Good Morning Britain: We've got Susanna Reid trying so hard to squeeze out fake tears for effect after telephone interviewing a fake mother of a fake missing girl (who is no fucking way 15 years old in that photo) also with totally unconvincing crocodile tears, Piers Morgan ranting away and blaming Muslims, interviews with totally irrelevant people (Ian Duncan Smith and soap opera stars ffs), an underlying motive of curbing peoples right to free speech.........and all played to emotion without a stitch of objectiveness anywhere.
Coincidentally after Theresa May and the Tories have introduced new 'anti extremism' laws (Extremist Disruption Orders for example, that essentially make free speech illegal on social media) and right before a general election.
All photos of the scene with supposedly injured people on the floor have no children in them at all, all the injured people lying on the floor are adult men.
All photos that I've seen so far with so called injured people in them (visible injuries with blood, not just fake bandages on plain legs) have had adult men as the injured people, no kids.
And there are actually very few photos of supposedly injured people, I've found a handful only, about 5.
And I find it no coincidence that the one kid they are confirming dead.......18 year old Georgina Callander.......
........Just happened to have actually met Ariana Grande back in 2015.......
The crisis actor for this event is right there.
This 16-18 year old girl doesn't exist on the internet, she has no Facebook page and no Twitter account.
The Tweet that the newspapers are saying she posted a couple of days ago was not posted by her, it was supposedly posted by Emile de Ravin (who is a little known Australian actress) on the @emiliesatwell account and she is in the avatar picture with Georgina.
In nearly every picture of this Georgina girl I can find (only exist from news sites and the Twitter page that is not hers) she has a sort of press pass round her neck, has met various stars/actors and yet she is no where to be found on the internet.
She's a straight plant and I'll bet her name isn't even Georgina Callander in real life.
Or if she's an English citizen, she could even be a completely fictitious person who doesn't exist at all except in the digital world, a completely made up and photoshopped person.
Alarm bells are ringing people.