
My buddy has that exact setup. It's pretty nice. He uses 100% hydroton though. IMO perlite or coco is just too messy for that setup, and/or won't dry out nearly as fast as hydroton.

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Not that this forum has much fresh content anyways, so I'll resurrect this.
Hydroton is definitely the way to go in these systems. Not only is it reusable and washable but like you said it will allow for faster dryback which makes more sense in a ebb/flow style system.
If I were to go with the aircube system I guess this would require some modifications? The room where my tent is doesn't have any type of drain so would probably have to use some sort of tote or ?? Forgive my dumb ass questions, I am completely new to indoor growing and anything other then soil is a whole new ball game for me. That's why I was looking for something more or less " plug n play".

The Aircube System pumps water from a large reservoir into a smaller bucket to water all the plants, once complete it draws all the water back to the small bucket and pumps it back to the large reservoir to use again later. Less waist. The only downfall is you have to drain and clean the large reservoir from time to time and Aircube recently changed their drain fitting to a compression adapter which I cannot locate anywhere in the U.S.A., making the drain system completely useless.