Debate with a Trumper (any Trumper)

name someone who was coerced into opening a store then, you fucking pedophile.

Not relevant. It's what happens after they make an individual choice to open a store.

The owner of a property is the own who (should) determines the use of it, the thief is the one who determines the use of property which isn't his Captain Floor Crapper.
what is it like to be the #1 troll at riu?

pretty hilarious, especially when idiots like you doxx yourselves for me.

how do you think that kiss yer klansmen gave shillary tasted like,whiteness? prolly roast beef lol

are you referring to robert byrd, who disavowed the klan, got a 100% NAACP rating, and was eulogized by our first black president?

anyhoo, you are still running away from the question like the insecure coward that you are.

what was it like to be outwitted by a klansman?
calm down pretendgerine,you're getting emotional again

reported for being yourself again

what is it like to be the #1 troll at riu?

how do you think that kiss yer klansmen gave shillary tasted like,whiteness? prolly roast beef lol

did you pull that pic off MSLGBTV watching rachel maddow again ?

You're getting awfully emotional again.

she's what you consider intelligent hahaha,im seeing a pattern here with you bubz,yer craycray

where's your doctorate from oxford?

She earned a degree in public policy at Stanford in 1994.[19] At graduation, she was awarded the John Gardner Fellowship.[20] She was the recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship and began her postgraduate study in 1995 at Lincoln College, Oxford. This made her the first openly gay or lesbian American to win an international Rhodes Scholarship.[21] In 2001, she earned a Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in politics at the University of Oxford.[22]