Guerrilla 2017

This year is changing rapidly. I am taking a young man under my wing. I'm very close to his girlfriend. She's like my little sister and the more I was around him the more I liked him. He loves to smoke and is dying to learn the art of growing. I told him back in the Winter if he had a good spot I would supply the plants and do the grow with him showing what knowledge i have.
Well this past Friday we went to scout the spot he said would probably be good. It is the most perfect guerrilla spot I've ever seen hands down and I've grown in some great ones over the years. I was dancing a jig. Smiling ear to ear. The spot is about 1/2 mile off a country road. It's fields between the road and the grow area. It's a small little patch of 8-10 acres
and nasty as fuck. Man eating briars, thorny ass trees. Once I made my way through that stretch of hell and got to the middle my heart swelled. Very open with just a few small trees towering at 5-6 ft high. I started to dig a hole and the soil was nice and black and dug easy. And wouldn't you know it, there's a creek close by. So I went from we'll probably put out 50 before ever seeing the spot to we should plug 100 in this gem of a spot and after a couple more days it was "fuck it. Let's do this right. 150 sounds like the magic number". All regular seed and we don't have the luxury of getting everything sexed out before planting. They will go from Solo cups to the ground. Which happens with me on a regular basis over the years. I told him that we will run 3 stretches of fishing line (1 at about 1.5 ft of the ground, 2nd one at about 3ft, and the last one at 4ft.) around the area explaining that will save us a lot of would be whitetail damage. I've never had a patch invaded since using that method. Told him our biggest enemy right off the bat will be coons and opossums. But we have all the holes dug and aged manure heavily mixed in each hole before we put the plants in. Give it 3 or 4 days for the local coons and opossums to get there inquisitive digging out of the way. Then for the sake of going the extra mile we will go back at least 2 days in a row after planting to re plant anything that might get dug up. Explaining to him that if you get out before the sun starts beating down on them you can replant and rarely lose any of them. I think we are going to get a battery and sump pump to hook up to it and garden hose of course. Told him we will leave these tools out there but tuck them away in a well hidden spot. After digging that first hole I dug 6 or 7 more. He was digging as well. The sweat was pouring off of us like water in the shower. I was like make no mistake about it brother this is hard work and takes a lot of dedication. But when it's wrapped up you won't give two shits how hard it was to pull off. I'm keeping 50 plants for my own private growing area this year. This could turn out to be one hell of a year but then again we could lose it all to rain, humidity, and insects. I said its good to be excited and have an ever growing passion for growing the most exotic beautiful plant on the Earth. But know that there will be years that make you question your dedication. As was my grow last year.

He wants to show me another spot in that area that he thinks is just as good as the one he showed me. So sometime soon we are going to go scout that area. If its another honey hole we will probably just put 75 in one spot and 75 in the other.

Very excited to share knowledge with him and have a front row seat to what will become of his soon to be passion. We have 2 ways to access the grow area and one is from his Mother's land. I still got to pinch myself. The absolute best guerrilla area I have ever seen. I've had some dandy's but this one takes the cake. :peace::hump::weed:
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Just heard about Chris Cornell. What a fucking shame. That absolutely blows. Alice n Chains and Soundgarden were by far my favorites that came out of the Seattle Grunge scene. Way back when i was coming of age and graduating H.S. Not only that but Staley and Cornell are two of my all time favorite vocalists. Staley was a crooner extroidnaire in my humble opinion. I have always been like "Curt who?" Nirvana's music doesn't have the staying power of AC and SG. I liked Nirvana back in the day but grew tired of their music by my mid 20s. Have never grown tired of AC and SG.

