Cash Crop Auto 100w CFL (with lighthood) grow journal


Seed: Cash crop auto (cream of the crop) Feminised [8 weeks from seed to weed]
I germed 3 on the 17th of April, 2 died so I'm left with 1.
Starting off with 108w cfls and 50w halogen light with 40w led ( I did buy a 300w cfl grow light but when it arrived it was broken :(.

Coming up to a total of 4500 lumens.

I started off with a jiffy pot for 3 weeks and a few days ago I transplanted into a 2-3 gallon smart pot.
Today was the first time I fed her using simple nutes (blood fish and bone) {I know its not the best nutes but its just an experiment} I also topped her 2/3 days ago and lst'd 1 week ago.
It seems like shes stunted growth since it fell over about a week ago.
She is very small but hopefully when put outdoors it should produce 8-10 grams.

I will be moving her outdoors into a small greenhouse on the 19th {when the weather gets better}
and let her do its thing.

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Heres a pic of transplant.. Sorry for bad quality as its on my pc.
Is it small? because it looks tiny and starting to think it wont yield much


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Heres a pic of transplant.. Sorry for bad quality as its on my pc.
Is it small? because it looks tiny and starting to think it wont yield much

And since no-one else responded, I'll give you my 2 cents dude! Though be aware I've never done autos tbh, as i don't rate what I've read or seen about them and still seem bit too random and temperamental to me, yet plenty do love them tbf.

Anyway, I'd say yours mainly look stressed (the wibbleness and bright greenness of leaves), probably due to being transplanted then topped within a few days - is better if can leave at least a week between stressful events. And from what I do know of autos, I don't think they're always respond well/too suitable for topping usually, due to short veg time.

Also, if they've only just gone into new soil, then they wouldn't have needed feeding for at least 10 - 14 days (depending on soil), though I thought your soil looked abit too strong for seedlings anyway, as in 1st pics they very dark green, clawed, curled and stunted.So could be other nute problems going on too, though hard to tell when stressed already)

Otherwise, I'd say they're about average size for that time under CFLs , and just recommend just handle them with care (no overwatering or overfeeding) and hopefully if good genetics, then they'll recover well and you'll know within 3 or 4 days if recovering ok or not.
  • Lol! I read the title and thought, 'who the hell's cash cropping autos under CFLs??!!' Had never heard of the strain lol!
OMG dude same here, never heard of the strain so I had to check out a cash crop under CFL's!!!! ROFL i'm dying

As to the originator of the thread, I would say that yes, it is small but that is because of the quality of your light. CFL's don't really give off enough energy for cannabis to sustain much growth but your in a very early stage so its not as bad as being 2 weeks into flower. Can you give the plant more sunlight like in the pic? and then when the sun goes down, move them under the CFL's for a few more hours. Might have to be a daily thing but you can't beat the sun, you'll see better growth with that kinda light.