Community hooker thread

I already called you mad and pointed out your triple quote bwfore I couls even respond.

LoL you suck at the internet. Say penis more, might make you "cool"
Whoa dude

You're seriously more of a pussy than I thought.

"You're. BAd at the internetz":dunce:

What's up with your tits?

Yeah he had all sorts of great things to say about you one cracked out night.

I feel bad for him.

Yet I take joy in watching him die in front of us. Hmmmm.
More lies eh bob.

That is all you are good at atretching thw truth to fit your needs.

Definitely teach your daughter that, it will help when her pimp asks her how much she made in 17 years
No woman would ever deem your sperm worthy to make a little crack baby.

Thank god.
Sure. See again you lie and know nothing

Address the lies you told. Your diversion tactics are fun but you bore me.

All you have is second hand info and a bunch of lies.

Triple quote me again plz.

Show me how much you don't care <3

Beta as fuck in here
Bob, your egomania is compensatory behavior, not just alcohol induced bluster. We are here to help you bobby. Tell us another pedophila joke and about how your day at work went.
He's a liar and whwn asked to pm me proof, turned into mr fucking smooth.

But his lines are rough and his wife is fat(ive seen her) shes a heffer m8
Sure. See again you lie and know nothing

Address the lies you told. Your diversion tactics are fun but you bore me.

All you have is second hand info and a bunch of lies.

Triple quote me again plz.

Show me how much you don't care <3

Beta as fuck in here
Lol sf you know I'd punch a hole In Your fat mayonnaise made gut.

"Bob looks ripped"-sf on TC

your body looks like it was made of semen and cream cheese :lol:

And I totally care. Feels so good to tell you what I think of you. Others only kept you around to laugh AT you. Trust that.