So guys I'm at a crossroads.
I'm trying to choose between tables and buckets. Will use coco and have a gavita 750.
Either greentrees system or a 4x4 table.
Which setup and why?
Tables got versatility while buckets have access and about 5 inches hieght dif
I have been trying to find a good thread about the cap e & g system but haven't been able to find one yet so thought I would start this and see if I can get a good discussion going and compile a good overall document on the system.
If you are using the cap e & g system please give your feedback to the following questions and feel free to add anything else of interest you can think of.
What medium do you use? Were there other mediums you tried and then switched? I have tried stg inserts and hydro-ton but have much better results with hydro-ton.
Did you do any customizations to the system like raising the buckets 1 inch higher than the controller? I put 1 inch spacers in the outer bucket so the inner bucket wouldn't be sitting in water all the time. I also put hose clamps around all the tubing after I had one come off and get water everywhere.
Do you use the Cap system for both veg and flower? If so what were your feeding schedules for both stages? If you don't use the system for both veg and flower what did you use for veg and how easy was it to move/transplant to the cap system?
How often did you change the rez?
Which Nutes do you use?
Pros and cons of the CAP system?
Thanks to all
Let's see some your pics with that Peters nutrient I have use maxi and veg+bloom this is the next dry I would like to tryCAP system is fine, no matter how many people bitch that they don't drain completely. Actually, that is good they don't. It act's like a hempy bucket. Protection on the back end.
I have some CAP buckets but most of mine are ActiveAqua.
I feed every 3 hours, nothing during lights off.
I have used expanded clay, sunleaves grow stones, and GrowStone. I don't like GrowStone, sure it's light, it's white, and has micro pores. Though, it raises PH due to being silica based, and isn't very reusable.
As for nutrients. JR Peters Hydropnics 3-2-1 technique all the way through and no bloom boosters.
I spray Snow Storm on them once a week all the way through. NO MOLD AND NO BUD ROT. SUCK IT!
I use Hydroguard and change the VEG tank every 2 weeks and the Flower every week. I also run a chiller at 68F for each 55 gallon tank.
I do a perpetual grow. Yielding 2lbs each month from 2 rooms. I basically veg in one and throw them in and then, a month later throw the next batch in, then pull one out and throw more in...
It's not as efficient in the end as 3 separate rooms would be but I am in a small space with 5K of lighting total.
I DON'T use hose clamps. I haven't had a leak and this system is 2 years old.
Let's see some your pics with that Peters nutrient I have use maxi and veg+bloom this is the next dry I would like to try
look up 2 gallon strainer bags on amazon,.
mesh bags to wrap around your inner bucket, no more cleaning out rocks and debris from the bottom of your outer bucket or controller.
Hope people are around, I liked forever, purchaseing one second hand but fairly new tomorrow and I am gonna have questions, it's a 12 pot cap system with 55 gal res I believe. Running green planet nutrients gp3 gonna switch to pure blend pro seems to be easier to get, I'm in a dumb state so I'm just doing "veggies". My space is 8x8 cap 4 light controller 2000watts in cool tubes, getting actual vented hoods soon. Just seedlings now so not really feeding yet just super thrive and pHed water. Was gonna do dwc bubble buckets. I have gro experience with the pureblend pro in a 50/50 perlite Coco mix and had excellent results. Hoping for the same or better in a 12 site ebb and grow with pure blend. Unless I can find someone that doesn't take a month to ship my nutes. Any advice appreciated
I haven't used an ebb and gro system but I like the concept. I hear of users having issues with the float switch mechanisms though. My idea was to apply their controller to a system using larger size sites, reservoir and pumps. Something I would like to play around with someday. Do you know what is the difference between the old style and the new style as far as the controller part is concerned? Is it reliable? Should I just build my own?The old Capp ebb and gro systems are okay
The ebb and grow systems are awsome, the capp system is junk, the floats get stuck , it's not hard to make a industrial strength one with a good times and good floats, I have some pictures on my computer back home showing how to make one, you could make the buckets as large as you need, when I get back home I will also post a picture if you want of the plants I am growing under double neders now, freaking massive plants for indoors , the room is not set correctly yet as am helping another grower raise production and quality up, this is in Michigan, I have to hand it to you , you have skills,I haven't used an ebb and gro system but I like the concept. I hear of users having issues with the float switch mechanisms though. My idea was to apply their controller to a system using larger size sites, reservoir and pumps. Something I would like to play around with someday. Do you know what is the difference between the old style and the new style as far as the controller part is concerned? Is it reliable? Should I just build my own?