How long are people waiting to hear back from Health Canada ?

ˌself ˈrīCHəs/
1. having or characterized by a certainty, especially an unfounded one, that one is totally correct or morally superior.

Not sure if you're constantly projecting or just don't know the definitions of the words you use so I thought I'd help you out on this one
GB gets his rocks off on telling people how to live. He has some sort of weird obsession on where people get their cannabis from.....even though it's none of his fucking business. As far as I see you can't fix might as well ignor him and hopefully he'll just tire him self out......can't be easy hovering over his computer 12-18 hours a day trolling on this board.
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wtf? just read through several posts of childish back n forth nonsense. then came to the end... skipped over most of it. great stuff! and they say evolution isn't real. I can practically hear the oo-oo aa-aa and poop slinging now.
wtf? just read through several posts of childish back n forth nonsense. then came to the end... skipped over most of it. great stuff! and they say evolution isn't real. I can practically hear the oo-oo aa-aa and poop slinging now.
Maybe you could use this too..

ˌself ˈrīCHəs/
1. having or characterized by a certainty, especially an unfounded one, that one is totally correct or morally superior.

lol what?
Almost too much for me to even touch...

you post to condemn the childish back and forth which you admit you didn't read, then call everyone shitslinging monkeys while taking what I can only interpret as a strange uncalled for shot at creationists?

Not sure how the controversial debate of the theory of evolution ties into it
but ya
Very constructive post on the topic of .. im not even really sure
lolol what the fuckkkkkkkkkk....jesus christ in the sky!
Hypocrite may have been much more appropriate than self righteous after all..

You name calling condemning namecalling evolutionary christian you...

Do atheists take the lords name in vain? I'll admit I'm not sure if non christians use the same swear words but doubt it
Hypocrite may have been much more appropriate than self righteous after all..

You name calling condemning namecalling evolutionary christian you...

Do atheists take the lords name in vain? I'll admit I'm not sure if non christians use the same swear words but doubt it

that didnt take long at all.. lmao
Hypocrite may have been much more appropriate than self righteous after all..

You name calling condemning namecalling evolutionary christian you...

Do atheists take the lords name in vain? I'll admit I'm not sure if non christians use the same swear words but doubt it
um okay. i was making a point that constant insults, whether they are defensive or offensive, are childish. engaging in that sort of thing takes away from the real point of the thread. takes away from purposeful learning, and wastes people's time. Getting wrapped up and entwined in that sort of thing is monkey behavior. its childish, petty, and neanderthal. As for your other insults, or whatever you seem to have stuck in your craw.. I apologize if I've struck a chord..but this kind of thing is ridiculously annoying already. Everywhere you go, grown ass people are getting caught up in this back and forth little bullshit, and now I've been snagged. In the end it's all an ego trip anyways. rise above. No I'm not christian/religious. yes i am half in the bag. thanks to my midnight express (thank you freedom seeds) and this gin. religion is a me , im fuckin amish. i was raised on jesus, god and the bible. pounded over the head with that shit. i fucking hate that crap!
um okay. i was making a point that constant insults, whether they are defensive or offensive, are childish. engaging in that sort of thing takes away from the real point of the thread. takes away from purposeful learning, and wastes people's time. Getting wrapped up and entwined in that sort of thing is monkey behavior. its childish, petty, and neanderthal. As for your other insults, or whatever you seem to have stuck in your craw.. I apologize if I've struck a chord..but this kind of thing is ridiculously annoying already. Everywhere you go, grown ass people are getting caught up in this back and forth little bullshit, and now I've been snagged. In the end it's all an ego trip anyways. rise above. No I'm not christian/religious. yes i am half in the bag. thanks to my midnight express (thank you freedom seeds) and this gin. religion is a me , im fuckin amish. i was raised on jesus, god and the bible. pounded over the head with that shit. i fucking hate that crap!
hes just tryin to include as many as he can..wont last much longer ;)
um okay. i was making a point that constant insults, whether they are defensive or offensive, are childish. engaging in that sort of thing takes away from the real point of the thread. takes away from purposeful learning, and wastes people's time. Getting wrapped up and entwined in that sort of thing is monkey behavior. its childish, petty, and neanderthal. As for your other insults, or whatever you seem to have stuck in your craw.. I apologize if I've struck a chord..but this kind of thing is ridiculously annoying already. Everywhere you go, grown ass people are getting caught up in this back and forth little bullshit, and now I've been snagged. In the end it's all an ego trip anyways. rise above. No I'm not christian/religious. yes i am half in the bag. thanks to my midnight express (thank you freedom seeds) and this gin. religion is a me , im fuckin amish. i was raised on jesus, god and the bible. pounded over the head with that shit. i fucking hate that crap!
I know the point you were making. I was just questioning it's validity when you make it then engage in the exact activity, but in your case I was also questioning the intention because no one dragged you into it, "you just couldn't resist" lol...
as for insults, none intended was merely pointing out the hypocrisy which is hard to deny is there

The religious shit im just fucking with ya but also have no idea where it came from lol
I know the point you were making. I was just questioning it's validity when you make it then engage in the exact activity, but in your case I was also questioning the intention because no one dragged you into it, "you just couldn't resist" lol...
as for insults, none intended was merely pointing out the hypocrisy which is hard to deny is there

The religious shit im just fucking with ya but also have no idea where it came from lol
i see your point. but i think sometimes we need to point and laugh at that sort of thing. we make fun of fat people, ugly people, dumb people..but nobody ever points at the assholes and says "you suck!" "you're a fucking loser" "laugh laugh". I feel like its a never ending plague. man my belly button was painful a few days ago.. i googled it..and some kid on a forum on bodybuilding had asked why his bellybutton hurt..and people were just totally ragging on this sort of shit happens so often..
So has anyone got their papers recently? Sent mine march 20th or so, its now may 21st. almost 9 weeks. subtract a week to mail it there, and a week to mail it back. 7 weeks they've had it. just watch, it will turn out that they never got it somehow. wtf.