Staley and Cornell together and a dam good song.
This year is changing rapidly. I am taking a young man under my wing. I'm very close to his girlfriend. She's like my little sister and the more I was around him the more I liked him. He loves to smoke and is dying to learn the art of growing. I told him back in the Winter if he had a good spot I would supply the plants and do the grow with him showing what knowledge i have.
Well this past Friday we went to scout the spot he said would probably be good. It is the most perfect guerrilla spot I've ever seen hands down and I've grown in some great ones over the years. I was dancing a jig. Smiling ear to ear. The spot is about 1/2 mile off a country road. It's fields between the road and the grow area. It's a small little patch of 8-10 acres
and nasty as fuck. Man eating briars, thorny ass trees. Once I made my way through that stretch of hell and got to the middle my heart swelled. Very open with just a few small trees towering at 5-6 ft high. I started to dig a hole and the soil was nice and black and dug easy. And wouldn't you know it, there's a creek close by. So I went from we'll probably put out 50 before ever seeing the spot to we should plug 100 in this gem of a spot and after a couple more days it was "fuck it. Let's do this right. 150 sounds like the magic number". All regular seed and we don't have the luxury of getting everything sexed out before planting. They will go from Solo cups to the ground. Which happens with me on a regular basis over the years. I told him that we will run 3 stretches of fishing line (1 at about 1.5 ft of the ground, 2nd one at about 3ft, and the last one at 4ft.) around the area explaining that will save us a lot of would be whitetail damage. I've never had a patch invaded since using that method. Told him our biggest enemy right off the bat will be coons and opossums. But we have all the holes dug and aged manure heavily mixed in each hole before we put the plants in. Give it 3 or 4 days for the local coons and opossums to get there inquisitive digging out of the way. Then for the sake of going the extra mile we will go back at least 2 days in a row after planting to re plant anything that might get dug up. Explaining to him that if you get out before the sun starts beating down on them you can replant and rarely lose any of them. I think we are going to get a battery and sump pump to hook up to it and garden hose of course. Told him we will leave these tools out there but tuck them away in a well hidden spot. After digging that first hole I dug 6 or 7 more. He was digging as well. The sweat was pouring off of us like water in the shower. I was like make no mistake about it brother this is hard work and takes a lot of dedication. But when it's wrapped up you won't give two shits how hard it was to pull off. I'm keeping 50 plants for my own private growing area this year. This could turn out to be one hell of a year but then again we could lose it all to rain, humidity, and insects. I said its good to be excited and have an ever growing passion for growing the most exotic beautiful plant on the Earth. But know that there will be years that make you question your dedication. As was my grow last year.

He wants to show me another spot in that area that he thinks is just as good as the one he showed me. So sometime soon we are going to go scout that area. If its another honey hole we will probably just put 75 in one spot and 75 in the other.

Very excited to share knowledge with him and have a front row seat to what will become of his soon to be passion. We have 2 ways to access the grow area and one is from his Mother's land. I still got to pinch myself. The absolute best guerrilla area I have ever seen. I've had some dandy's but this one takes the cake. :peace::hump::weed:
Sounds like Eden to me. Back when I was younger I never grew a spot unless you had to crawl through briars to get to it. Now that I'm old and in the way, well, I like a good trail. A good short trail.

I would go with the 75/75 if possible. Shit does happen in this business. There is a little saying about eggs in a basket.

Good luck.
This year is changing rapidly. I am taking a young man under my wing. I'm very close to his girlfriend. She's like my little sister and the more I was around him the more I liked him. He loves to smoke and is dying to learn the art of growing. I told him back in the Winter if he had a good spot I would supply the plants and do the grow with him showing what knowledge i have.
Well this past Friday we went to scout the spot he said would probably be good. It is the most perfect guerrilla spot I've ever seen hands down and I've grown in some great ones over the years. I was dancing a jig. Smiling ear to ear. The spot is about 1/2 mile off a country road. It's fields between the road and the grow area. It's a small little patch of 8-10 acres
and nasty as fuck. Man eating briars, thorny ass trees. Once I made my way through that stretch of hell and got to the middle my heart swelled. Very open with just a few small trees towering at 5-6 ft high. I started to dig a hole and the soil was nice and black and dug easy. And wouldn't you know it, there's a creek close by. So I went from we'll probably put out 50 before ever seeing the spot to we should plug 100 in this gem of a spot and after a couple more days it was "fuck it. Let's do this right. 150 sounds like the magic number". All regular seed and we don't have the luxury of getting everything sexed out before planting. They will go from Solo cups to the ground. Which happens with me on a regular basis over the years. I told him that we will run 3 stretches of fishing line (1 at about 1.5 ft of the ground, 2nd one at about 3ft, and the last one at 4ft.) around the area explaining that will save us a lot of would be whitetail damage. I've never had a patch invaded since using that method. Told him our biggest enemy right off the bat will be coons and opossums. But we have all the holes dug and aged manure heavily mixed in each hole before we put the plants in. Give it 3 or 4 days for the local coons and opossums to get there inquisitive digging out of the way. Then for the sake of going the extra mile we will go back at least 2 days in a row after planting to re plant anything that might get dug up. Explaining to him that if you get out before the sun starts beating down on them you can replant and rarely lose any of them. I think we are going to get a battery and sump pump to hook up to it and garden hose of course. Told him we will leave these tools out there but tuck them away in a well hidden spot. After digging that first hole I dug 6 or 7 more. He was digging as well. The sweat was pouring off of us like water in the shower. I was like make no mistake about it brother this is hard work and takes a lot of dedication. But when it's wrapped up you won't give two shits how hard it was to pull off. I'm keeping 50 plants for my own private growing area this year. This could turn out to be one hell of a year but then again we could lose it all to rain, humidity, and insects. I said its good to be excited and have an ever growing passion for growing the most exotic beautiful plant on the Earth. But know that there will be years that make you question your dedication. As was my grow last year.

