I ordered a pack of pudding pop when they first dropped, back in the beginning of April. I just got an order complete email on May 1st.... A month later. Given that their shipping method, priority, has a delivery time of 3-5 max, I hit up green line for a tracking number. He says he will double check on my order... That was twelve days ago. He hasn't answered any of my follow up emails since.
I really wished I had listened to the people that said he was shady in hindsight. I just can't comprehend how someone an show such a blatant disregard for a customer base and consider themselves a legitimate business enterprise in the same breath. I woulda easily dropped the 2 hundred somewhere else to not deal with this bs.
You know he provides a really nice incentive to purchasing from his site, you can get bang out gear for 10-40% off competitors pricing. But he doesn't care about you as a consumer, which is way more important. To me, a seed distributor, or any proprietor for that matter, isn't defined by the number of trouble-free transaction they have...it's how they respond to the fuck ups that matter way more.