IX from TOPDAWG genetics ,sold by sour patch kids ,so far 7 are males ,and the 3 that are left are lanky and tall ,im not to happy right now ,im hoping that they are females ,and they get bushy, im not bad mouthing anyone just saying it doesn't look to good so far ,and I spent 200 for ten beans ,I thought they would be bushier ,but will see ,
What's up man. This was way back when jj had his first drop to mountain inceptions and get seeds right here in Denver. I haven't ran through any of his new drops sense most of the Chem clone onlys have been floating around co forever. Good luck with your run though there's always fire to be found it just may take more then one pack
So im under the impression that 3 chems from topdawg might be his best work . I seen it on gloseeds one night when I was at work and could not order it cause no money on my card and couldnt go to the bank to load it . Within minutes it sold out and only $170 . I do have black gold by greenpoint which is pretty much the same thing but reversed but would still like that 3 chems . Looks like breeding stock and breeding stock always makes excellent smoke . What would people say is jjs top gear . Maybe a top 5 list . That would be pretty good for this thread .