He wants to show me another spot in that area that he thinks is just as good as the one he showed me. So sometime soon we are going to go scout that area. If its another honey hole we will probably just put 75 in one spot and 75 in the other.

Very excited to share knowledge with him and have a front row seat to what will become of his soon to be passion. We have 2 ways to access the grow area and one is from his Mother's land. I still got to pinch myself. The absolute best guerrilla area I have ever seen. I've had some dandy's but this one takes the cake. :peace::hump::weed:
wish I could find a good young buck that's willing to work hard a shut there mouth,good luck my partner days r over to many problems always at harvest time
wish I could find a good young buck that's willing to work hard a shut there mouth,good luck my partner days r over to many problems always at harvest time
Partners do suck. Never put in the work you do, and always figure it won't hurt to pick a little early because they are broke.

My buddy is having some health problems and can't carry water and soil like he is used to, so he teaching his son the ropes this summer. Kid is about 22 or something like that, but has lived in town with his mamma all his teen years. He is more at home with a Game Boy than a shovel and backpack, but he likes to smoke, and he is poor. The one point my buddy is stressing every time he talks to the boy is to keep his mouth shut.
Great read, had me lmao a couple times and bringing back memories of my wilder days,I think it's a good thing to be able to teach someone the ins and outs of our passion especially when they are willing to listen and work is just another word,my twin sons watched me grow every year but every time I asked them to come and help they had video games to play now they are 22 years young and crying like lil pussies cause they can't grow weed, and when they call with another looming disaster I can't wait to run over there and give em a hand and tell them it's not that you guys can't grow,your just too fuckin lazy and there starts the 2 or 3 hour lecture/ass-chewin,I always like to act like they are really putting me out but the truth is I love it when they call,,truth be told their a lot farther ahead than I was at that age.AS for my grow I'm lagging this year got the holes dug and seeds in the solos this morning 4 Afghan Kush no worries though I live in Cen-Cal plenty of grow time left Sorry for ramblin Enjoy the season All
This year is changing rapidly. I am taking a young man under my wing. I'm very close to his girlfriend. She's like my little sister and the more I was around him the more I liked him. He loves to smoke and is dying to learn the art of growing. I told him back in the Winter if he had a good spot I would supply the plants and do the grow with him showing what knowledge i have.
Well this past Friday we went to scout the spot he said would probably be good. It is the most perfect guerrilla spot I've ever seen hands down and I've grown in some great ones over the years. I was dancing a jig. Smiling ear to ear. The spot is about 1/2 mile off a country road. It's fields between the road and the grow area. It's a small little patch of 8-10 acres
and nasty as fuck. Man eating briars, thorny ass trees. Once I made my way through that stretch of hell and got to the middle my heart swelled. Very open with just a few small trees towering at 5-6 ft high. I started to dig a hole and the soil was nice and black and dug easy. And wouldn't you know it, there's a creek close by. So I went from we'll probably put out 50 before ever seeing the spot to we should plug 100 in this gem of a spot and after a couple more days it was "fuck it. Let's do this right. 150 sounds like the magic number". All regular seed and we don't have the luxury of getting everything sexed out before planting. They will go from Solo cups to the ground. Which happens with me on a regular basis over the years. I told him that we will run 3 stretches of fishing line (1 at about 1.5 ft of the ground, 2nd one at about 3ft, and the last one at 4ft.) around the area explaining that will save us a lot of would be whitetail damage. I've never had a patch invaded since using that method. Told him our biggest enemy right off the bat will be coons and opossums. But we have all the holes dug and aged manure heavily mixed in each hole before we put the plants in. Give it 3 or 4 days for the local coons and opossums to get there inquisitive digging out of the way. Then for the sake of going the extra mile we will go back at least 2 days in a row after planting to re plant anything that might get dug up. Explaining to him that if you get out before the sun starts beating down on them you can replant and rarely lose any of them. I think we are going to get a battery and sump pump to hook up to it and garden hose of course. Told him we will leave these tools out there but tuck them away in a well hidden spot. After digging that first hole I dug 6 or 7 more. He was digging as well. The sweat was pouring off of us like water in the shower. I was like make no mistake about it brother this is hard work and takes a lot of dedication. But when it's wrapped up you won't give two shits how hard it was to pull off. I'm keeping 50 plants for my own private growing area this year. This could turn out to be one hell of a year but then again we could lose it all to rain, humidity, and insects. I said its good to be excited and have an ever growing passion for growing the most exotic beautiful plant on the Earth. But know that there will be years that make you question your dedication. As was my grow last year.

