WTF is wrong with California


You so mad at ty the you stalk him across the forum?

He must have cut you deep.

Question: Instead of the heinous act @UncleBuck accused you of doing (voting for Trump), would you have voted for Sanders if he had been nominated ?
If Bernie hadn't been a virtual unknown until just before he announced he would've had the support and probably have been nominated.

Most people saw it as too risky with the field of absolute retards the GOP put forward.
Now is the time for pushing individual agendas within the Democratic Party. As in the just finished election, Ty and most other Sanders supporters voted for Clinton. Same with @schuylaar . It must have chafed to do so but they did. There is a lot of rhetoric just like last year about not voting but most probably will vote Democrat, given the choices in front of them. If the Democratic Party doesn't completely abandon them, that is. I see Sanders faction pulling the Democratic Party leftward nationally. As far as I can tell, this hasn't translated into any wins but it's still early.
The issue is the condescension of other Democrats because they don't have "100% faith" in their methods.

I'd like to push left leaning candidates too but only if they're likely to win and preferably win without alienating the redder parts of the nation.

I strongly doubt the conversation we need to have can happen if one of the parties puts their fingers in their ears and says "If you're not on board, get out of the way".

We know what we're doing. You just keep sucking the corporate cock that rapes you in the wallet, retard.

Insanity is doing the same thing while expecting different results.

Doing the same thing and expecting different results is called "practice".
Ridicule from whom? I'm just fucking with you because I don't like you. You respond like a hungry dog. My dog.

It doesn't matter what you say. I'm stressing you and wasting your time on purpose. You can't still believe I am angry or actually have feelings that require action about you?

Oh yeah. You are a fraud. And now that I know how old you are. A clown.
Only a walking pile of dogshit would think his time is best spent in such a way. May you richly reap what you sow.

You haven't a fucking clue what I want.

I want Democrats to actually get into power first so they can start a shift to the left.

Your way splits Democrats because you can't take any criticism of your very specific view of leftism.
You're an idiot because you think you can convince the Democratic party of anything without consequences.
So, you would have voted for Trump anyway.


By the way, Trump isn't anywhere near centrist. Clinton was. Just saying.

Does anything said that doesn't fully support your belated anti-trump crusade automatically mean that the person voted for him?

I just said I didn't a couple posts above.
Only a walking pile of dogshit would think his time is best spent in such a way. May you richly reap what you sow.

This comment is proof you have little reading comprehension.

"Best Spent" is your addition. And it alters what I just wrote.

And again. I am only doing it to you. and only when I am very bored.
Now is the time for pushing individual agendas within the Democratic Party. As in the just finished election, Ty and most other Sanders supporters voted for Clinton. Same with @schuylaar . It must have chafed to do so but they did. There is a lot of rhetoric just like last year about not voting but most probably will vote Democrat, given the choices in front of them. If the Democratic Party doesn't completely abandon them, that is. I see Sanders faction pulling the Democratic Party leftward nationally. As far as I can tell, this hasn't translated into any wins but it's still early.
The reason for this is that the Democratic Party has shown exactly zero interest in changing their message one iota. They're taking their marching orders from their major donors and the other 80% of Americans don't matter.

If they continue in this vein, they'll keep losing progressive voters, which will become an ever larger obstacle to our that they'll eventually have to take us seriously.

Since I'm unable to throw millions of dollars of cash at the party in order to get heard, I feel this is my only chance.
In addition to the rest of your dubious talents, you're also a liar. @RM3 has already mentioned your stupidity has returned to stalk him again.

Useful conversations in here. You're calling me a liar while my biggest flaw is brutal honesty.

And the activists are telling me who I voted for even after I answered them.

Not much point is there?

But you are actually calling the rat for backup. Lol.

I work at home at night. I will be around buddy. Can't wait to hear what you and your girlfriend come up with next.
Useful conversations in here. You're calling me a liar while my biggest flaw is brutal honesty.

And the activists are telling me who I voted for even after I answered them.

Not much point is there?

But you are actually calling the rat for backup. Lol.

I work at home at night. I will be around buddy. Can't wait to hear what you and your girlfriend come up with next.

Oh shit, looks like another case of LED envy. TTY gets a lot of that these days , must be doing something right. Why are you afraid to admit you are a never Hillary duesh?
Oh shit, looks like another case of LED envy. TTY gets a lot of that these days , must be doing something right. Why are you afraid to admit you are a never Hillary duesh?

Why would I envy a light? Or are you saying I envy the shut down fraud who used to have big scraggly looking yellow plants?

And I have pretty much clearly indicated I don't like either candidate from the last election.

Picking the least evil is all they actually allow us and they call it voting. And then they do it for us anyway.
In addition to the rest of your dubious talents, you're also a liar. @RM3 has already mentioned your stupidity has returned to stalk him again.

By the way it is very different for you than your buddy. He took actions against me. You are just an idiot who doesn't know when he is over his head and keeps on talking.
Why would I envy a light? Or are you saying I envy the shut down fraud who used to have big scraggly looking yellow plants?

And I have pretty much clearly indicated I don't like either candidate from the last election.

Picking the least evil is all they actually allow us and they call it voting. And then they do it for us anyway.

Idiots like you are responsible for the Trump administration. An adminstration that is against the the very nature of this website, Gfy hypocrite.