We're officially out of the Paris Climate Accord

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Exactly, and in less than 1 year the House Republicans that voted for the elimination of Obamacare, leaving 23 millions people, at least, without health insurance, will be fucked, hopefully.
We are not even talking about Paris, Medicaid cuts, EPA cuts, the threat on Social Security, and basically everything else besides the military. and border walls we shall see how the Republican House of Representatives end's up, with those cockersuckers following Trump and his policies into their elections.

This November coming up, we will see how fucked this country is, because if this nation votes Republican and continues Trump policies, I'm getting the out of the fuck out of Dodge, and going back to Ireland, where I will not have to worry about paying for my health care (free), or being able to pay for college for my son's college.(subsidies), and get away from this hell hole before I die.

Enough is enough, so fuck this shit, and I give up.
I worked with a US citizen who said fuck it and moved his family to New Zealand.
He has no regrets.


Well-Known Member
But seriously people, love Trump or hate him, he's STILL your president, your commander-in-chief, and will be for 7.5 more years. With 3-4 extremely conservative Supreme Court appointments. Just get over it.

Don't like it? Fine. Now you know how we felt during the 8-year dictatorship of Hussein Osama.

We hated it. We were appalled. We were made sick to our stomachs as Hussein lit up the White House in LGBT colors, mocking us. And then we galvanized against him, and her, and things are now changing for the better.

You had your turn. And you enjoyed it at our expense. Now it's our turn. So sit back, and just hope and pray we use KY Jelly, unlike you did.
we hate trump because he hates black people.

you hated obama because he is black.

big difference you dumb racist retard.

but thanks for letting us know your jubilation has nothing to do with the american solar workers you will be screwing or reducing us to global pariah alongside syria. it was just that you hated the black man so much.


Well-Known Member
But seriously people, love Trump or hate him, he's STILL your president, your commander-in-chief, and will be for 7.5 more years. With 3-4 extremely conservative Supreme Court appointments. Just get over it.

Don't like it? Fine. Now you know how we felt during the 8-year dictatorship of Hussein Osama.

We hated it. We were appalled. We were made sick to our stomachs as Hussein lit up the White House in LGBT colors, mocking us. And then we galvanized against him, and her, and things are now changing for the better.

You had your turn. And you enjoyed it at our expense. Now it's our turn. So sit back, and just hope and pray we use KY Jelly, unlike you did.

I have been an environmentalist and antiwar activist nonstop since Dubya was president and the right wing rhetoric of bigotry, islamophobia and homophobia such as this post has never once stopped, even for a second. Things are not improving, they're regressing. This shit stain is literally fascist and his supporters are bigots, many of whom embrace some end of the world fantasy. You fascists never sat back. You went full teabagger and never shut up with your bigotry even for a moment. Now you idiots rally with police protection and are still outnumbered 10-1 by counter-protestors and share videos of women being beaten up by neo-nazis.


Well-Known Member
My favorite part was how China the biggest polluter in the world was exempt for 13 years. Meanwhile the US was supposed to pay hundreds of billions of dollars into a green fund with no set purpose.
100's of billions of dollars? Why not trillions?
Show me the proof.
At least China is abiding with the Paris accord, and meeting their responsibility and correcting their policies, unlike the USA, which basically sad fuck the entire world, except for the 2 counties that love us the most, Nicaragua and Syria. (lol)


Well-Known Member
being a college grad in automotive,, i sat thru so many classes on air,, on smog,, on exhaust,, and if any of you feel this is nothing,, just stick your mouth over your car exhaust and tell me ,, how do you feel?
it's nto about the environment or climate or pollution or even american workers in renewable energies.

they just hate whatever the black president did, plain and simple.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
But seriously people, love Trump or hate him, he's STILL your president, your commander-in-chief, and will be for 7.5 more years. With 3-4 extremely conservative Supreme Court appointments. Just get over it.

Don't like it? Fine. Now you know how we felt during the 8-year dictatorship of Hussein Osama.

We hated it. We were appalled. We were made sick to our stomachs as Hussein lit up the White House in LGBT colors, mocking us. And then we galvanized against him, and her, and things are now changing for the better.

You had your turn. And you enjoyed it at our expense. Now it's our turn. So sit back, and just hope and pray we use KY Jelly, unlike you did.
Keep in mind that the majority of Americans did not vote for the orange turd.
Obama won his elections by large margins.
You are really really dumb. :dunce:


Well-Known Member

I have been an environmentalist and antiwar activist nonstop since Dubya was president and the right wing rhetoric of bigotry, islamophobia and homophobia such as this post has never once stopped, even for a second. Things are not improving, they're regressing. This shit stain is literally fascist and his supporters are bigots, many of whom embrace some end of the world fantasy. You fascists never sat back. You went full teabagger and never shut up with your bigotry even for a moment. Now you idiots rally with police protection and are still outnumbered 10-1 by counter-protestors and share videos of women being beaten up by neo-nazis.
Why so butthurt? You'd be so much more persuasive if you didn't call names.


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind that the majority of Americans did not vote for the orange turd.
That's true. Plus, a large number of Trump votes were actually anti-Hillary.

You'll never hear me say I'm glad Trump is our president. I'm just glad Hillary isn't.

I view Trump as a means to an end. He was the better of the two terrible choices we were offered. It was like choosing between a copperhead bite or a rattlesnake bite.
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Well-Known Member
Trump was right to get us free from a terrible economic deal. Hussein Osama got us into a terrible economic deal, paying for 3rd World country's emission remedies.

America first with Trump. The rest of the world can just be jealous.

We are now free from the apologist policies of the Osama administration.

As Trump said, we can now jump back into the Paris Accord, at fair cost to the US, without apologizing like Osama planned.
Your funny