He wants to show me another spot in that area that he thinks is just as good as the one he showed me. So sometime soon we are going to go scout that area. If its another honey hole we will probably just put 75 in one spot and 75 in the other.

Very excited to share knowledge with him and have a front row seat to what will become of his soon to be passion. We have 2 ways to access the grow area and one is from his Mother's land. I still got to pinch myself. The absolute best guerrilla area I have ever seen. I've had some dandy's but this one takes the cake. :peace::hump::weed:
I never had deer damage and weve got A LOT, seems like they tend to keep away from the areas due to activty. Also i read a while back they wont touch your plants if there is enough of their natural food/ browse to sustain them, its largely unfamiliar from their perspective and has your stink all over the area (another deterrent) Found a spot like that that the other day, kinda makes you feel like skipping, the hip waders open up a whole new world.:smile:
. . . . Also i read a while back they wont touch your plants if there is enough of their natural food/ browse to sustain them, its largely unfamiliar from their perspective and has your stink all over the area (another deterrent) . . . . .

I wish my deer were so well mannered. Those sons of bitches will walk right through 1000 acres of wheat just to top my young plants for me.
Best time of year to bass fish in the NE imo, caught a 6 lb LM last week and usually do every year from the end of april-may, prespawn and bed fishing, love it! Also I read an article last year that the big females will literally hold up up on sunfish bedding areas waiting for an opportunity, this is a good thing to know.Solid bass there, nice!
wish I could find a good young buck that's willing to work hard a shut there mouth,good luck my partner days r over to many problems always at harvest time
I have never had a partner. If I get burnt then I get burnt. I'm having fun with it and I do trust the young man. Have gotten to know him very well and he's a genuine hearted and fair man. My kind of guy. But sure anything can happen. I will still have my private grow so either way I'll be all right but I could be all kinds of all right lol.
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I have never had a partner. If I get burnt then I get burnt. I'm having fun with it and I do trust then young man. Have gotten to know him very well and he's a genuine hearted and fair man. My kind of guy. But sure anything can happen. I will still have my private grow so either way I'll be all right but I could be all kinds of all right lol.
First year for a partner for me as well, he's a stand up guy, close friend but we'll see how it goes. Hopefully it doesn't affect our friendship and can turn into a long term partnership. The wife hates the idea of a partner.
First year for a partner for me as well, he's a stand up guy, close friend but we'll see how it goes. Hopefully it doesn't affect our friendship and can turn into a long term partnership. The wife hates the idea of a partner.
The bad part is if someone does happen across it and takes it then the 2 partners are left wondering if the other one fucked him. But considering the sheer nastiness of getting into the garden area I'm not worried about anyone finding it. We will hit it a couple of times a week probably with no pattern. Take turns driving and tending. Drop off at night with mask on and get it done. I was very leery about growing somewhere other than the area I grow but after looking it over I'm much more at ease.